0031-6997/96/4804-0567$03.OO/OPHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS Vol. 48, No. 4Copyright © 1996 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Printed in U.S.A.
International Union of Pharmacology. XII.
Classification of Opioid Receptorsa
Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil, Lucknow, India (B.N.D., R.R.); Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche
Medicale (INSERM) U288, Facult#{233}de M#{233}decinePiti#{233}-Salpetri#{232}re,Boulevard de l’HOpital, Paris, France (F.C., M.H.);Department ofPharmacology, University ofPennsylvania, School ofMedicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (T.R.);
Department ofPharmacology, The University ofBirmingham, The Medical School, Edgbaston, Birmingham,
United Kingdom (P.B.B.); Department ofMedicinal Chemistry, College ofPharmacy, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minnesota (P.S.P.)
I. Introduction 568
II. Characterization and distribution of opioid receptors 570A. OP1 (6) receptors 570
1. Agomsts at OP1 receptors 570
2. Antagonists at OP1 receptors 5723. Radioligands and binding assays of OP1 receptors 572
4. Distribution of OP1 receptors 5735. Functions of OP1 receptors 573
B. OP2 (K) receptors 5751. Agonists at OP2 receptors 575
2. Antagonists at OP2 receptors 575
3. Radioligands and binding assays of OP2 receptors 5764. Distribution of OP2 receptors 576
5. Functions of OP2 receptors 576
C. OP3 (pt) receptors 5771. Agonists at OP3 receptors 5772. Antagonists at OP3 receptors 5783. Radioligands and binding assays of OP3 receptors 578
4. Distribution of OP3 receptors 579
5. Functions of OP3 receptors 579III. Molecular biology of the opioid receptors 579
A. Cloning of opioid receptors 5801. OP1 (6) receptor clones 580
2. OP2 (K) receptor clones 5813. OP3 (ia) receptor clones 582
4. Chimeric opioid receptors 582B. Other opioid-related, receptor-like recombinant proteins 583
1. Members of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily 5832. The peculiar status of OBCAM 583
C. Opioid receptor genes 583D. Opioid receptor transcripts 584
Iv. Transduction mechanisms 584
V. Concluding remarks 585vJ. Acknowledgments 586
VII. References 586
a Document prepared by the International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR) subcommittee on Opioid Receptors (P. B. Bradley, B. N.
Dhawan, C. J. Evans, M. Hamon, H. H. Loh, P. S. Portoghese, R. Raghubir, R. S. Rapaka, T. Reisine and P. W. Schufler).b Address correspondence to: Michel Hamon, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) U288, Faculte de
M#{233}decine Piti#{233}-SalpStri#{232}re, 91 Boulevard de l’H#{246}pital, 75634 Paris cedex 13, France.
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I. Introduction
The opioid receptor ligands have their basis in more
than 5000 years of medicinal use of opium (from “opos,”the Greek word for juice), which is obtained by scoring
the unripe seed capsule of poppy Papaver somniferum
and drying the exudate. The analgesic and anti-diar-rheal properties ofopium were already recognized by the
Sumerians and the early dynastic Egyptians, and thetherapeutic use of opium was discussed by Hippocrates,Dioscorides and Galen. Thus, “opium,” “laudanum,”“pulvis Doveri” and “paregoric” have been used for cen-
tunes in western medicine. The nature of the mood
changes also produced by opium has been the basis forits non-medicinal use (and abuse). In particular, opium
eating and smoking replaced the consumption of alco-holic drinks in Islamic countries, such as Arabia, Turkey
and Iran. Opium was also consumed as a favorite sub-stance of pleasure in India and China.
A German chemist, Friedrich Sertuner, isolated the
active principle morphine (from “Morpheus,” the Greek
god ofdreams, compound 1 in fig. 1) from opium in 1805,which was then used in therapy. Unfortunately, mor-
phine has just as much potential for abuse as does
opium. This prompted medicinal chemists to attempt to
develop safer and more efficacious compounds, with thegoal ofproviding analgesia with reduced abuse potential
and reduced incidence ofside effects (such as respiratorydepression). The exercise led to the synthesis of heroin(diacetylmorphine, compound 2 in fig. 1) in 1898, which
was claimed to be more potent than morphine and freefrom abuse liability. This was the first of such claims for
deoxyribonucleic acid; IUPHAR, International Union of Pharmacol-
ogy; DADLE, D-A1a2-D-leu5-enkephalin; Tic, tetrahydroisoquinoline;
DTLET,Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr; DSLET, Tyr-n-Ser-Gly-Phe-
Leu-Thr; DSTBULET, Tyr-D-Ser(OtBu)-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr; BUBU,
Tyr-D-Pen-Gly-Phe-D-Pen; SNC 80, (±)4-[(a-R)-cr-[2S,5R]-4-allyl[2,5-dimethyl-1-piperazinyl]-3-methoxybenzyl}N,N-diethyl-benzamide;
SIOM, 7-spiroindanyloxymorphone; NT!, naltrindole; DALCE,[D-Ala2,Leu5,Cy86]enkephalin; BNTX, 7-benzylidenenaltrexone;
5’-NTII, NT! 5’-isothiocyanate; NTB, naltriben; BNTI, N-benzylnal-
trindole; i.c.v., intracerebroventricular; IC50, concentration that
inhibits to 50%; DAMGO, Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol; TENA,
6f3,6’f3-[ethylenebis (oxyethyleneimino)lbis[17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-4,5a-epoxymorphinan-3,14-diol]; UPHIT, (1S,2S)-trans-2-isothiocya-nato-4,5-dichloro-N-methyl-N-[2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)cyclohexyl]benze-
neacetamide; DIPPA, 2-(3,4-dichuorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-(3-
isothiocyanatophenyl)-2-(1-pyrrodinyl)ethyl]acetamide; nor-BNI,nor-binaltorphimine; j3-FNA, �-funaltrexamine; CTAP, D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Arg-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2; CTOP, D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Orn-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2; TCTOP, D-Tic-CTOP; [‘251}IOXY-AGO,
6f3-[1 251]3, 14-dihydroxy- 1 7-methyl-4,5a-epoxymorphinan;
TRJMU-5, Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-N}1-(CH2)2-CH(CH3)2; GABAA, -y-arninobu-
tyric acid A; COS, monkey fibroblast cells; CHO, Chinese hamsterovary; TIPP, H-Tyr-Tic-Phe-Phe-OH; TIPP�I’, H-Tyr-Tic’l’[CH2-
NH}Phe-Phe-OH; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; cAMP, cyclic aden-osine monophosphate; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid; ORL1,Opioid Receptor-Like protein �; OBCAM, Opioid Binding Cell Ad-hesion Molecule.
Morphine (.1)
Heroin (dIacetylmorphine) (�)
Naloxone (�)
Naltrexone (4)
Na$orphrne (5) 0
, N-CH�.cH-GH,
FIG. 1. Non-selective agonists and antagonists at opioid
receptors. Morphine (compound 1): (5a,6a)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-6-diol. Heroin (diacetylmor-phine) (compound 2): (5a,6a)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-6-diol diacetate. Naloxone (compound 3):
4,5-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxy-17-(2-propenyl)morphinan-6-one. Nal-
trexone (compound 4): 17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-4,5-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxymorphinan-6-one. Nalorphine (compound 5): 7,8-di-dehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-(2-propenyl)morphinan-3,6-diol. Nalorphine is an
agonist at OP2 receptors and an antagonist at OP3 receptors.
novel opioids. However, to date, none has proven valid
(see Brownstein, 1993). The first pure opioid antagonist,naloxone (compound 3, and its congener, naltrexone,compound 4 in fig. 1) was produced in the 1940s, after
the synthesis ofnalorphine (N-allylnormorphine or corn-pound 5 in fig. 1), which was previously used to prevent
the effects of opioid receptor agonists. However, thisaction does not concern all opioid receptors, becausenalorphine has also been shown to mimic the action ofsome agonists (fig. 1).
By the mid-1970s, the first endogenous peptide li-
gands for opioid receptors (enkephalins and �3-endor-ph.in, table 1) were isolated and sequenced (Hughes et
al., 1975; Bradbury et al., 1976; Cox et a!., 1976; Li andChung, 1976; Pasternak et al., 1976). Another group ofpeptides, the first of which was named dynorphin, wasthen identified in the 1980s (Goldstein et al., 1981, table1). In the same period, it was recognized that each of theopioid peptides is made as part of a larger precursorprotein. In mammals, there are three such precursors:(a) proenkephalin A, which yields four met-enkephalins,one leu-enkephalin, one met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 and
Mammalian peptides
Endogenous uganda ofopioid receptors
Met5-enkephalin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met
Leu5-enkephalin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu
Met5-enkephalin-Arg�-Phe7: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-PheMet5enkepha1in-A.rg�-Gly7-Leu8: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Gly-Leu
Dynorphins Dynorphin A: �-Gly-Gly-Phe-�u-�g-Arg-Ile-Arg-Pro-Lys-Leu-Lys-Trp-Acp-Acn-Gln
Dynorphin B: �-Gly-Gly-Phe-�u-Arg-Arg-Gln-Phe-Lys-Val-Val-Thr-Arg-Ser-Gln-Glu-Acp-Pro-Asn-Ala-Tyr-Glu-Glu-Leu-Phe-Asp-Val
13-endorphin (camel)
Amphibian peptides
A: Tyr-D-Met-Phe-His-Leu-Met-Asp-NH2 (deltorphin, dermenkephalin, dermorphin gene-associated peptide)
B: Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Glu-Val-Val-Gly-NH2 (deltorphin H)C: Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Asp-VaI-Val-Gly-NH2 (deltorphin I)
one met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (Noda et al., 1982);
(b) prodynorphin (or proenkephalin B), which gives rise
to dynorphins A and B, and a- and �3-neoendorphins(Kakidani et al., 1982); and (c) proopiornelanocortin,
which is processed into corticotropin, �3-lipotropin and
melanotropins along with f3-endorphin (Nakanishi et al.,1979, table 1). Among a myriad of potent bioactive sub-stances, the frog skin contains opioid peptides, named
dermorphins and deltorphins A, B and C (Ersparner etal., 1989; Lazarus et al., 1994; table 1). All the amphib-ian opioids have an amino acid with the rare (in a
mammalian context) D-enantiomer in lieu of the normal
L-isomer. Cloning of the complementary deoxyribonu-
cleic acids (cDNAs) encoding the precursors showed that
deltorphin A, on one hand, and deltorphins B and C, onthe other hand, derive from different genes (Richter etal., 1990).
Both opiates (“opiate” refers specifically to the prod-
ucts derived from thejuice ofthe opium poppy, althoughit has been loosely applied to morphine derivatives) andopioids (the term “opioid” refers to any directly actingcompound whose effects are stereospecifically antago-
nized by naloxone), including endogenous opioid pep-tides, have helped substantially in the identification of
opioid receptors. However, the concept of pharmacolog-ically relevant receptors for opioids, based on activitiesof stereoisomers, was first elaborated by Beckett and
Casy as early as 1954. Later, Portoghese (1965) sug-gested the concept of different modes of interaction ofmorphine and other analgesics with opioid receptors.Goldstein et al. (1971) subsequently proposed that ra-diolabeled compounds might be used to demonstrate theexistence ofthese receptors and to characterize them. Assoon as radioligands with high specific activities were
available, three different groups, independently, but si-
multaneously, showed that there are stereospecific opi-oid binding sites in mammalian brain (Pert and Snyder,1973; Simon et aL, 1973; Terenius, 1973).
Although it was becoming clear by the mid-1960s that
the actions of opioid agonists, antagonists and mixedagonist-antagonists could be explained best by actionson multiple opioid receptors (Portoghese, 1965), the first
convincing evidence for this concept was provided by
Martin and coworkers in 1976. Their behavioral and
neurophysiological observations in the chronic spinal
dog led these authors to propose the existence of three
types of opioid receptors. These receptors were named
after the drugs used in the studies: mu (pt, for morphine,which induces analgesia, miosis, bradycardia, hypother-mia, indifference to environmental stimuli), kappa (K,
for ketocyclazocine, which induces miosis, general seda-tion, depression of flexor reflexes) and sigma (o-, for SKF10,047 or N-allylnormetazocine, which induces mydria-sis, increased respiration, tachycardia, delirium). After
they discovered the enkephalins, Kosterlitz and cowork-ers (Hughes et al., 1975) studied their properties andthose ofother opioids using radioligand binding methodsand two bioassays with peripheral tissues. Indeed, opi-
oid receptors are present not only in the central nervous
system but also at the periphery, and this has beenexploited to provide functional models of opioid action.
Thus, various preparations of the isolated ileum of theguinea pig and of the vas deferens from mouse, rat,rabbit and hamster have been used for more than 30years in pharmacological assays to assess the agonistlantagonist properties of opioids. (Kosterlitz et al., 1980,
1981; Wild et al., 1993a). Whereas morphine is more
potent than the enkephalins in inhibiting neurotrans-
mitter release giving rise to electrically induced contrac-
tions of the guinea pig ileum, the reverse is true in themouse vas deferens preparation. Moreover, the effects of
the opioid peptides on the vas deferens are relativelyinsensitive to naloxone. Based on these observations,
Kosterlitz and coworkers proposed that a fourth type of
opioid receptor, named delta (6, for deferens), is presentin mouse vas deferens (Lord et al., 1977). Because the o
receptor has subsequently been shown to be non-opioidin nature (Mannalack et al., 1986), there are thus three
main types of pharmacologically defined opioid recep-
tors: IA., 6 and K. Their existence has recently been clearly
confirmed using molecular biology approaches. Indeed,three types of opioid receptors have been cloned, with
binding and functional properties consistent with theiridentities as it-, 6- and K-opioid receptors, respectively(see Reisine and Bell, 1993; Kieffer, 1995; Satoh and
Minami, 1995).There is some evidence to suggest that additional
opioid receptor types may exist. In particular, the epsi-
lon receptor (#{128},Wuster et al., 1979), the zeta receptor (�,Zagon et al., 1991) and a high affinity binding site,
lambda (A, Grevel et al., 1985), may also be parts of the
opioid receptor system. Among these putative opioidreceptors, the c-receptor has been studied in greaterdetail, notably in the rat vas deferens. In this organ,f3-endorphin is a potent inhibitor of electrically evoked
twitching, but shorter sequences than the first 21 aminoacids of this peptide are considerably weaker for exert-ing this effect, and fragments consisting offewer than 17amino acids are practically inactive (Schulz et al., 1981).
The pharmacological properties of the #{128}-receptor arethus markedly different from those of the other opioid
receptors (Schulz et al., 1981; Shook et al., 1988), al-though some authors have suggested that it might cor-respond to a subtype of the �t- or the K-opioid receptors
(Nock et al., 1993; Fowler and Fraser, 1994).With regard to the nomenclature of the well defined
opioid receptors, the situation is rather confused for thefollowing reasons: (a) although the use of Greek letters
is generally accepted by pharmacologists, molecular bi-ologists renamed the 6, K and �t receptors DOR, KOR andMOR, respectively (table 2); (b) both of these nomencla-
tures are poorly informative regarding the nature ofthese receptors. Indeed, the Greek letters that derived,
for two of them (K and p.), from synthetic ligands (keto-
cyclazocine and morphine, respectively), provide no in-formation on the endogenous agonists acting at thesereceptors. Similarly, the nomenclature proposed by themolecular biologists is not satisfactory because it derivesdirectly from the Greek letters. Based on the guidelines
defined by the International Union of Pharmacology(IUPHA.R) Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and
Drug Classification, receptors should be named aftertheir endogenous ligands and identified by a numerical
subscript corresponding to the chronological order of theformal demonstration of their existence by cloning and
Rational (JUPHAR recommendation) and current nomenclatures of
opioid receptors
Preferential Opioid ReceptorsEndogenous Molecular
Opioid IUPHAR Pharmacology bioloLigands recommendation nomenclature nomenclature
Enkephalins OP1 S DOR
Dynorphins OP2 K KOR
f3-endorphin OP3 � MOR
Current nomenclatures derive from the peripheral preparation
that was extensively used for characterizing the receptor (8, DOR, for
mouse vas deferens) or the synthetic ligand that allowed originally
its identification (K, KOR, for ketocyclazocine; �.t, MOR, for mor-phine).
The IUPHAR nomenclature indicates the nature of the endoge-nous ligand: OP for opioids, and the chronological order of the first
formal demonstration of the existence of the receptors. Accordingly,
newly identified opioid receptors, if any, would be named OP4, OP5,
sequencing (Vanhoutte et al., 1996). Thus, the generic
designation for these receptors on which all opioids actas agonists should be OP. Because the 6 receptor was thefirst to be cloned (Evans et al., 1992; Kieffer et al., 1992),
it should be renamed OP1, and the K and �t receptors,which were then successively cloned (see Reisine and
Bell, 1993; Kieffer, 1995; Satoh and Minami, 1995),should become the OP2 and OP3 receptors, respectively
(table 2). In contrast to the other two nomenclaturesused in the literature to date, this new one would allow
any newly discovered opioid receptor(s) to be logicallynamed following the same informative guidelines (OP4,0P5, etc). IUPHAR guidelines should also be followed for
the nomenclature of opioid receptor subtypes, as an ad-ditional subscript letter would allow their distinction
(OP1A and #{176}�1B, for instance). However, the existence of
such subtypes is still largely hypothetical.This rational nomenclature has been adopted in the
subsequent sections devoted to the three opioid recep-
tors whose existence has been firmly established to date.
II. Characterization and Distribution of OpioidReceptors
A. OP1 (�) Receptors
1. Agonists at OP1 receptors. Because the OP1 receptor
was initially defined using the mouse vas deferens prep-aration, in which enkephalins are more potent thanmorphine in inhibiting electrically evoked neurotrans-
mitter release (Lord et aL, 1977), it is not surprising thatthese peptides have relatively high affinity (but ratherlow selectivity) for this receptor (table 2). With few ex-
ceptions, all OP1 receptor agonists are peptides, derived
from enkephalins or belonging to the class of amphibianskin opioids (table 1). D-A1a2-D-leu5-enkephalin(DADLE) was initially found to be a selective agonist at
OP1 receptor using guinea pig ileum and mouse vasdeferens assays (Kosterlitz et al., 1980). However, recep-
tor binding studies subsequently showed that DADLE
has only two-fold greater affinity for OP1 than for OP3
receptors (James and Goldstein, 1984). A hexapeptide,
- pEpTmES -- PEP11DES -
DSLET (fig. 2), was found to have at least 20-600-foldselectivity, depending on the assay, for OP1 over OP2and OP3 receptors (Gacel et al., 1980). A related corn-
CI 154,129
CI 174,864
Naftrindole (Nil) (9)
Naltrindole 5’-isothiocyanate (5’-NTII) (ii)
BW 373U88 (9)
SNC 80 &)
SIOM (9)
Deltorphin I
Deltorphtn II
� CH3
CH�” N
Naltriben (.12)
N-benzylnaltrindole (BNTI, J.�)
FIG. 2. OP1 (�) opioid receptor ligands. BW373U86 (compound 6): (±)4-[(a-R)-a-[2S,5R)-4-allyl-2,5-dimethyl-1-piperazinyl]-3-hydroxy-benzyl]-N,N-diethyl-benzamide. SNC 80 (compound 7): (±)-4-[(a-R)-a-[2S,5R]-4-allyl-2,5-dimethyl-1-piperazinyl]-3-methoxybenzyl]-N,N-diethyl-benzamide. SIOM (compound 8): 7-spiroindanyloxymorphone. Naltrindole (NT!) (compound 9): 17-cyclo-propylmethyl-6,7-
dehydro-4,5-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxy-6,7,2’,3’-indolmorphinan. BNTX (compound 10): 7-benzylidenenaltrexone. Naltriben (NTB)
(compound 12): naltrindole benzofuran. Aib, aminoisobutyric acid; Tic, tetrahydroisoquinoline.
pound, DTLET (fig. 2), has three-fold better OP1 recep-tor selectivity than does DSLET, as determined in
guinea pig ileum and mouse vas deferens assays (Zajacet al., 1983) as well as in receptor binding assays (Delay-
Goyet et al., 1985). More recently, novel opioid peptideagomsts have been synthesized: DSTBULET (fig. 2), andits analogues BUBU (fig. 2) (Delay-Goyet et al., 1988)and BUBUC (fig. 2) (Gacel et al., 1990), which are up to1000-fold more potent at OP1 than at OP3 receptors. The
cyclic peptides, DPLPE (fig. 2), DPDPE (fig. 2) and de-rivatives, resulting from para-halogen substitution of
the Phe ring, are of comparable selectivity for the OP1receptors (Mosberg et al., 1983; Toth et al., 1990). Cer-
tam opioid peptides from the amphibian skin also have
high affinity and selectivity for OP1 receptors. One of
them was named deltorphin by one group (Kreil et al.,1989), but has also been referred to as dermorphin gene-
associated peptide (Lazarus et al., 1989), dermenkepha-lin (Amiche et al., 1989) and more recently, deltorphin A
(see Lazarus et al., 1994). Deltorphin I (also referred toas deltorphin C) and deltorphin II (or deltorphin B)
(Erspamer et al., 1989; Lazarus et al., 1994), two otheramphibian skin peptides, are not only 10-20 fold more
selective but also show an affinity for OP1 receptors thatis 10-200 times higher than that of synthetic enkephalin
analogues (Erspamer et aL, 1989).
The first non-peptidic agonist that was reported to
have some selectivity for OP1 opioid receptors was
BW373U86 (fig. 2, compound 6), an opioid with a ben-
zhydrylpiperazine skeleton (Chang et al., 1993). Al-
though membrane binding studies showed that thiscompound is only approximately 20-fold more potent at
OP1 than at OP2 and OP3 receptors (Chang et al., 1993)and exhibits a significant degree of toxicity (Corner etal., 1993), BW373U86 could represent a lead compoundfor the development of non-peptidic OP1 receptor ago-nists. Indeed, the methyl ether of one enantiomer ofBW373U86, SNC 80 (fig. 2, compound 7, Bilsky et al.,
1995), recently has been synthesized, and its propertiesare promising. Studies with SNC 80 in the mouse vas
deferens and guinea pig ileum preparations as well asradioligand binding assays demonstrated that this corn-pound shows approximately 2000-fold selectivity for OP1(rather than OP3) receptors. Furthermore, in contrast toBW373U86, SNC 80 exhibits only minimal signs of tox-
icity (Bilsky et al., 1995). As illustrated in figure 2, thenaltrexone derivative SIOM is also a potent and rather
selective agonist at OP1 receptors (Portoghese et al.,1993).
2. Antagonists at OP1 receptors (fig. 2). The first an-tagomsts that were shown to exhibit significant selec-
tivity for the OP1 receptors were enkephalin analogues.ICI 154,129 (fig. 2) exhibits a 30-fold selectivity for this
type of opioid receptors versus the others but is anantagonist ofrather low potency (Shaw et al., 1982). ICI174,864 (fig. 2) has a greater potency at OP1 receptors
(Cotton et al., 1984), but its carboxypeptidase degrada-
tion product is an agonist at OP3 receptors, which makesits use, especially for in vivo investigations aimed at
specifically inactivating OP1 receptors, rather problem-atic (Cohen et al., 1986). The naltrexone derivative nal-
trindole (NTI) (fig. 2, compound 9) was the first reallyselective and potent OP1 receptor antagonist to be syn-thesized (Portoghese et al., 1988). It binds to OP1 recep-
tors in monkey brain membranes with a K� value in thepicomolar range and a 100-fold selectivity for these re-ceptors as compared with OP2 and OP3 receptors (Em-merson et al., 1994). In mice, NTI also acts as an agonist
at OP2 receptors, but at higher doses than those for theblockade of OP1 receptors (Stapelfeld et al., 1992; Take-mori et al., 1992). Substitution of tetrahydroisoquinoline
(Tic) at the 2-position of a deltorphin-related tetrapep-
tide analogue produced a potent and highly selective
OP1 receptor antagonist, TIPP (fig. 2) (Sculler et al.,
1992). TIPP displaces [3H]-DSLET specifically bound torat brain membranes with a K� ofapproximately 1 nM. It
is therefore less potent than NTI, but its selectivity forOP1 receptors is 80-fold higher than that of the non-
peptide antagonist (Schiller et al., 1992). Reduction ofthe Tic2-Phe3 peptide bond in TIPP resulted in TIPP[’F1(fig. 2), which shows improved OP1 antagonist potency
and selectivity, and no OP2 or OP3 antagonist properties(Schiller et al., 1993). The chemical structures of thesevarious selected OP1 receptor ligands are given in figure
3. Radioligands and binding assays of OP1 receptors.
The most selective agonist radioligands for the specificlabeling of OP1 receptors are tritiated or radioiodinated
derivatives of DPDPE and deltorphins I and II. Theaffinity of [3Hldeltorphins I and II and [3H1[4’Cl-Phe4]DPDPE for OP1 receptors is one to two orders ofmagnitude greater than that of[3HIDPDPE (Akiyama et
al., 1985; Erspainer et al., 1989; Vaughn et al., 1989;
Buzas et al., 1992). ‘251-labeled derivatives of deltor-
phins and DPDPE, which exhibit affinity and selectivity
for OP1 receptors as high as those of the parent com-pounds (Dupin et al., 1991; Knapp et al., 1991; Fang etal., 1992), have the advantage over tritiated compoundsof having, obviously, higher specific radioactivity. Otherradioligands of interest for the labeling of OP1 receptors
are the commercially available [3HIDSLET and [3H]DT-LET, which are less selective than deltorphin and DP-
DPE derivatives, but which have high affinities for thisreceptor and lead to high ratio of specific over total
binding (Delay-Goyet et al., 1990). The first antagonistradioligand that was developed for the labeling of OP1receptors was [3H]NTI (Yamamura et al., 1992; Con-treras et al., 1993). Other potent and selective antago-nist radioligands of OP1 receptors are [3HITIPP and
[3H]TIPP[’I’J (Nevin et al., 1993, 1995).
a. THE QUESTION OF OP1 RECEPTOR SUBTYPES. The exis-tence of subtypes ofOP1 receptors was first suggested bySofuoglu et al. (1991) and Jiang et al. (1991) on the basisof differential blockade of the action of OP1 receptor
agonists by different OP1 selective antagonists. Subse-quently, studies with brain membranes and with NG108-15 cells yielded biphasic inhibition of specific OP1
radioligand binding by various ligands, which led to theproposal of the existence of the so-called “6k” and 62
recognition sites (Fang et al., 1994; Fowler and Fraser,1994). DPDPE would act as a preferential “6k” agonist
(but also as a partial “�2” agonist, Vanderah et aL, 1994),whereas DSLET and [D-Ala2J deltorphin II would be
preferential “62” agonists (Portoghese et al., 1992a, b).An oxymorphone derivative, SIOM (fig. 2, compound 8),
was recently reported to be the first non-peptide “6k”agonist. However, this compound, which acts neither at“62” binding sites nor at OP2 receptors, is also an OP3receptor antagonist (Portoghese et al., 1993). Experi-ments with antagonists led to the distinction of
[D-A1a2,Leu5,Cys6lenkephalin (DALCE) (fig. 2), an irre-versible OP1 receptor antagonist (Bowen et al., 1987),
7-benzylidenenaltrexone (BNTX) (fig. 2, compound 10,Pontoghese et al., 1992a), and 7’-substituted glycinate
and aspartate conjugates of NTI (Pontoghese et aL,1995) as rather selective blockers ofthe “8k” binding site.
By contrast, NTI 5’-isothiocyanate (fig. 2, compound 11,5’-NTII), a non-equilibrium OP1 receptor antagonist(Portoghese et al., 1992b), naltriben (NTB) (fig. 2, corn-pound 12), a benzofuran analogue of NTI (Sofuoglu etal., 1991), and N-benzylnaltrindole (BNTI) (fig. 2, corn-
pound 13, Korlipara et al., 1994), also a long-actingantagonist, would act preferentially at the “62” subtype.According to Tseng et al. (1995), the latter subtype
would mediate the effects of met-enkephalin in the spi-
nal cord. However, the actual demonstration of the ex-istence of “6k” and “�2” Subt3Tj�eS (which should be called
#{176}�1A and #{176}�1B, respectively, according to the IUPHARguidelines, Vanhoutte et al., 1996) requires further in-
vestigation, as only one protein with the typical OP1receptor pharmacological profile has been cloned to date.
4. Distribution of OP1 receptors. Similar distributionpatterns of OP1 receptors have been obtained using au-toradiographical techniques with various tritiated andradioiodinated ligands (Waksrnan et al., 1986; Tempel
and Zukin, 1987; Mansour et al., 1988; Delay-Goyet etal., 1990; Dupin et al., 1991; Renda et al., 1993). In the
central nervous system, OP1 receptors have a more re-stricted distribution than other opioid receptors. Thehighest OP1 receptor densities are present in olfactory
bulb, neocortex, caudate putarnen and nucleus accum-bens. Thalarnus, hypothalamus and brainstem have
moderate to poor OP1 receptor density (Mansour et al.,1988; Dupin et al., 1991; Renda et al., 1993). Recently,antibodies generated against selective portions of theOP1 receptor amino acid sequence were used to localizethis receptor type in the central nervous system of ro-
dents and primates. The observed immunohistochemicaldistribution matched perfectly that established usingautoradiographical methods (Dado et al., 1993; Arvids-
son et al., 1995; Bausch et al., 1995; Honda and Anvids-
son, 1995). In addition, immunocytochemistry at the
ultrastructural level (Cheng et al., 1995) provided the
definitive proof of the existence of presynaptic OP1 re-
ceptors responsible for the inhibitory influence of opioids
on the release of neurotransmitters (substance P, calci-
tonin gene-related peptide, etc.) from the terminals ofprimary afferent fibers within the dorsal horn of the rat
spinal cord (Bourgoin et al., 1994).
5. Functions ofOP1 receptors. The OP1 receptors have
a role in analgesia, motor integration, gastro-intestinal
motility, olfaction, respiration, cognitive function, mood
driven behavior, etc. In rats, selective OP1 agonists andendogenous enkephalins, through the stimulation of
OP1 receptors, have been shown to increase locomotor
activity and to induce antidepressant-like effects (which
are dependent on dopaminergic systems; Baarnonde et
al., 1992). In addition, OP1 receptors are expressed by
immune cells in line with data showing that endogenous
opioids acting at these receptors can affect immune func-
tions (Harnon, 1991). Spinal OP1 receptors are involved
in the antinociceptive action of opioids (Porreca et aL,
1984, 1987; Sullivan et al., 1989; Drower et al., 1991;
Improta and Broccardo, 1992; Stewart and Hammond,
1993), notably through the mediation of a direct inhibi-
tory action of selective agonists on the release of sub-stance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from the
terminals of nociceptive primary aflerent fibers (Bour-
goin et al., 1994). When administered onto the spinal
cord, OP1 receptor agonists appear particularly effective
toward thermal and chemical stimuli (Schmauss and
Yaksh, 1984; Porreca et al., 1987; Paul et aL, 1989). The
spinal sites of action of OP1 receptor agonists for reduc-ing nociception do not exclude the involvement of su-
praspinal and peripheral (see Stein, 1993) OP1 receptors
in their analgesic effects. Indeed, Mathiasen and Vaught(1987), Heyman et al. (1988) and Jiang et al. (1990)
provided evidence for the involvement of supraspinalreceptors in analgesia due to OP1 receptor agonists.
Furthermore, in mice that are deficient in OP3 recep-
tors, intracerebroventricular (i.cv.) administration of
morphine or DAMGO is ineffective in producing antino-
ciception, while the potency of OP1 receptor agonists
such as DPDPE is unaltered (Vaught et al., 1988). OP1receptor stimulation also produces respiratory depres-
sion (Haddad et al., 1984; Morin-Surun et al., 1984;
Pazos and Florez, 1984; Yeadon and Kitchen, 1990; Fr-
eye et al., 1991). Treatment with OP1 agonists can lead
to a reduced respiratory frequency with a prolongationof expiratory time (Haddad et al., 1984; Morin-Surun et
al., 1984). Both peripheral (Fox-Threlkeld et al., 1994;Pol et al., 1994) and central (spinal and supraspinal)(Burks et al., 1988; Broccardo and Improta, 1992; Pol et
aL, 1994) OP1 receptors seem to be involved in the inhi-bition of gastrointestinal transit by selective agonists.
Medullary OP1 receptors are also important for cardio-
vascular regulation (Srimal et al., 1982; Arndt, 1987)
�;r�1� � � ...#{231}$...�U�5O,488 (ii)
E-2075 �dynoq,Nn-A(1-6) �h�lsmids
Dynorph�� Is TyPta-t.eu-Azg-Arg-fle-Arg-Pro-Lys&su.Lys-Tyr-L.u-Pta.Aan-GPy-Pro CM,
-NoN�mss- U-69.593 (19) �Q_N�C�CM._.Q
0 ..�N04,<
K�oc�U�) � u�ao� c)Q.I;-CM.-d�0
HOS�-l�\--cM3 (S�ne)
Eth� J�L S�9�NQ
HOS__I’��\_cM?CH3 PD 1 17302 (21) � (.T�
N-cM,-�� cc,-i� OH 0-977 (22)
B�i�mszocmi (15) HO/!;�%_IJ.. � (PD 129290, .nadoIine)
0c�, �
c:i�#{176}T5usdom (1� �yF ICI 197067 (22)
id 199 441 (24) :)ZL_-L-N���NO - NoN.p�11oEs -none
� � � � �NA (�) �
Lr0H00 �)
EMD 61753 (25) �z:1%�:ST_Kc::� Noc-binefto,phM,Wa (�j(NoBNI)�_p H
END 00400 �2Z) � � (a:1.) �‘�1HOc�k:o��iL(cH.))CM3
�D-0H 0
oVo�cH. UPHIT (32)
GR�e�) (N1�N�D NCS Ncs
�k�oz �PPA(32)
,-�-1�N&BzOH (34)
FIG. 3. OP2 (K) opioid receptor ligands. Ketocyclazocine (compound 14): 3-(cyclopropylmethyl)-8-keto-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro-6,1 1-
dimethyl-2,6-methano-3-benzazocin-8-ol. Ethylketocyclazocine (compound 15): 3-(cyclopropylmethyl)-8-keto-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro-6-
methyl-11-ethyl-2,6-methano-3-benzazocin-8-ol. Bremazocine (compound 18): (±)-6-ethyl-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro-3-{(1-hydroxyclopropyl)-
IUPHAR CLASSIFICATION OF OPIOID RECEPTORS 575and appear to participate in the central hypotensive
effect of clonidine (Raghubir et al., 1987).
B. OP2 (K) Receptors
1. Agonists at OP2 receptors. The OP2 receptor wasoriginally defined by the unique in vivo pattern of ago-
nist activity of ketocyclazocine (fig. 3, compound 14),which differs markedly from that of morphine. Thus, in
the seminal work of Martin et al. (1976), flexor reflexdepression and sedation without marked effects on heartrate or the skin twitch reflex were specifically ascribed
to the activation of OP2 receptors by ketocyclazocine.
This benzomorphan, together with ethylketocyclazocine
(fig. 3, compound 15, Martin et a!., 1976; Lord et al.,1977) and other compounds initially used for studying
OP2 receptors, such as bremazocine (fig. 3, compound 16,
R#{246}meret al., 1980) and tifluadom (fig. 3, compound 17,
a benzodiazepine derivative, R#{246}meret al., 1982) have
generally high affinity for opioid receptors but are rathernon-selective OP2 agonists (Emmerson et al., 1994). Thefirst really selective (OP2:OP3 selectivity ratio of 50-200)OP2 agonist, the arylacetamide U-50,488 (fig. 3, corn-pound 18), was synthesized in 1982 by the Upjohn Corn-
pany (Kalamazoo, MI) (Lahti et al., 1982; Von Voigt-lander et al., 1983). It was followed by compounds
U-69,593 (fig. 3, compound 19, Lahti et al., 1985) andU-62,066 (fig. 3, compound 20, spiradoline, Von Voigt-lander and Lewis, 1988) with comparable (Emmerson et
al., 1994; France et al., 1994) or higher OP2 selectivity
(Lahti et al., 1985).
Several other agonists have been synthesized as de-rivatives ofthis first series ofarylacetamide compounds.
These include PD 117302 (fig. 3 compound 21, Clark etal., 1988), CI-977 (fig. 3 compound 22, or PD 129290 or
enadoline, Hunter et al., 1990), ICI 197067 (fig. 3, corn-
pound 23), ICI 199441 (fig. 3, compound 24), and ICI204448 (fig. 3 compound 25, Costello et al., 1988; Nock et
al., 1989). Contrary to ICI 197067 (fig. 3, compound 23)which readily crosses the blood-brain barrier, ICI204448 (fig. 3, compound 25) does not substantially en-
ter the brain (Barber et al., 1994a, b). EMD 61753 (fig. 3,
compound 26), and, to a lesser extent, EMD 60400 (fig. 3,
compound 27) are also selective OP2 receptor agonists
acting exclusively at the periphery (Barber et al., 1994a,
b). A series of benzeneacetamido-piperazine analogues,
such as GR 89696 (fig. 3, compound 28), are also potentand rather selective OP2 receptor agonists (Hayes et al.,
1990; Rogers et al., 1992).The most probable endogenous ligands of OP2 recep-
tons are dynorph.ins (table 2, Chavkin et al., 1982).Dynorphins A and B (table 1) have high affinity (K� = 1.1
nM), but limited selectivity, for OP2 receptors (Corbett et
al., 1982). Various structural modifications have beenmade in dynorphin molecules in attempts to synthesize
analogues with enhanced selectivity for the OP2 recep-
tons. Thus, [D-Pno10]dynonphin A-(1-11) (fig. 3) wasshown to be about 200-fold more potent than U-50,488
(fig. 3, compound 18) in stimulating OP2 receptors (Gai-nin et al., 1985). More recently synthesized dynorphinA-(1-11) derivatives are undoubtedly selective OP2 ago-
nists (0P2:0P3:OP1 K� ratio = 1/1000/7000), but theirbiological activities are still poorly characterized (Choi
et al., 1992; Lung et al., 1995). Shorter (E-2078, fig. 3,
Yoshino et al., 1990) and longer (dynorphin Ia, fig. 3,Martinka et al., 1991) dynorphin A analogues with po-
tent and selective OP2 agonist properties have also been
described.2. Antagonists at OP2 receptors (fig. 3). The first com-
pounds designed for blocking OP2 receptors, such as
TENA (fig. 3, compound 29), lacked sufficient selectivity(Kosterlitz et al., 1981; Pontoghese and Takemori, 1985).However, the concept of bivalent ligands, used for the
synthesis of TENA, led to the morphine derivative nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) (fig. 3, compound 30, Por-toghese et al., 1987), which has a K� value for inhibiting
[3HJU-69,593 binding to monkey brain membranes of 60pM, and a 100-fold and 200-fold preference for OP2 over
OP1 and OP3 receptors, respectively (Emmerson et al.,1994). In vivo, non-BNI exhibits a unusually long dura-
tion of action as OP2 receptor antagonist (Horan et al.,1992), and its OP2 selectivity has been questioned (Birchet al., 1987; Levine et al., 1990; Spanagel et aL, 1994).
methyl)]-11,11-dimethyl-2,6-methano-3-benzazocin-8-ol. Tifluadom (compound 17): (±)-N-[(5-(O-fiuorophenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1-methyl-1H-
1,4-benzodiazepin-2y1)methyl]-3-thiophenecarboxamide. U-50,488 (compound 18): trans-3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N{2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-cyclo-
hexyl]-benzeneacetamide. U-69,593 (compound 19): (5a,7a,8f3)-(-)-N-methyl-N[7-(1-pyrrolithnyl)-1-oxaspiro(4,5)dec-8-yl]-phenyl-benzene
acetamide. U-62,066 (spiradoline) (compound 20): (5a,7a,83)-(±)-3,4-dichloro-N-[7-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-oxaspirol(’,5)dec-8-yl]methan sul-
fonate. PD 117,302 (compound 21): (±)-trans-N-methyl-N-[2-1-pyrrolidinyl)-cyclohexyl}benzo[b]thiophene-4-acetamide. CI-977 (PD129,290, enadoline) (compound 22): (5R)-(5a,7a,8f3)-N-methyl-N[7-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-oxaspirol [4,5]dec-8-yl]-4-benzofuranacetamide. IC!197,067 (compound 23): (2S)-N-[2-(N-methyl-3,4-dichlorophenylacetamido)-3-methylbutyl]-pyrrolidine. IC! 199,441 (compound 24):
2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-phenyl-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)ethyl]acetamide. IC! 204,448 (compound 25): 2-[3-(1-(3,4-dichlorophe-nyl-N-methylacetamido)-2-pyrrolithnoethyl)-phenoxy] acetic acid. EMD 61,753 (compound 26): N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-phenyl-2((3S)-3-hy-droxypyrrolidine-1-yl)-ethyl]-2,2-diphenylacetamide. EMD 60,400 (compound 27): N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-phenyl-2-((3S)-hydroxypyrrolidine-1-yl)-ethyl]-2-amino-phenylacetamide. GR 89,606 (compound 28): methyl-4-[(3,4-dichlorophenyl)acetyl]-3-(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)-1-piperazinecarboxylate. TENA (compound 29): 6�,6’�3-[ethylenebis (oxyethyleneimino)]bis[17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-4,5a-epoxymorphinan-
3,14-diol]. Nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) (compound 30): 17,17’-bis(cyclo-propylmethyl)-6,6’,7,7’-tetrahydro-4,5,4’,5’-diepoxy-6,6’-(imino)[7,7’-bimorphinan]-3,3’,14,14’-tetrol. UPHIT (compound 32): (1S,2S)-trans-2-isothiocyanato-4,5-dichloro-N-methyl-N-[2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)cyclohexyl]benzeneacethmide. DIPPA (compound 33): 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-(3-isothiocyanatophenyl)-2-(1-pyrrodinyl)ethyl]acetamide. NaIBzOH (compound 34): 6-desoxy-6-benzoyl-hydrazido-N-allyl-14-hydroxy-dthydronormorphinone.
More recently, Olmsted et al. (1993) synthesized a new
series of NTI derivatives, among which 5’-[N2-(butyla-midino)-rnethyl] NTI (fig. 3, compound 31) revealed to bemore potent than nor-BNI to block OP2 receptors. In
addition, this compound is rather selective, because it
exhibits a 57-fold and 90-fold preference for OP2 over
OP3 and OP1 receptors, respectively (Olmsted et al.,1993). Also included in figure 3 are UPHIT (fig. 3, corn-
pound 32) and DIPPA (fig. 3, compound 33), two deny-atives of U-50488 (fig. 3, compound 18), which werereported to be selective and irreversible antagonists at
OP2 receptors (De Costa et al., 1989; Chang et aL, 1994).3. Radioligands and binding assays of OP2 receptors.
Initial studies describing the distribution and the bind-
ing characteristics of the OP2 receptors have used non-
selective opioid radioligands, such as the oripavine
[3Hjetorphine (Audigier et al., 1982) and the benzornor-
phans [3H]ethylketocyclazocine (fig. 3 compound 15, Gil-lan et al., 1980) and [3H}bremazocine (fig. 3 compound
16, Kosterlitz et al., 1981), as well as tritiated dynor-phins (Gillan et al, 1985), in the presence of “cold”ligands to saturate the other opioid receptors. Now, tri-
tium-labeled selective ligands such as [3H]PD 117,302
((fig. 3 compound 21, Clark et al., 1988), [3H]CI-977 (fig.3 compound 22, Boyle et al., 1990), [3H]U-69,593 (fig. 3
compound 19, Lahti et al., 1985), and [3H]nor-BNI (fig. 3
compound 30, Marki et al., 1995) are available for thespecific labeling of OP2 receptors in brain membranes
and sections. [3H]CI-977 (fig. 3 compound 22) is probably
the best radioligand available to date, with an affinity
for OP2 receptors in both guinea pig and rat brain ho-mogenates ten-fold higher than that of {3H]U-69,593
(fig. 3 compound 19, K,� = 0.1-0.2 nM for [3H]Cl-977versus 1-3 nM for [3H]U-69,593, Boyle et al., 1990).
a. THE QUESTION OF OP2 RECEPTOR SUBTYPES. Bindingstudies with brain membranes yielded multiphasic inhi-
bition curves suggesting that the selective arylacet-amide agonists, U-50,488 (fig. 3 compound 18), U-69,593(fig. 3 compound 19) and CI-977 (fig. 3, compound 22),
bind only to the “K1” subtype of OP2 receptors, whereas
benzomorphan ligands also interact with their “K2” and“K3” subtypes (Clark et al., 1989; Nock et al., 1990;Horan et al., 1991, 1993). UPHIT (fig. 3, compound 32)
would block preferentially the “K1” sites, whereas nor-BNI (fig. 3, compound 30) would act at both “K1” and “K2”
sites (Horan et al., 1991). Na1BzOH (fig. 3, compound34), a mixed agonistlantagonist benzoylhydrazone deny-
ative of naloxone (Price et al., 1989), would be a ratherselective “K3 agonist” in mice (Paul et al., 1990), but notin rhesus monkeys (France and Woods, 1992), and a “K1
antagonist.” However, this compound also acts as anantagonist at OP1 and OP3 receptors (Paul et al, 1990).
To date, however, the pharmacological profiles of “K2”
and “K3” binding sites remain poorly defined. Some au-thors (Nock et al., 1990, 1993; Fowler and Fraser, 1994)proposed that they might in fact correspond to the #{128}-
and/or the “p,�” receptors because of their relatively high
affinity for �-endorphin and/or DAMGO. Alternatively,
the so-called subtypes of”K” receptor (and ofother opioid
receptors) could, more probably, correspond to differentaffinity states of the same receptor, depending on its
coupling with G protein (Richardson et aL, 1992). In any
case, no cloning data have yet been provided that sup-
port the existence of OP2 receptor subtypes.4. Distribution of OP2 receptors. Due to the possible
existence of arylacetamide-sensitive and -insensitiveOP2 binding sites, it is not surprising that the distnibu-tions of specific binding sites for tritiated arylacetamidederivatives and benzomorphans present some differ-
ences (Nock et al., 1988). In addition, species differencesare particularly striking (see Zukin et al., 1988; Boyle et
al., 1990; Rothman et al., 1992). For instance, in the
guinea pig, the highest density of specific sites for the
tritiated arylacetamide compounds (“K1” sites) is foundin the inner layers of the cerebral cortex, the substantia
nigra and the interpeduncular nucleus. By contrast, inthe rat, only low levels oflabeling by these radioligandsare found throughout the cerebral cortex, the highestdensities of specific binding sites being observed in thenucleus accumbens, claustrum, dorsal endopiriform flu-
cleus and interpeduncular nucleus (Nock et al., 1988;Boyle et al., 1990). Furthermore, in the latter species, no
area caudal to the forebrain was heavily labeled (Nock et
5. Functions ofOP2 receptors. OP2 receptors have beenimplicated in the regulation of several functions. Theseinclude nociception, diuresis, feeding and neuroendo-
crime secretions (Hansen and Morgan, 1984). In addi-
tion, recent evidence of the expression of OP2 receptorsby lymphoma cells (Horn et al., 1995) suggests that thesereceptors also participate in the control of immune func-tion. OP2 receptor agonists have antinociceptive proper-ties in rodents and rhesus monkeys (Porreca et al., 1987;
Schmauss, 1987: Millan, 1989; Millan et al., 1989; Na-
kazawa et al., 1991; France et al., 1994). However, con-
tradictory data have been published concerning the na-tune of the nociceptive stimuli against which OP2receptor agonists are particularly effective (Porreca et
al., 1987; Schmauss, 1987; Millan, 1989). Whereas a
spinal site of action for the analgesic effects of OP2agonists seems to be established, the existence of addi-
tional supraspinal sites that may be involved in these
effects is still controversial (Porreca et al., 1987;Schmauss, 1987; Millan et al., 1989; Nakazawa et al.,
1991). Apparently, both central and peripheral OP2 re-
ceptors mediate the anti-diarrheal properties of opioids(Hansen and Morgan, 1984). Increased urination in-
duced by OP2 agonists appears to be due to an inhibitionof the release of antidiuretic hormone from the neuro-
hypophysis upon OP2 receptor stimulation (Leander,
1983). OP2 receptors could also be involved in thermo-regulation (Handler et al., 1992) and modulation of car-
diorespiratory function in the rat (Hassen et al., 1984a).However, among opioid receptor agonists, those acting
FK 33-824
Sufentan�1 (35)
Ohmetentanyl (34)
Etonitazene (3Z)
Meptazinol (34)
Tyr-DMC-Gty-MePhe-Gty-NH.C3H7 (i)
Tyr-D4Ja.GIy-MePhe-Met(O)-oI CTOP
Tyr-D-AIa-Phe-GIy-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2 CTP
Tyr-D-AIa-GIy-NH-(CH2)2-CH(CH3)2 SMS-201 995
C6H,Naloxonazine (3.9)
��‘�0H 13-Funaltrexamine (13-FNA) (4Q)
c�:H,cH-cH, ?H2cH_CH,
I_K t�Y-\ H ,CO,CH�
HO���4�HCO �, H
selectively at OP2 receptors have limited effects, on re-
spiratory function, especially in non-human primates
(Martin et al., 1976; France et al., 1994). In contrast toOP3 receptor agonists, OP2 receptor agonists do not havepositive subjective effects in non-human species (Mucha
and Herz, 1985) and can produce dysphoria in humans
(Pfeiffer et al., 1986).
C. OP3 (;.�) Receptors
1. Agonists at OP3 receptors. (fig. 4) The present
knowledge of the pharmacological properties of the OP3
receptors has been largely derived from studies with the
guinea pig ileum, which is rich in this type of receptors.
Their stimulation by opioid receptor agonists inhibits
���HCOCH�CH .-.Q-N0�
FIG. 4. OP3 (I.L) opioid receptor ligands. Sufentanyl (compound 35): N-[4-(methoxymethyl)-1-[2-(2-thienyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-N-phe-nyl-propanamide. Ohmefentanyl (compound 36): N-[1-(�3-hydroxy-�-phenethyl)-3-methyl-4-piperidyl]-N-phenylprepionamide. Etonita-
zene (compound 37): 2[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-N,N-thethyl-5-nitro-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethan-amine. Meptazinol (compound 38):m-(3-ethyl-1-methyl-hexahydro-1-H-azepin-3-yl)phenol. Naloxonazine (compound 39): bis[5-a-4,5-epoxy-3,14-dthydroxy-17(2-propenyl)-morphinan-6-ylidene]hydrazine. fi-funaltrexamine ([beta-FNA) (compound 40): (E)-4[[5a,6f3)-17-(cyclo-propylmethyl)-4,5-epoxy-3,14-
dthydroxymorphinan-6-yl]amino]-4-oxo-2-butenoic acid methyl ester. N-PCM-MET-CAMO (compound 41): N-cyclopropylmethylnor-5j3-methyl-14-(p-nitrocinnamoylamino)-7,8-dthydromorphinone. MET-CAMO (compound 42): 5�-methyl-14�(p-nitrocinnamoylamino)-7,8-dthydromorphinone.
neunotransmitter release (and the resulting muscle con-
traction) normally triggered by electrical field stimula-
tion. The OP3 receptor pharmacological profile has gen-
erally been characterized in comparison with that of the
OP1 receptor, for which the preferential peripheral tis-
sue preparations are the mouse vas deferens [in which
this type of receptors was defined, but where OP1 and
OP2 receptors are also expressed (Hutchison et al., 1975;Lord et al., 1977)], and the hamster vas deferens, whichseems to contain a more “pure” population of OP1 recep-
tons (McKnight et al., 1985).The alkaloid morphine (fig. 1, compound 1) has an
approximately 50-fold higher affinity for OP3 than forOP1 receptors (Emmerson et al., 1994). Among the non-
peptide drugs, the piperidine derivative sufentanyl (fig.4, compound 35) is a potent opioid agonist with high
affinity and selectivity for the OP3 receptor (Magnan et
al., 1982; Emmerson et al., 1994). One of its derivatives,
ohmefentanyl (fig. 4, compound 36), was claimed to be
the opioid agonist with the highest affinity and selectiv-ity for OP3 receptors (Xu et al, 1985; Goldstein andNaidu, 1989). However, this compound, as well as vari-
ous other fentanyl derivatives, appears to bind also to“cr” receptors (Wang et aL, 1991). To date, the mostpotent and selective agonist at OP3 receptors is thebenzirnidazole opioid etonitazene (fig. 4, compound 37),with a Kd value of2O pM for OP3 binding sites in monkey
brain membranes, and 0P3:OP1 and OP3:0P2 selectivi-
ties of about 9000 and 12,000, respectively (Emmerson
et al., 1994).FK 33,824 (fig. 4, Roemer et al., 1977) was the first
peptide analogue of met-enkephalin with high affinityfor the OP3 receptor, and OP3:0P1 selectivity of approx-imately 30 (McKnight and Rees, 1991), to be synthe-sized. The related compound DAMGO (fig. 4, also re-
ferned to as DAGO or DAGOL, Handa et al., 1981),which has become the most commonly used selective
OP3 receptor agonist, is almost 10 times more selectivethan FK 33,824 and has high affinity (K�� = 0.7 nM) forthe OP3 receptor (Mansour et al., 1986; Hawkins et al.,1988). These properties led to the development of
[3H]DAMGO for the selective labeling of OP3 receptorsin membranes on sections from various tissues. Another
enkephalin analogue, CDRI 82-205 (fig. 4), is also arather selective OP3 receptor agonist (Raghubir et al.,
1988). Synthesized on the basis of morphiceptin, PLO17(or PL17, fig. 4), a tetrapeptide derived from f3-caseinhaving selectivity but low affinity for OP3 receptors
(Chang et al., 1981), exhibits improved characteristicswith IC50 values of5.5 n.M and > 10,000 riM for inhibitingthe specific binding to rat brain membranes of [‘25I]-FK
33,824, as OP3 receptor radioligand, and [‘25I]-DADLE,as OP1 receptor radioligand, respectively (Chang et al.,1983). Finally, dermorphins, the naturally occurringamphibian heptapeptides, and their related canboxyl-terminal amides, have high affinity and selectivity forOP3 receptors (Richter et al., 1990). They show an affin-
ity for the preferred OP3 site 2 to 4 orders of magnitude
greater than their affinity for the OP1 and OP2 sites
(Negri et al., 1992).
2. Antagonists at OP3 receptors (fig. 4). Naloxone (fig.
1, compound 3), the first opioid receptor antagonist iden-
tified, has higher affinity for the OP3 receptor than for
the other opioid receptors (Magnan et al., 1982; Emmer-
son et al., 1994). Thus, a careful dose selection of this
drug can allow the complete blockade of OP3 receptors
with only negligible antagonism at OP1 and OP2 recep-
tons. Naltrexone (fig. 1, compound 4) is less OP3 recep-
ton-selective (Magnan et al., 1982; Emmerson et al.,
1994) but has a greater potency and longer duration of
action than naloxone (see Crabtree, 1984). Other long-
lasting OP3 receptor antagonists are naloxazone and
naloxonazine (fig. 4, compound 39), the former perhaps
acting by spontaneous rearrangement of the azine
(Hahn and Pasternak, 1982), which have been charac-
terized as relatively selective for a putative OP3 receptor
subtype (“�.�1”)- The fumarate methyl ester derivative ofnaltrexone, �-funaltrexamine (j3-FNA) (fig. 4, compound
40, Portoghese et al., 1980), acts as an irreversible OP3antagonist, but also as a reversible OP2 agonist (Ward et
al., 1985). More recently developed derivatives of nal-
trexone (N-CPM-MET-CAMO, fig. 4, compound 41) and
dihydromorphinone (MET-CAMO, fig. 4, compound 42),
containing a cinnamoylamino group, appear to be selec-
tive irreversible antagonists at OP3 receptors without
exerting any agonistic action at other opioid receptors
(Jiang et al., 1994).
Antagonists with the highest selectivity toward OP3
receptors are cyclic peptides related to somatostatin(Pelton et aL, 1986; Kazmierski et al., 1988). The most
frequently used compounds are CTAP and CTOP (fig. 4),
which inhibit [3Hjnaloxone binding to rat brain rnern-
branes with an IC50 value of about 3 nM and have a1200- and 4000-fold selectivity for the OP3 versus the
OP2 and OP1 receptors (Pelton et al., 1986). The recently
designed analogue D-Tic-CTOP (TCTOP) has about
10,000-fold higher affinity for OP3 than for OP1 recep-
tons (Kazmierski et al., 1988). The chemical structures of
selected OP3 agonists and antagonists are given in fig-
ure 4.
3. Radioligands and binding assays of OP3 receptors.
Tritiated fentanyl derivatives (Leysen et al., 1983; Wang
et al., 1991; Fitzgerald and Teitler, 1993), [3H] or
‘25IFK 33-824 (Moyse et al., 1986), [3H]PLO17 (Blan-
chard et al., 1987), [3HJf3-FNA (Liu-Chen et al., 1991)
and especially [3H]DAMGO (Handa et al., 1981) have
been used-and are still used-as agonist radioligands
for the OP3 receptor. Now, the 3H derivative of the
antagonist CTOP offers better OP3 receptor selectivity(Hawkins et al., 1989). The usefulness of the very re-
cently synthesized naitnexone derivative, [125I1IOX�AGO, as a potent and selective radioligand of OP3 recep-tors deserves further investigation (Xu et al., 1995).
eral occasions, binding assays with brain membranesgave biphasic inhibition curves suggesting the existence
of two subtypes, called “�.t�” and “jt�”, of the OP3 recep-
tons. According to Pasternak and his colleagues (seePasternak and Wood, 1986), the “�t2” subtype would
correspond to the OP3 receptor, as defined from phar-rnacological studies with the guinea pig ileum, whereas
the “pa” subtype would have a different pharmacologicalprofile. In particular, the latter subtype would exhibit a
five-fold higher affinity for DAMGO than the “�t2” sub-type. Furthermore, meptazinol (fig. 4 compound 38,Spiegel and Pasternak, 1984) and etonitazene (fig. 4
compound 37, Moolten et al., 1993) would be preferential
“/_Li” agonists, and, as already emphasized, naloxazoneand naloxonazine (fig. 4, compound 39) would be prefer-
ential “i�t1” antagonists (see Pasternak and Wood, 1986).However, Cruciani et al. (1987) could not confirm that
naloxonazine (fig. 4, compound 39) binds selectively (andirreversibly) to “�.L1” receptors. The enkephalin analog
Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NH-(CH2)2-CH(CH3)2 (TRIMU-5) (fig. 4,Gacel et al., 1988) would be a rather selective “p,�” ago-
nist (Tive et al., 1992) with antagonist properties at “pa”
receptors (Pick et al., 1992). However, no support for theexistence ofOP3 receptor subtypes has yet been obtainedfrom molecular biology investigations. Indeed, it is prob-
able that these subtypes correspond in fact to the same
receptor protein, which is either coupled to G protein or
uncoupled in the plasma membrane. Alternatively, theymight also correspond to the coupling of the same recep-
ton with different G proteins.4. Distribution of OP3 receptors. As shown by autona-
diographical studies with selective radioligands, OP3 ne-
ceptors are distributed throughout the neuraxis. Thehighest density of these receptors is present in the cau-
date putamen, where they exhibit a typical patchy dis-tribution (in the rat). OP3 receptor density then dimin-
ishes in the following order: neocortex, thalamus,nucleus accumbens, hippocarnpus and amygdala. OP3
receptors are also present in the superficial layers of the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where they are located, atleast in pant, on the presynaptic terminals of nociceptive
primary affenent fibers (Besse et al., 1990). Moderateconcentrations are found in the periaqueductal gray and
raphe nuclei, and low density is seen in the hypothala-mus, preoptic area and globus pallidus (Waksman et al.,1986; Hawkins et al., 1988; Mansour et al., 1988). Re-
cently, the distribution, in the rat brain, of immunore-
activity to antibodies generated against a peptide se-quence present in a purified “�f-opioid binding proteinwas shown to be concordant with the distribution of OP3receptors (Hiller et al., 1994). More generally, irnmuno-
cytochemical investigations with antibodies raisedagainst specific portions of the amino acid sequence ofthe OP3 receptor fully confirmed the autoradiographical
data. In particular, imrnunocytochemical labeling wasfound on the terminals of primary afferent fibers within
the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, in agreement with the
inference, based on biochemical and electrophysiological
observations, of their presynaptic location on the fibersconveying nociceptive signals (Besse et al., 1990; Bour-
goin et al., 1994; Honda and Arvidsson, 1995).As already mentioned, OP3 receptors are also widely
distributed in the peripheral nervous system. In partic-ular, myenteric neurons in the gut (Hutchison et al.,1975), and the vas deferens (Lemaire et al., 1978), in the
rat, have been shown to express these receptors.5. Functions of OP3 receptors. Highly selective OP3
receptor agonists are potent antinociceptive drugs, mdi-cating that OP3 receptors, located in both spinal and
supraspinal structures (Chaillet et al., 1984; Porneca et
al., 1984, 1987; Fang et al., 1986; Paul et al., 1989), aswell as at the periphery (see Stein, 1993), play an im-
pontant role in the control of nociception (Hansen andMorgan, 1984). OP3 receptor agonists block the nocicep-
tive responses to mechanical, thermal or chemical highintensity stimulations (Knapp et al., 1989).
Numerous other physiological functions appear to becontrolled by OP3 receptors. These include respiration,cardiovascular functions, intestinal transit, feeding,learning and memory, locomotor activity, thermoregula-
tion, hormone secretion, and immune functions, all of
which, except hormone secretion, are most often de-
pressed by OP3 receptor stimulation.The respiratory depressant effects of OP3 receptor
agonists are thought to result from a decrease in sensi-
tivity of respiratory centers to hypercapnia (see Butel-man et al., 1993). They are mediated through OP3 re-
ceptors located both peripherally (Yeadon and Kitchen,
1990) and centrally (Haddad et al., 1984; Morin-Surunet al., 1984) and result from a decrease in volume ratherthan frequency (Morin-Surun et al., 1984). Similarly,
the OP3 receptors involved in the cardiovascular effectsof opioids, which are closely related to their respiratory
effects (Hassen et al., 1984b), have both central (Hassenet al., 1984b; Arndt, 1987) and peripheral locations(Randich et al., 1993). This is also true for OP3 receptorswhose stimulation reduces gastrointestinal secretions
and motility (Mailman, 1984; Burks et al., 1988; Pnimi et
al., 1988; Knomer, 1989, 1991; Fox-Threlkeld et al.,1994). Depending on the animal species and the ambient
temperature, OP3 receptor agonists can lead to hypo-thermia or hyperthermia (Adler and Geller, 1988, Han-dler et al., 1994). The effects of OP3 receptor stimulation
on locomotor activity depend also on the animal species
and on the dose of the agonist administered (Bot et al.,
1992; Meyer and Meyer, 1993).
Ill. Molecular Biology of the Opioid Receptors
Three distinct opioid recombinant receptors have beenisolated that possess binding and functional propertiesconsistent with their identities as OP1, OP2 and OP3receptors (see Reisine and Bell, 1993; Kieffer, 1995; Sa-
toh and Minami, 1995). As emphasized above, no sup-
port for the possible existence of subtypes within these
receptor classes has been obtained so far from molecular
biology investigations. Two variants ofthe OP3 receptor,
which differ by the presence or the absence of an 8-ami-no-acid sequence within the C terminal portion of the
receptor protein, have been cloned (Bare et al., 1994),but they show similar ligand binding properties andcoupling to adenylyl cyclase in transfected CHO-Kicells. Explanations generally put forward for the sub-
types are that they are probably not derived from ho-mologous genes. It should be remembered that singlereceptor genes can potentially give rise to several phar-
macologically distinct receptors, not only via alternative
splicing of the primary transcript, as is clearly evident
for other receptors (e.g., dopamine D2 and glutamate
receptors), but also by various post-translational modi-
fications, e.g., phosphorylation, palmitoylation, glycosy-lation, etc. Furthermore, associated proteins can often
radically modify pharmacological characteristics as ob-served in the y-aminobutynic acidA (GABAA) receptor
family.The cloning efforts have clearly identified opioid re-
ceptors as members of the G protein coupled receptorsuperfamily with the closest relatives being the soma-
tostatin receptors (Evans et al., 1992; Kieffer et al.,1992). In retrospect, the high homology with the sorna-
tostatin receptor family was not unexpected, based uponprevious pharmacological studies (Maurer et al., 1982;Pelton et al., 1985). The opioid receptors also have ho-
mology with the receptors for angiotensin and for thechemotactic peptides interleukin8 and N-formyl peptide
(Evans et al., 1992). A striking structural homology is
observed among the three opioid receptor cDNA clones,and the predicted proteins are of similar size (372-ami-no-acid residues for the OP1 receptor, 380 for the OP2
receptor, 398 for the rat and mouse OP3 receptor). TheOP3 receptor is 66% identical to the OP1 receptor and
68% identical to the OP2 receptor, and the two latterreceptors share a 58% identity in their respective amino
acid sequences (fig. 5).Within the highly divergent N-terminal extracellular
domains, all three opioid receptors have consensus N-linked glycosylation sites; the OP1 and OP2 receptorshave two such glycosylation sites, whereas the rat OP3
receptor has five (fig. 1). Variations in the extent ofglycosylation result in the mass of the three native opi-
oid receptors being quite different. The transrnembranedomains are highly homologous among the three recep-
tors (particularly in the second and third membranespanning regions, both of which include a negativelycharged aspartate residue considered important forfunction), whereas the C-terminal regions following the
postulated cysteine palmitoylation site (positionedshortly after the seventh transmembrane domain) aremarkedly different. Intracellular protein kinase A and C
consensus sites are conserved among the three opioidreceptors and, even in the divergent region proximal to
the C-terminus, the kinase consensus sites are present
in similar locations. The three receptors have a small
third intracellular loop of approximately 25 amino acid
residues that is probably involved in G protein coupling.This small third intracellular loop contrasts with the
large loop found in catecholamine- and muscariic-re-ceptors, but is characteristic of other peptide receptors,in particular the somatostatin receptors (see Bell andReisine, 1993). The extracellular loop linking the second
and third transmembnane domains is also highly homol-
ogous, whereas the second and third extracellular loops
are markedly different among the receptors. The overallpicture is a family of three opioid receptors displaying
somewhat different faces to the extracellular environ-ment with highly conserved operational and regulatory
foundations beneath the cell surface.The pharmacological properties of the three cloned
opioid receptors have been investigated, primarily in
monkey fibroblast cells (COS) and the Chinese hamsterovary (CHO) cell line. Although agonist inhibition of
adenylyl cyclase has been demonstrated for all threeopioid receptor clones, detailed functional analysis that
would be useful for further characterization of the re-
ceptors has not yet been achieved. Presently availablepharmacological data have generally been derived only
from studies with membranes prepared from transfectednon-neuronal cell lines and binding assays under artifi-
cial conditions to maximize agonist interactions (i.e., low
sodium, no guanosine triphosphate (GTP) or analog).Reisine and his colleagues, who studied the pharmaco-logical profiles of the three recombinant opioid recep-
tons, proposed that the recombinant OP1, OP2 and OP3receptors may correspond to “62,” “K1” and “�t1”-binding
sites, respectively (Raynor et al., 1994), but this is stilllargely speculative as the definitive proof of the exis-tence of OP receptor subtypes has yet to be provided.
A. Cloning of Opioid Receptors
1. OP1 (6) receptor clones. Following the initial isola-
tion of a murine OP1 recombinant receptor from theNG1O8-15 cell line (Evans et al., 1992; Kieffer et al.,1992), several groups have reported essentially identical
sequences from rat and mouse brain (Bzdega et al., 1993(partial clone); Fukuda et al., 1993; Yasuda et al., 1993;Abood et al., 1994). In addition, a human cDNA encoding
a 372-amino-acid protein that has 93% identity withmouse and rat OP1 receptors has been cloned (Knapp et
al., 1994).
Collating the binding data from studies on transfectedcells reveals a fairly consistent picture compatible withthese clones encoding the OP1 receptor. For the alka-bids, the recombinant receptor in CHO or COS cells hasthe following rank order of affinity: NTI (fig. 2, corn-pound 9) > diprenorphine > etorphine > bremazocine(fig. 3, compound 16) >> naloxone (fig. 1, compound 3)>
morphine (fig. 1, compound 1) > U-50,488 (fig. 3, corn-
(mouse)�:.p:Lc�TPcG�DF�FP 1KM
021 (mouse) A- 372
022 (mouse) V- 380
023 (rat) 12 398
FIG. 5. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of OP1, OP2 and OP3 receptors. The sequences of mouse OP1, mouse OP2 and rat OP3
receptors are shown using the single letter abbreviations ofthe amino acids. Residues that are identical in at least two ofthese receptors are
enclosed in grey boxes. Gaps introduced to generate this alignment are represented by dashes. The potential sites for N-linked glycosylation
in the extracellular domains of these proteins are: mouse OP1 receptor: Asn(N) 18 and 33; mouse OP2 receptor: Asn 25 and 39; rat OP3receptor: Asn 9, 31, 38, 46 and 53.
OP 1
pound 18). For the peptide ligands, the rank order is:
DTLET > DADLE > TIPP > DPDPE > DAMGO>morphiceptin. The binding data and antagonism of ago-nist inhibition of adenylyl cyclase by naltriben (fig. 2,compound 12)-a “62”-selective antagonist-and BNTX(fig. 2, compound 10)-a “6k” selective antagonist-sug-
gest that the OP1 recombinant receptor has a pharma-
cological profile close to that of the so-called “62” bindingsite (Kong et al., 1993; Raynor et al., 1994).
2. OP2 (K) receptor clones. Several essentially identicalcDNA clones have been independently isolated and char-acterized as encoding the OP2 receptor from mouse (Ya-
suda et a!., 1993), rat (Chen et al., 1993b; Li et al., 1993;Meng et al., 1993; Minami et aL, 1993; Nishi et al., 1993)and guinea pig (Xie et al., 1994). Dynorphin and its
analogs potently bind to the recombinant receptor. Incontrast, enkephalin and f3-endorphin have low potencyin interacting with this receptor. The recombinant re-
ceptor, transiently expressed in COS cells, binds alka-
bid ligands with the following rank order of affinity:
bremazocine (compound 16) > ethylketocyclazocine
(compound 15) > U-50,488 (compound 18) > naloxone(compound 3) > levorphanol > naltrindole (compound 9)
> morphine (compound 1), and for the peptide ligands:dynorphin A >> 13-endonphin 1-31 > DPDPE > DAMGO.
Comparison of published values revealed relativelylarge differences in the affinities of prodynorphin-de-
rived opioid peptides, especially a-neoendorphin, from
one laboratory to another (Meng et al., 1993; Yasuda etal., 1993). Whether these discrepancies reflect true spe-
cies differences or methodological variations is unclearat present. Based on the high affinity for U-50,488 (com-
pound 18) and U-69,593 (compound 19), the cloned OP2receptor has been proposed to be identical with the so-
called “K1” binding site (Meng et al., 1993; Yasuda et al.,1993; Lai et al., 1994; Raynor et al., 1994).
3. OP3 (ta) receptor clones. The OP3 receptor has beencloned from the rat (Bunzow et al., 1993; Chen et al.,1993a; Fukuda et al., 1993; Thompson et al., 1993; Mi-narni et al., 1994; Zastawny et al., 1994) and from hu-
man (Wang et al., 1993, 1994b). Both enkephalin and
�-endorphin potently bind to the recombinant OP3 re-
ceptor, whereas this receptor has much less affinity fordynorphin. Clinically used opioids such as morphine(compound 1), methadone, codeine and fentanyl potentlyand specifically bind to the recombinant OP3 receptor(but interact with the recombinant OP2 receptor only atmicromolar concentrations). The recombinant rat OP3receptor expressed in CHO or COS cells has a rank order
of affinity for alkaloid ligands as follows: bremazocine(compound 16) > ethylketocyclazocine (compound 15)>
naloxonazine (compound 39) > naloxone (compound 3)>
morphine (compound 1) >>> U-50,488 (compound 18),and for peptide ligands: DAMGO > DADLE > DSLET>DPDPE. These binding data are consistent with the
known pharmacological profile of OP3 receptors (fig. 4).Most of the compounds have similar affinity for the
human and the rat OP3 receptors. However, the affini-
ties of morphine (compound 1), methadone and codeineare significantly higher for the human OP3 receptorthan for the rat OP3 receptor (Raynon et al., 1995). Withregard to postulated subtypes of “j.t” binding sites, the
high affinity of naloxonazine (compound 39) for the re-
combinant OP3 receptor (Wang et al., 1993; Raynor etal., 1994) would be compatible with its identity with the
so-called “;.t1” subtype (Itzhak, 1988).4. Chimeric opioid receptors. To further investigate
the regions of the OP1 and OP2 receptors that bindagonists and antagonists, Kong et al. (1994) have gen-
erated chimeric OP1/OP2 receptors, in which the N-ten-mini of receptors were exchanged to create an OP2[1-
78]0P1[70-372] receptor and an 0P1[1-69]OP2[79-380]receptor. The OP1 receptor selective agonist [3HJDPDPEand antagonist [3H]naltrindole bound to the OP2[1-78]0P1[70-372] chimera and a truncated OP1[70-732]
receptor with similar potency as they bind to the wild
OP1 receptor type. Neither radioligand bound to the
OP1[1-69]OP2[79-3801 receptor. These findings suggest
that the N-terminus ofthe OP1 receptor is not needed forligand binding, but that the binding domains of selective
OP1 receptor agonists may be localized to either thesecond or the third extracellular loops of this receptor,
because these are the only other extracellular domains
that differ in amino acid sequence from the OP2 (andOP3) receptor. The results with these chimeric receptors,
together with the findings reported on the OP1 receptorwith the aspartate95 mutant, suggest that the agonist
and antagonist binding domains are distinct but exhibitsome overlapping in the native OP1 receptor (Kong et
al., 1993).In contrast to the results observed with the OP1 re-
ceptor ligands, OP2 receptor agonists and antagonistsappear to bind to clearly separable sites within the OP2receptor. OP2 receptor antagonists bound to the OP2[1-78]OP1[70-37211 chimera with similar affinity as they
bind to the wild OP2 receptor type. However, the OP2receptor agonists did not bind to this chimera. OP2 re-
ceptor agonists did interact with the OP1[1-69]0P2[79-380] chimera and also inhibited cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate (cAMP) formation in cells expressing thischimera or the truncated OP2[79-3801 receptor. In con-tnast, OP2 receptor antagonists did not interact with
either of the latter modified receptors. These findingsindicate that OP2 receptor antagonists interact selec-
tively with the N-terminal region of the receptor,whereas agonists are likely to interact with either its
second or third extracellular loop (Kong et al., 1994).A study with six chimeric OP�/OP3 receptors revealed
that the second extracellular loop and the adjoiningC-terminal portion ofthe fourth transmembrane domainare essential for the high affinity binding of dynorphinsto the OP2 receptor. The third extracellular loop and thesixth and seventh transmembnane helices appear to playan important role in determining the selectivity of non-BNI (compound 30) for the OP2 over the OP3 receptor. In
particular, within this region, the amino acid residue
G1u297 has been shown to be critically involved in thebinding of one of the basic nitrogens of nor-BNI (corn-pound 30), thereby conferring K selectivity (Hjorth et al.,
1995). On the other hand, U-50,488 (compound 18) and
U-69,593 (compound 19) seem to require the whole OP2receptor except the second extracellular loop for theirhigh affinity binding. Thus, the OP2 receptor has differ-ential binding domains for peptide and non-peptide li-gands (Xue et al., 1994). In line with this conclusion, it
was shown that human OP�/OP3 receptor chimeras have
a high affinity for dynorphins only when they includethe OP2 receptor second extracellular loop, whereas
their affinity for U-50,488 (compound 18) remains un-changed, whether this loop is that of the OP2 or the OP3
receptor (Wang et al., 1994c).
Studies with chimeric 0P1/0P3 receptors indicatedthat differences in the structure around the first extra-cellular ioop are critical for DAMGO to distinguish be-tween OP1 and OP3 receptors (Onogi et al., 1995). Thisregion is also (at least partly) involved in the discnimi-
nation between OP1 and OP3 receptors by other peptidic
OP3 selective ligands, such as dermorphins (table 1) and
CTOP (fig. 4), but not by non-peptidic ligands, such asmorphine (compound 1) and naloxone (compound 3)
(Onogi et al., 1995). By contrast, DAMGO distinguishes
between OP2 and OP3 receptors at the region around thethird extracellular loop, and binding studies indicated
that this region is involved in the discrimination be-tween OP2 and OP3 receptors by both peptidic and non-peptidic OP3 selective ligands (Minami et al., 1995).Deletion of the C terminus domain and substitution of
amino acids in transmembrane domains allowed thedemonstration of the requirement of specific charged
residues in transrnembrane domains 2, 3 and 6 for ago-nist recognition and intrinsic activity of the OP3 recep-
tor, and the modest involvement of extensive portions ofN- and C-terminal receptor domains in these processes(Surnatt et al., 1994).
B. Other Opioid-Related, Receptor-Like Recombinant
1. Members of the G protein-coupled receptor super-
family. Although homologous to the three cloned opioidreceptors, a receptor that was previously characterized
as a G protein-coupled receptor closely related to the
neunokinin B receptor does not possess the opioid phar-macological characteristics to clearly belong to the opi-
oid receptor family (Xie et al., 1992). However, it should
be recognized that this receptor does bind opioid ligands,albeit at low affinity.
More recently, another protein with the typical fea-tures of G protein-coupled receptors has been cloned inseveral species by low stringency screening of cDNA ongenomic libraries from brain tissues with cDNA probes
of the opioid receptors. This protein (of 360-370 aminoacids, depending on the species) has been called ORL1,for Opioid Receptor-Like protein �, because it exhibits a
50-60% sequence homology as compared with OP1, OP2and OP3 receptors. However, ORL1 does not bind opioidligands, except for dynorphins, which ORL1 binds with
low affinity (Zhang and Yu, 1995), when it is expressedin various cell types (Bunzow et al., 1994; Chen et al.,
1994; Fukuda et al., 1994; Mollereau et al., 1994; Wanget al., 1994a; Wick et al., 1994). In situ hybridizationhistochemistry demonstrated that the messenger nibo-
nucleic acid (mRNA) encoding this protein is present invarious regions ofthe central nervous system in rodents,
especially the cerebral cortex, thalamus, habenula, hip-
pocampus, central gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, locus co-
eruleus and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Recently,
two groups (Meunier et aL, 1995; Reinscheid et a!., 1995)
isolated a peptide (called nociceptin or orphanin FQ)
from brain tissues of various species (rat, mouse, pig,
bovine and human) that exhibits a nanomolar potency toinhibit forskolin-induced accumulation of cAMP in cells
transfected with the ORL1 coding sequence. Althoughnociceptin (Phe-Gly-Gly-Phe-Thr-Gly-Ala-Arg-Lys-Ser-
Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Ala-Asn-Gln) and dynorphin A (table
1) are both heptadecapeptides and share six amino acids
in the same positions in their respective sequences, the
latter peptide has a considerably lower affinity than
nociceptin for ORL1 (Zhang and Yu, 1995). Indeed, no-
ciceptin clearly derives from another precursor than
those of the opioid peptides (Meunier et al., 1995).
2. The peculiar status of OBCAM. The isolation and
purification of a protein from bovine brain which selec-
tively binds opioid alkaloid ligands was reported by Choet al. in 1986. It was named OBCAM for Opioid Binding
Cell Adhesion Molecule. Subsequently, the cDNA coding
for this protein was cloned (Schofield et al., 1989). A
search in the gene bank databases revealed that OB-
CAM has significant sequence homologies with several
members of the immunoglobulin superfamily (Schofield
et al., 1989) but not with authentic 0P1, OP2 and OP3
receptors. The question ofthe possible role of OBCAM in
the functioning ofthe endogenous opioid system is still a
matter of debate.
C. Opioid Receptor Genes
The genes encoding OP1, OP2 and OP3 receptors have
been characterized, notably in the mouse and in thehuman. The mouse OP1 receptor gene (designated Oprdl
locus) has been mapped to a single locus on chromosome
4 (locus 4D) using both linkage analysis and in situmapping (Bzdega et al., 1993; Befort et al., 1994; Kauf-
man et al., 1994). In the mouse, the OP2 receptor gene is
located on chromosome 1, whereas the OP3 receptor
gene is on chromosome 10 (Giros et al., 1995). In thehuman genome, the gene encoding the OP1 receptor is
located on chromosome 1 (syntenic with the murine lo-
cus 4D, Befort et al., 1994), the gene encoding the OP2receptor is on the proximal long arm of chromosome 8
(Yasuda et al., 1994), and the OP3 receptor gene is on the
distal arm of chromosome 6 (Wang et al., 1994b). There
is no evidence for multiple genes encoding any of the
cloned opioid receptors. With regard to gene structure,all three of the genes appear to have introns shortly
following the first and the fourth tnansmembrane do-
mains, therefore presenting the possibility for protein
heterogeneity via alternative splicing (Yasuda et a!.,
1993; Bare et aL, 1994; Mm et aL, 1994; Pasternak and
Standifer, 1995).
D. Opioid Receptor Transcripts
There is evidence for multiple mRNA transcripts en-
coding the three opioid receptors. Northern blots probed
for OP1 receptor detect two major bands in rodent brain(11 and 8.5 kb in the mouse, and 11 and 4.5 kb in the
rat). Northern blots probed for OP3 receptor give bandsof 16 and 10.5 kb in the rat brain and of 13.5, 11, 4.3 and
2.8 kb in the human brain (Fukuda et al., 1993; Yasudaet a!., 1993; Delfs et a!., 1994; Raynor et aL, 1995).
Alternative splicing of the OP2 and OP3 receptor pri-
mary transcripts (within the 5’ untranslated region)probably account for these data. Indeed, the differential
effects on morphine-induced analgesia of antisense oh-godeoxynucleotides targeting various exons of the OP3
opioid receptor gene were recently interpreted as reflect-ing the existence of alternative splicing phenomena
(Rossi et al., 1995; Pasternak and Standifer, 1995).Both Northern analysis and in situ hybridization have
provided information on the neuroanatomical distribu-tion ofOP1, OP2 and OP3 receptor transcripts. There are
no striking mismatches between receptor autoradiogra-phy and transcript localization studies that cannot bereadily explained by neuronal projections (Bzdega et al.,
1993; Keith et a!., 1993; Thompson et al., 1993; Wang et
al., 1993; Yasuda et al., 1993; De Paohi et al., 1994;Mansour et al., 1994, 1995; Minami et al., 1994; Raynoret al., 1995).
lv. Transduction Mechanisms
The functional coupling of the three opioid receptors
with G proteins was firmly established several years agoon the bases that guanine nucleotides diminish the spe-
cific binding of agonists and that the latter compounds
stimulate GTPase activity in several preparations (seeChilders, 1991). The predicted structures of the cloned
Opi, OP2 and OP3 receptors clearly confirm that theybelong to the superfamily of seven-transmembranespanning G protein-coupled receptors (see Reisine and
Bell, 1993; UhI et al., 1994; Kieffer, 1995; Satoh andMinami, 1995). Furthermore, OP1 and OP3 receptors
solubihized from rat cortical membranes have beenshown to form stable complexes with one or severalvariants of G0 (Georgoussi et a!., 1995). However, it
cannot be completely ruled out that opioids may also actindependently of G proteins. In particular, in the mouse
brain and vas deferens, the binding of the OP1 receptor
agonist BW 373U86 (compound 6) is not affected byguanine nucleotides (Wild et al., 1993b), and the selec-
tive OP3 receptor agonist DAMGO (fig. 4) modulates aCa2�-dependent K� channel independently of G pro-thins and kinase-mediated mechanisms in cultured bo-vine adrenal medullany chrornaffin cells (Twitchell andRane, 1994).
The availability of a given type of cloned opioid recep-tor expressed in a clonal cell line in the absence of anyother opioid receptor type provides a unique system for
examining the basic cellular events involved in receptor-
effector coupling. However, it has to be pointed out that
conclusions of such studies do not necessarily apply tothe normal situation, i.e., are not directly relevant to the
actual opioid-receptor-G protein and -ion channel inter-actions responsible for the physiological and pharmaco-logical effects ofopioids in vivo. The same remark is alsoapplicable to the data obtained with various tumor celllines that naturally express opioid receptors.
Stimulation by opioid agonists of the cloned rat andhuman OP3 receptors expressed in COS and CHO cells
or Xenopus oocytes reduces not only forskohin-stimu-
hated adenylyl cyclase activity but also the production ofinositol triphosphate, in a naloxone-sensitive manner
(Chen et al., 1993a; Johnson et al., 1994; Wang et aL,1994b; Raynor et a!., 1995). Similarly, in transfected
cells, stimulation of OP1 receptors decreases the accu-
mulation of cAMP resulting from cell exposure to fors-kohin (Evans et al., 1992; Kong et al, 1993; Yasuda et a!.,
1993). In embryonic kidney 293 cells, the inhibition ofadenylyl cyclase activity attributable to activation of the
cloned OP2 receptor could involve the G� subtype of Gproteins (Lai et aL, 1995). Activation of the mouse, rat
and human OP2 receptors expressed in COS or PC-12
cells also leads to inhibition of cAMP formation (Chen et
a!., 1993b; Meng et a!., 1993; Yasuda et aL, 1993; Konget a!., 1994; Tallent et a!., 1994; Wang et aL, 1994b; Xie
et al., 1994). In Xenopus oocytes coinjected with 132-
adrenoceptor mRNA and mouse OP1 receptor mRNA,OP1 receptor agonists cause a naltrexone-reversible con-centration-dependent inhibition of the isoprenaline-in-
duced increase of cAMP production (Tamir and Kush-ner, 1993).
OP3 receptor agonists are also able to inhibit adenylylcyclase activity in tumor cell lines (Frey and Kebabian,1984; Yu et al., 1986). Similarly, in NG1O8-15 cells,
activation of OP1 receptors inhibits adenylyl cyclase ac-tivity. Although the G protein Gaj2 seems to be specifi-
cally involved in this process (McKenzie and Milhigan,1990), at least two other G proteins (Gao2 and one iso-
form of Ga13) can interact with the OP1 receptors in thisand other cell lines (Roerig et al, 1992; Prather et al.,1994). The high-affinity OP2 receptor that is expressedin mouse thymoma Ri. 1 cell line is also negatively cou-pled to adenylyl cyclase through a pertussis toxin-
sensitive G protein (Lawrence and Bidlack, 1993).Studies on brain tissues indicated that stimulation of
OP1 and OP3 receptors can inhibit adenylyl cyclase ac-tivity (Chneiweiss et al., 1988; Polastron et a!., 1990).Furthermore, differential blockade by BNTX (compound10) and naltriben (compound 12) of DPDPE- and
[D-Ala2]deltorphin Il-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cy-chase activity in rat caudate-putamen has been reportedin support of the possible existence of OP1 receptor sub-types (Noble and Cox, 1995). However, in homogenatesof the same brain structure incubated with agents thatblock the binding ofhigands to OP3 receptors, no change
in opioid-inhibited adenylyl cyclase has been detected
(Nijssen et a!., 1992). Furthermore, in rat olfactory bulb,
selective OP1 and 0P3, but not OP2, receptor agonistsexert a dual effect on adenylyl cyclase activity that is
GTP-dependent and pertussis toxin-sensitive. Thus, opi-oids increase basal adenylyl cyclase activity but inhibitthe enhanced cAMP production attributable to variouseffectors, possibly through differential actions on the
various forms of the enzyme (Onahi and Olianas, 1991;
Olianas and Onahi, 1992, 1994). Contradictory data havebeen published about the coupling of OP2 receptors to
adenylyl cyclase in guinea pig brain membranes, espe-
ciahly in those prepared from the cerebellum (Konkoy
and Childers, 1989, 1993; Pohastron et al, 1990). In thisregion, OP2 receptors appear to be coupled also to G11-
mediated inhibition ofphospholipase C activity (Misawa
et ah., 1990, 1995).In Xenopus oocytes coexpressing a G protein-activated
K� channel and the rat OP3 receptor, DAMGO inducedan inwardly rectifying current that was blocked by nal-oxone, as expected of the functional interaction between
the two expressed proteins (Chen and Yu, 1994). Simi-larly, a functional coupling between the mouse OP1 re-
ceptor and a G protein-activated K� channel co-ex-
pressed in oocytes was recently demonstrated (Ikeda et
a!., 1995). Other cation channels can also be controlledby OP1 receptors, notably in NG1O8-15 cells, in which
Taussig et al. (1992) found that a G0o1 subtype of G
protein is implicated in the functional coupling of thesereceptors with a voltage-dependent Ca2� channel. Such
multiple coupling potentialities were further illustratedby the data reported by Jin et al. (1994), which showed
that OP1 receptor stimulation in the same hybridoma(neuroblastoma x ghiorna) cells mobilized Ca2� from
inositol triphosphate-sensitive stores, via a pertussis
toxin-sensitive G protein.Co-expression of OP2 receptors and the BI-type of
Ca2� channels (al plus 13 subunits) allowed transfectedXenopus oocytes to respond to OP2 receptor agonists byclosure of these channels via a pertussis toxin-sensitive
G protein (Kaneko et a!., 1994a). Furthermore, in trans-fected PC-12 cells, the cloned mouse OP2 receptor ap-
pears to inhibit, also in a pertussis toxin-sensitive man-
ner, a N-type Ca2� current (Tahlent et al., 1994). Suchmultiple coupling mechanisms, e.g., with adenylyl cy-clase, phosphohipase C and various cation channels,probably involved different G proteins, in line with the
demonstration by Prather et al. (1995) that, in trans-fected CHO cells, the cloned OP2 receptor can directly
interact with Gai2, Gai3 and Gao2.That selective OP3 receptor agonists can activate in-
ward rectifying K� conductance has been reported forvarious brain regions (Loose and Kelly, 1990; Wuarin
and Dudek, 1990; Wimpey and Chavkin, 1991; Chiu etal., 1993). Interestingly, like OP3 receptors in rat locuscoenuleus and hippocampus (Williams and North, 1984;Wimpey and Chavkin, 1991) and OP1 receptors on
guinea pig peripheral neurons (Mihara and North,
1986), OP2 receptors can also increase K� conductance,
at least in neurons of the substantia nigra in the latterspecies (Grudt and Williams, 1993).
An OP3 receptor-mediated reduction ofneuronal Ca2�current has also been found in various preparations.
Diverse Ca2� channels, particularly the N-type, appearto be involved in this response, and their coupling to theOP3 receptors occurs via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G0
subclass ofG proteins (Moises et al., 1994a, b; Rhirn andMiller, 1994). Like OP3 receptors, OP2 receptors in rat
dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons are also negatively
coupled to several pharmacologically distinct types of
Ca2� channels, including probably the N-type (Moises et
al., 1994b).
A coupling ofopioid receptors with G8-proteins respon-
sible for excitatory effects of opioid agonists on target
cells has also been hypothesized (see Cram and Shen,1990; Shen and Cram, 1990; Gintzler and Xu, 1991).These so-called “excitatory” opioid receptors would beactivated by lower concentrations of opioids than the
“inhibitory” receptors coupled to G0 or G1 proteins (see
Cram and Shen, 1990; Wang and Gintzler, 1994). How-
ever, recent investigations with transfected cells clearly
demonstrated that opioid receptors can couple with var-
ious G1 and G0 proteins, and also G�, but not with G8.Indeed, in Xenopus oocytes expressing the rat OP2 re-
ceptor, the selective OP2 receptor agonist U-50488 (corn-
pound 18) stimulates cAMP production and mobilizesintracellular Ca2� through the positive coupling of thereceptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C,via pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins (G1, G0; Kaneko
et a!., 1994b). The increased cAMP production attribut-
able to opioid receptor stimulation results in fact fromthe activation of type II adenylyl cyclase via the fry
subunits of G proteins (Chan et al., 1995; Tsu et al.,
V. Concluding Remarks
Major advances have been made in the understandingof opioid receptors from stereospecific binding in 1971 toreceptor cloning in 1992. The three opioid receptor types
identified on the basis of biochemical and pharmacolog-
ical evidence have thus been cloned. The recombinant
receptors exhibit characteristics similar to those of thenative receptors. However, the recombinant receptors
are currently available from a few animal species only.Information about subtypes of these receptors is still in
its infancy, partly because of unavailability of highlyselective agonists and antagonists. To date, molecular
biology data have not yet provided support to the possi-ble existence of OP receptor subtypes such as thosesuspected from pharmacological observations. Clearly,much more must be done to answer the pending ques-
tion of the presence or the absence of OP receptor sub-
types in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Very little is known to date regarding the molecular
mechanisms (phosphorylation, internalization, control
of opioid receptor gene expression, etc) involved in theregulation of opioid receptor functioning. Whether suchmechanisms contribute to tolerance and dependencephenomena is also a matter of debate and should beinvestigated further using molecular biology ap-proaches. The construction of opioid receptor chimeras
and site-directed mutagenesis already pointed to amino
acids critically involved in the binding of agonists and
antagonists onto opioid receptors, but much more has
yet to be done to really assess the physicochemical fea-
tunes of the interaction of opioids with their receptors.
Knowledge of these features is probably the key for the
synthesis of potent and selective agonists and antago-
nists as pharmacological tools and therapeutic agents.Finally, antisense strategy and direct alterations (trans-
genesis, knock-out by conditional homologous necombi-nation, etc.) of the genes encoding opioid receptors can
be expected to generate new in vivo models for assessingfurther the various physiological and pathophysiohogicalimplications of these receptors.
Ackrwwledgements. The authors thank Mrs. C. SeAs for excellent
secretarial assistance and Professor B. P. Roques, Professor E. J.
Simon, Professor J. L. Henry, Dr. M. M. Dhar and the other members
of the IUPHAR subcommittee on Opioid Receptors for helpful dis-
cussions during preparation of this manuscript.
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