The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

1 THE COURIER- JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1933. Louisville Markets The following buying prices eggs, poultry and country butter are quoted the Maloney -Davidson Company: Eggs--Fresh. current receipts. rots off. firsts.

11c a dozen: seconds. 8c dozen. Poultry- Hens colored. pounds and up. 10c pound; 4 pounds and up.

9c pound; under 4 pounds. pound; Leghorn hens. 6c pound: colored all sizes. 10c pound; Leghorn and blacks, all sizes. 9c pound: geese, 4c pound; ducks, 4C pound; guineas, 20c each: co*cks, De pound; turkeys, No.

1 hens. 10c pound: young and old coms. Tc pound; grades, 5c pound. Country Butter -Packing stock. No I.

7e pound: undergrades. 00 value. Creamery Butter wholesale selling price in Louisville) -First grade, 52c pound: second grade, 20c pound. Butterfat (buving price In Louisville) First grade. 16c1 pound: second grade.

13c. BOND MARKET AVERAGES. (Copyright. Standard Statistics Co.) 20 Ind. 20 RR.

20 Ut. 60 Tot. Tuesday 75.9 81.2 85.1 80.7 Monday 75.9° 71.3 85.3 80.8 Week ago 76.0 81.1 85.6 80.8 Month ago 75.4 81.3 85.9 80.8 Year ago 68.3 76.1 85.4 76.5 2 yrs. ago 83.4 92.4 100.5 92.1 3 yrs. ago 93.9 108.5 100.8 101.1 High, 1933..

77.1 84.9 88.5 83.3 Low, 1933.. 58.3 57.0 74.1 63.6 High, 1932.. 71.3 78.0 86.2 78.1 Low. 1932... 53.2 47.4 70.9 57.5 High, 1931..

90.4 105.7 101.5 98.7 Low. 1931... 62.3 62.3 80.2 68.5 Sales (par value). $8.624.000. Sales (in 1.000s).

High. Low. Close. 6 5s '51 83 833 3 Do '50 79 79 79 17 Do 5s '60 82 82 2 Wh con 48 '49 1 Wilkesb 1st 55'42 40 40 40 Wilson 1st 6s '41 99 99 Wis Cen gen 4s '49. 181 181 Do 45 '36 151.

-Y- 16 Youngstown 5s'78 80 791 80 FOREIGN BONDS. 6 zAbitibi 5s 53. 22 22 Adriatic El 7s '52 ..110 110 110 3 Agri Bank Col 65 29 29 29 2 Antioquia 75. '45 A 151 Do 7s '45 1532 153 Antwerp 5s '58 813 813 16 Argentine 6s '57 A 605. Do 6s '58 60 601 30 Do 6s st '59 June.

61 3 Do sf 6s '59 Oct 603 15 Do sf 6s '60 601 15 Do 6s '60 Sept 601 6s '60 Oct Do 65 '61 May 61 61 61 15 Do '62 55 55 24 Australia 5s '55 84 22 Do 5s '57 85 85 Do '56 78 781 Austria gtd 73. 100 Do '57 54 54 54 Bavaria '45 39 39 Belgium 7s 101 Do 7s '56 98 Do '49 97 Do 6s '55 Berlin City 6s 3114 27 Berlin City El 543 531. 54 12 Do '59 46 46 12 Do 6s '55 8 Berlin El El '56 39 39 3 Bolivia 8s '47 Do 7s '58 85 83 5 Do 7s '69 812 9 Bordeaux 63 '34 ....128 2 Brazil 8s '41 34 333 Brazil 6125 '26-57 303. 303 Do '27-57 303 303 2 BrazilCRyEl 7s 291 291 3 Breda. Ernes 7s 771 15 Bremen 7s '35 563 563 7 Brisbane 5s 693 693 693 Do 6s '50 77 77 77 374 British 37 ...119 10 Do 4s '60-90 3 Buenos A 6s '61 3512 12 Do 6s '61 33 BuenAProv 36 36 36 00 Do '61 335 09 Bulgaria 7s '67 20 20.

20 00 Caldas '46 191 15 Canada 5s '52 1051 E- Canada '36 .....101 1003. 101 13 Canada 4s '60 917a 92 3 Chile Mtg Bk '61 18 18 18 27 Chile Mtg 6s 12 1134 12 10 Do 65 '62 12 113 5 Chile 6s '60 111 113 Chile 6s '61 Jan 09 Chile 6s '61 111 Chilean Mun 7s 60. 10 97 5 Cologne 615 '50 Colomb 6s '61 42 42 42 Colomb 6s '61 Oct 3915 39 39 Col Mtg Bk 7s 26 26 26 Do Ts '47 30 30 30 13 Copenhag 55 '52 68 4 681 5 Do 4'45 '53 '54. 66 1 Copenhag Tel 5s 80 80 80 Cuba '33 7712 75 75 21 Do 47 45 461 Do 55 (1904) '44 87 87 87 2 Do 5s (1914) 49 A. 89 89 89 16 Denmark 65 '42 923 901 8 '55 841, 84 841 17 Do '62 72 721 1 Dom Rep sf '42.

58 58 58 Duke Price Pow 6s '66 765 A 765 10 Indies sfg 6s 1293 2 6s '62 coup off. 127 1281 21 Do 6s '47 123 Do '53 125 00 Do 51S '53 Nov ...125 125 125 El Pow Ger 4315 Estonia Rep Ts '67 53 53 53 Finland 7s '50 84. 84 Do '56 8014 -4 Do 6s '45 793 Frankfort 263 263 28 French 7155 41 135 135 13 Do 7s '49 ...140 140 140 2 Ger Agr Bk 7s 55 54 55 6 Do 6s '38 Apr 463 11 Do 6s July 441, 43 441 15 Do 6s Oct 431 44 Ger Gov Intl '65 451 463 45 Ger Govt 7s '49 73 7214 73 Ger Gen El 75 371 371 13 Do 6s 34 337 5 Gt, El Ta 61-s '50 63 63 Greek 7s '64 Do 6s '68 Haiti 6s '52 72 71 10 Harpen Min 6s '49 ww 61 F1 61 3 Helsingfors '60. 7316 72: 7314 Hung Munic 75 281 10 Ilseder Steel 6s 37 3632 363 1 Ital Ital Cr Cons Util 7s '47 911 911 Pub 7s 8532 853 853 29 Italy 7s 1951 97 12 Japan '54 381 88 881 1 Do '65 741 Karstadt 6s '43 18 18 18 Met Water '50 761 6 Mex '10 gid ds asst Sm 51 51 51 1 Milan City '52. 8612 8612 13 Minas Geraes '58 30 30 3 Do 159 30 293 30 Montevideo 7S '52 35 35 35 New Sou Wales 55 '57.

813 813 20 Do 55 '58 8134 8134 70 Nord Ry 6125 '50 25 No Ger Llovd 6s '47. 4412 42 42 13 Norway 6s '52 94 935 31 Do 6s 943 913 Do 6s 951 95 95 Do 515 '65 901 901 10 Da hs 63 883 8834 883 Nor Mun Bk 55 851 8512 851 Orient Dev Ltd 65 '53 665 66 66 23 Do 51,5 '58 63 63 9 Oslo City 6s '55. 881 88 Panama 5125 '53 99 99 99 15 Par-Orl R. 5125 '68 116 11512 116 1 Paulista Ry 7s 501 5012 501 00 Peru 7s 53 131 13 13 2 Do 1st 6s '60 101. 10 10 NV Do 2d Es 1961 10 10 10 Poland 7s 70 70 70 Porto Aleg 8S '61 247 Prague '52 95 95 95 Prussia 6s '52 35 10 Do '51 36 34 36 5 Queensld 6s '47 89 891 Rhinelbe 7s '46 385 38 38 Rhein-Ruhr 6s '53 31 10 Rhine Westph 6s '52.

405 27 Do 6s '53 40 40- 10 Do 6s '55 39 11 Rio de Jan '53. 20 193 00 Rome '52 87 2 Rotterdam 6s '64 101 101 101 Royal Dutch 48 94 04 94 2 Sao Roumania Paulo St Inst 8s 7s '50 '59 21 21 33 21 33 8s '36 24 24 Do 7s '40 68 68 Do 6s '68 19 19 19 Santa Fe Arg Is '42 2214 001 00 Sax Pub Wks 7s '45 431 431 Saxon St. Mtg I 7s'45 63 68 68 Serbs Cts Slov 221 2215 Hal 7s 821., 821 Do 61 '51 5908 591 501 Silesian Id Assn6s 47 34 34 34 Soissons 63 '36 Sales (in 1.000s). High. Low.

Close. 22 Sweden '54 97 97 Swiss 51 46 138 2 Sydney 51. Taiwan El Pow31 10 Tokio City 66 66 66 1 Tokio El Lt 6s 621 621 621 2 Tolima Dep 7s 163a 163 Hy Pw 75 '52. 48 48 43 Ujicawa El Pow 7s '43. 76 75 76 15 Wks 6 '51 343 Do 147 313 315 Do '51 343 343 a 343 Unterelbe 6s '53.

4034 404 403 Uruguay 85 '46 387a 371 371 Do 6s '60 31 31 31 Vienna City 6s '52 57 57 57 Do 6s '52 coupon off 52 52 52 Warsaw City 7s 441 Westph 6s 35 35 35 16 Yokohama 6s '61 661 661, Bond sales. $8.624.000. Previous day. $8.447.000: week ago. $7.997.000: year ago.

$19.595.000: two years ago. $8.682.000: JanMary to date, $2.258.823: year ago. 040.437.000: two years ago. $1.804.210.000. Matured bonds: negotiability impaired by maturity.

TREASURY STATEMENT: Washington. Aug. 22 (AP! -The PORIlion of the United States Treasury August 19 was: Receipts. $6.960.401.58: balance. 321.78: customs duties for the month $20.811.943.73.

Total receipts for the fiscal rear (since July $299.090.840.88: total expenditures. $506.085.795.96 including $180.277.788.71 emergency expenditures). Excess of expenditures. $206.994.955.08. SILVER.

New York, Auz. 22 (AP). -Bar silver steady and lower at 36c. Silver futures closed firm: sales 3.700.- 000 ounces. September.

36.31c: October. 36.55c: December. 37.06c: January, 37.37c; March, 37.91c: May. 38.45c. 15 Do deb 55 6 West Un col tr '38 92 92 92 unchanged.

Un Gull 58 '50 102 warrants. (zw) Without warrants. 1 Livestock Markets CHICAGO, to AP)- Receipts. 20,000 head. inChicago.

Aug. 22 ((U. So. Dept. of Agri.

cluding 4,500 direct; active. steady to 5c lower than Monday; 170 to 220 pounds, top. 230 to 300 pounds, $3.75 choice light lights, $4.25 strong weight pigs, packing sows, $2.90 3.40; shippers. 2,000. estimated holdover.

2.000; light light, good and choice, 140 to 160 pounds, light weight, 160 to 200 pounds. 200 to 250 pounds, pounds, heavyweight. 250 to 350 $3.50 packing sows, medium and good, 275 to 550 pounds. pigs. good and choice, 100 to 130 Receipts.

8.500 head. Calves--Receipts, 2,000 head. Fed steers and long yearlings generally steady: strictly good and choice heavies and all grades light cattle getting best action: heifer yearlings 10c 10 15c higher if light; weighty kind slow: no reliable outlet for grass fat cows selling at $2.75 upward: extreme top weighty steers. yearlings, $7: heifer yearlings. $6.15: mixed yearlings selling at $6.50: largely market; most stockers and feeders selling at $4.75 down to $3.50.

Slaughter cattle and vealers, $3.50: steers. good 'and choice, 550 to 900 pounds. 900 to 1.100 pounds, $5.50 1.100 to 1.300 pounds, $5.50 7.25: 1,300 to 1.500 pounds. $5.50 common and medium. 550 to 1.300 pounds.

$305.50: heifers, good and choice, 550 to 750 pounds, common and medium, cows, good, $3.50 conimon and medium. $2.35 3.50: low cutter and cutter, s1.25@2.35: bulls (yearlings excluded), good (beef). $3.2504: cutter. common and medium. vealers.

good and choice, medium, $5.50 6.25: cull and common. $4 5.50. Stockers and feeder cattle: Steers, good and choice. 500 to 1.050 pounds, common and medium, 4.50. Sheep 18.000 head: most native lambs near steady on paper, actually weak considering improved quality: bulk desirable kind, talking around $6.75 7.50 on rangers: yearlings absent; sheep and feeding lambs near steady; lambs.

90 pounds down, good and choice. common and medium. $3.75 6.75: ewes. 90 to 150 pounds. good and choice, all weights.

common and medium. feeding lambs. 50 to 75 pounds, good and choice. EVANSVILLE. Evansville.

Aug. 22 Good to choice strictly dry-fed heavy weight steers. medium to good. 5: good to choice light weight steers and heifers, strictly dry. medium to good, medium to good grass cattle.

$304: common kind. good to choice heifer cows, medium to good cows, cutters. canners. best quality stockers. common kind, best bulls.

common and medium. $1.50 2.25; milch cows. common kind selling only at canner and cutter prices. Calves--Choice light calves, 150 to 210 pounds, $6 down: few choice fancies selling occasionally as high as $7: medium calves, $405: common thin calves. $3.50 down: choice heavy calves.

215 pounds and up. $304: few as high as $4.50: medium heavy calves, on the stocker order, $4 down. Sheep and Lambs Spring lambs, No. ewes and wethers. $7.25: No.

1 bucks and heavy lambs weighing over 90 pounds. $6.25: No. 2. $4.75: yearlings, Best fat sheep. $1.50 2.25; heavy and thin sheep.

$1.50 down. Hogs--170 to 230 pounds, $4.35: 230 to 250 pounds, $4.10: 250 to 300 pounds. $3.70: 300 to 325 pounds, $3.30: 325 pounds up, 140 to 170 pounds. $3.85: 120 to 140 pounds, 120 pounds down. $2.55.

INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis. Aug. 22 (U. S.

Dept. 01 Agr. to -Hogs Receipts. holdovers. 220; mostly 5c lower; underweights steady to 10c off: heavies hard to move; 160-230 pounds.

$4.60 230-260 pounds, $4.30 260-290 pounds. 140-160 290- 350 pounds, listed $3.75 43.95: pounds. 120-140 pounds, $3.50 3.75: packing sows. $3 4 3.50. Cattie-Receipts, 2.500; and calves.

weak 800: to steers 25c slow; liberal supplies lower bids, slowing trade: few loads steers steady at $5.50 tr 6.50: better kinds held good heifers strong: others weak: choice, $64 6.35: others mostly $4.255.50: steady: bulk. $2.50 3.50; top, cows vealers steady, $7 down. Sheep 2.500; lambs around 25c lower: top, $7.75: bulk ewe and wethers. bucks $1 less. CINCINNATI.

Cincinnati, Aug. 22 ceipts, 700 direct and through: no early sales: generally asking steady, or $4.85 on 180 to 240 pounds; bids around 15c lower. Cattle--Receipts. 800: calves. 450: slow; indications around steady; early sales steers and heifers mostly $4.25 5.75: odd lots to cows down to $3.50 and below: beef kinds.

$2.50 3.25; low cutter and cutter, $1.252.00: bidding weak to lower on bulls: few sales good to choice vealers. $6617; plainer kinds largely Sheep- Receipts. generally steady quality scarcity of better grades and most better kinds $7.50 8: few upward to medium $506; a some mixed common culls down to $3 and below: aged fat ewes on slaughter account mainly $10 1.50; best lightweights quotable to $2. Slaughter sheep and lambs- Spring lambs. 90 pounds.

down, good and choice. $7.50 8.50: common and medium. $407.50: ewes. 90 to 120 pounds. good and choice.

$10 2: 120 to 150 pounds. all weights, common and medium, a EAST ST. LOUIS. East St. Louis, Aug.

22 (U. S. Dept. of Agr. to AP)-Hogs-Receipts, 12,000, including 500 direct; market mostly lower; heavies off most: pigs steady to 15c higher; top, $4.55: bulk, 170-220 $4.35 top to packers.

few 230-250 $3.85 25: 260-310 $3.50 3.85: 140-160 $3.8544.35: 100-130 lb. pigs. $2.75 3.65; sows, $2.75 3.15; mostly $2.85 Cattle Receipts. 4.500: calves. 2.500; market generally steady, with Western heifers 10c lower: native steers.

$4.85 top. Western steers, $3 native heifers. $406: all in small lots: several cars range heifers. $3.85 44.15: beef cows, $2.5063: low cutters. top sausage bulls, good and choice vealers.

$6.50. Sheep Receipts. mostly steady; some lambs 25c lower: bulk of lambs to packers $7: top to shippers and small killers. $7.25: load of clipped lambs. buck lambs $1 less: some throwouts.

$3.50: feeder yearlings. slaughter ewes, JERSEY CITY. Jersey City. N. Aug.

22 (AP) -Sheep and Lambs- 6,472. including 1.618 direct. Lambs steady for best grades; in-between quality uneven. 25c lower: good to choice Virginias $8.25 8.75, few $9: medium, common culls bucks out at $1 less. Sheep steady: ewes.

medium to good. 31.25 2.50; choice $3: cull and' common $101.25. NEW YORK CURB QUOTATION LIST (Continued from Page 13.) Sales (in 1.000s). High. Low.

Close. 3 Ohio Pub 55 '54 81 78 78 29 Okla 5s '50 89 88 88:4 2 Okla 55 '18 54 5312 33 4 Oswego Falls 63 -P- 27 Pac 4 1 '57 98 971 98 Pd 7 Do 4125 '60 97 9734 973 01 Do 55 '55 .105 1051 a 5 Pac Inv 5s '48 Pac 55 107 107 Do 5s '55 Pac Wes Oil 76 76 76 Palmer Louis 6s 94 94 94 Pen 70 70 Pen '54 A. 3 Pow 5s 103 2 Pen Pub 6s '47 Pen Wat 5s Peo 45 '81 80 80. 80 00 Peo Gas 6s '57 3 Peop 5s '79 41 Phila El 5s '66 3 Phila El 107 107 Phila Rap Tr 65 '62. 12 Pied El 6125 '60 A 70.

1 Poor Co 6s '39 Potomac Ed 412s 61P 813 Pow Cor Do '47 64 64 64 Procter 10534 A Pub Sv Ill Do 5s '56 82 82 82 NI0 Do 5s '66 81 81 81 Do 4125 '80 733 25 Do 61s 37 993 99 991. Do 6125 '52 Pub Sv Okla 5s 61 76 76 76 12 Do 5s 16 75 75 2 Pub Sv 49 A 591, 18 Pug Sd '25 '49 5734 55 551 6 5s '59 5413 53 541. 15 Do 5174 -Q- C4 Quebec 53 '68 A 9112 911 -4 Queens '58 --R- P4 Rep Gas 6s '45 A 203 0) Do 63 '45 A cod --3- 4 St Gas 65 '47. 9 9 5 Safe Har 4125 101 101 12 Seattle Lt 5s '49 41 15 Shaw 5s '700. 82 6 Sheffield Stl 5123 '48.

861 8 SEP 6s 2025 A. 70 70 70 3 So Cal Ed 55 '39 106 106 106 12 Do 5s '51 103 1031 Do 5s '52 1033 a So Cal Gas 5s 89 8914 891 Do 41 '61 891 8916 691 11 So Ind Ry 45 '5i 60 60 4 Southern Nat. 65 '44 63 63 6 So west As Tel 5s '61A 51 50 50 1-So'west 5s '57 7334 7334 6 So' west 5s '57 A 71 70 70 So'west Pub 6s '45A 69 69 69 02 Stand 65 ...62 62 62 Do 6s '35 cvt 63 63 63 Do 6s '51 511 :011 51 Stand Inv 5s 771 7712 Stand 65 46 46 Sun Oil 51,5 1. 5 Sun Pipe 5s '40 .100 100. 100 Superpwr Ill 4155 '70 754 751 751 Do 41,5 75 15 75 Do 6 '61 85 85 85 Swift Co 53 '40 9934 993 Do 5s '44 105 -T- 2 zTex Cities Gas 53 '48 Tex Gas Ut 6s '45 251 Tex 5s '56 841, Do 5s '37 .100 100 100 Tide Wat 55 '79 A 645 Toledo Ed 55.

'62 933 14 Twin CRT '52 A -U- 2 Ulen Co ata 35 35 35 19 Union El '57 99 93 Un Gull 58 '50 102 'AXTON-FISHER 'A' ADVANCES 2 POINTS Axton-: class common jumped 2 points to 55 bid and 3 points to 60 asked, twenty-five shares each way, at Tuesday's session of the Louisville Stock Exchange. Standard Oil of Kentucky again was quoted bid 17 asked for 100 shares. There were rend other new quotations. BANK CLEARINGS. DEBITS.

Bank clearings and debits Tuesday as reported by the Louisville branch of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank: 1932 clearing $2,714.312.00 $3,171,462.00 Debits to individual ac'ts. 3.433.640.00 4,366,772.00 to Clearings date year 584.884.724.00 563,258,678.00 STOCKS. Bid. Asked.

Anderson Mig. 10 Axton-Fisher A com (3.20) 55 60. com (1.60) 50 Do -pfd (6) 85 87 Bourbon Stockyards ($4) Federal Chemical com 12 Do pid 28 Kentucky Rock Asphalt 2 Do pid Kentucky Securities pid 15 20. Kentucky Stone com pid 10 Louisville Fire Marine Ins 140 Louisville Railway Do pid Ohio River Sand 1st pid 50 Do 2d pid 20 Do com 5 pid 50 Standard Oil of 17 Sutcliffe pid 95 U. S.

Foil pid 66 BONDS. Ky Rock Asphalt 53 55 Ky Con Stone '33 5 I Term '61 50 60 Louisville Ry ext 8012 Do 2d '40 40 42 Do zen 55 '50 28 29 CITY OF LOUISVILLE BONDS. Bid Asked Rang. Range. Ret 2d 4s '37 .100 101 Ref 3d '40 95 96 Sewer.

park 3s '41. 92 94 95 Ref 4th '41 94 95 Ref 5th '41 94 9412 95 951 Ref 6th '41 94 94 95 951 Ref 7th 94 95 Ref 8th 94 95 951 Ref 9th 94 951 Sewer 4s '47 .100 101 1011 Hospital 108 10812 109 1094 School '54 .105 106 107 108 Sewer '60 .108 109 School 5s .106 107 108 109 Tuber Hos 109 Ref 12th 105 1051 Memorial 64..104 105 1051 Sewer 4s '65 .100 101 1011 Sewer '65 .104 105 1051 Sewer '65 .108 109 10915 Grade Cross 4s 101 1011 School 4s '66 100 101 1011 School '68 104 1041 105 1051 4s .100 1001 101 Univ 66 .104 1041 105 1051 Park 4s '68 100 101 10112 Ref 12th '68 ..104 1041 105 Sewer 4s '69 .100 101 10112 Sewer 69 104 104 105 1051 Sewer '69 108 1081 109 1091 Sewer '70 .104 105 1051 14th '70 .104 105 1051 Ref Water 4s '46 .100 1001 101 1011 Water 45 '50 .100 1001 101 1011 Bridge 4128 '48 90 92 Chicago Stocks Chicago, Auz. 22 (AP) is the complete official Itst of transactions In stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Actual Sales. High. Low.

Close. 100 Alumin Castings 5 5 5 1300 Allied Prod 1012 5700 Armour Co 101 50 Do war 350 Asbestos Mix 37 150 Assa Tel Ut 2100 Bendix Av 19 18 500 Berghoff Br (1.20) 13 13. 4050 Borg-Warner 203 Brown 3 3 3 100 50 Bruce (E L) 20 20. 20 100 Butler Bros 100 Cen Ill Sec 100 Do pt (.60) 61 100 Chi Flex Shaft 1050 Chi 1000 Cht Corp 300 Do pf (1) 150 Chi Mail Order 15 50 Chi Yell Cab (1). 12 12 850 Cities Serv 3 201 Consumers 250 Commonwith Edis 59 59 59 20 Cont Steel 40 40 40 8000 Cord Corp 121 127 250 Crane 85.

9 30 Do 45 4412 45 50 Dexter 63 100 Eddy Paper 780 Gen Candv 41 450 Gen Household 163. 16 161 100 Goldblatt 24 24. 24 100 Greyhound 750 23 25 23 100 Hall 61 61 350 Houd-Her B. 5 10 Ill Nor Ut pf 62. 62 62 50 Iron Fireman 61 50 Kalamazoo 251 700 Kingsoury 10 10 50 Lib-McN 550 Lunch Corp 37 37 1250 Marsh Field 15 15 50 Mickelberry's 300 Mid West 50 Do pf 50 Monte Ward 78 78 78 170 Musk Mot Sp 914 250 Nat 13 300 Nat-Stand (1.20) 25 22 25 50 Noblitt-Sparks 241 2414 50 Norwest Bancorp 71 50 Potter 3 3 3 2000 Prima Co 251 26 200 Pub Sv $100 par (2) 331 331 50 Do (2) 3312 331 331, 60 Quaker Oats (5b) .135 13412 135 200 Reliance Mig 141 14 14 Seaboard Ut 250 Sears Roeb 411, 4012 70 So Colo Pow 312 31 2700 Swift Co 1912 181 191.

900 Swift Int 12) 25 24 25 350 Thompson 10 97 100 Utan Radio 134 500 Util Ind 100 Do pid 100 Wahl Co 400 Wieboldt Stores Stock sales 53.000 shares. BONDS. $1.000 Chi Rys 55 '27 57 57 57 Bond sales $1.000. sale since ex-divident date or dates. a-Plus extras.

-Including extras. e-Paid last year. 1-Payable in stock. g-Paid 50 far this year. h-Cash or stock.

m-Also extra cash or stock dividend paid since Jancary 1. CRUDE PRODUCTION SHOWS DECREASE New York. Aug. 22 (AP)-Daily average gross crude oil production in the United States decreased 23.100 barrels in the week ended August 19. totaling 2,766.500 barrels.

the American Petroleum Institute's weekly summary indicates. Daily average production cast of California decreased 21.200 barrels to 2.261,300 barrels. Refineries representing 92.2 per cent of estimated total capacity operated at 75.2 per cent of their capacity. reported daily average runs of crude stills as 2.488.000 barrels. Daily average the previous week for refineries representing 92.2 per cent of total.

operated at 70.7 per cent of capacity, was 2,339.000 barrels. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Supervising Architect. Washington. D.

August 18. 1933. -Sealed bids in duplicate. subject to the conditions contained herein. will be publicly opened in this office.

room 439. at 2 p.m.. September 5. 1933. for furnishing all labor and materials and performing all work for metal weather strips in the U.

S. marine hospital at Louisville. Kv. Specifications may be obtained from the construction engineer or at this office. in the discretion of the supervising architect.

JAS. A. WETMORE. Acting Supervising Architect. The North American Company QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS No.

118 on Common Stock of in Common Stock (at the rate of of one share for each share held); and No. 49 on Preferred Stock of in eash (at the rate of 75 cents per share) Will be paid on October 2, 1933 to respective stockholders of record at the close of business en September 5, 1933. Robert Sealy, Treasurer INVEST IN OUR First PAID- STOCK UP At $100.25 Per Share Also Our Installment Shares At 10c or More Each Week. MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN SYSTEM PORTLAND Building Loan Association Incorporated 539 WEST MARKET STREET New York Stock Exchange Bonds New York. Auz.

22 (AP)-Trading tivity in the bond market continued on a restricted scale today prices generally were inclined to shift about uncertainly. Although there was a late mild rally in some of sympathy the with secondary 1m- groups. apparently in provement in stocks. the close $8.624.000. was irregular.

Sales totaled par value, and the average for sixty domestic corporate 10a25 was off one-tenth of a point. While the majority of utilities and rails drifted to slightly lower levels. some issues in these groups advanced. The industrials. as a whole.

finished about even. U. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS. (In Dollars and Thirty-seconds.) LIBERTY.

Sales (in High. Low. Close. 15 '32-47 102.16 102.16 102.16 1st '32-47 .101.25 101.19 101.25 62 1st 102 102.3 157 4th 102.20 102.23 TREASURY. 231 '47-52 110.26 110.18 110.26 294 4s '44-54 .106.26 106.20 106.26 67 '46-56 105 104.26 105 '40-43 June .101.29 101.26 101.23 2 '43-47 102.7 102.7 17 41-43 101.29 101.26 101.39 30 41-43 100.30 100.28 100.30 81 '46-49 .100.1 99.30 100 24 3s '51-55 98.18 98.16 98.18 CORPORATION BONDS.

Sales (in High. Low. Close. -A- 6 Adams Exp 45 71 70 71 3 Albany Sus '46 89 89 89 43 Alleghany 5s '44 64 46 Do 5s '49 57 55 57 42 Do 5s '5 42 Allegh Val 48 '42 98 98 98 2 Allis Chal 5s '37 92 91 91 25 Am Fgn 5s 2030 49 49 14 Am I Chem 5125 8 Am Internatl Am Mach 68 105 105 Am Metal '34 901 Am Smelt 5s '47 99 00 Am Sug Ref 6s 9 Am '43 ..1073 1071 17 Do col 5s '46 1067 18 Do 5s '60 1043 13 Do 5s '65 .105 1045 00 Do cyt '39 116 115 116 Do 4s Am 65 8012 801 Do 5s '34 96 953. 953 Am Writ Pap 6s 491 -410 Ang Ann Arbor Nitrate 4s 7s '95 '45 40 81 40 8 40 8 20 Arm Del 43 24 Arm '39 901 6 cvt '48 10112 27 Do Do 4s '95 '95 97 88 adj 48 8 Do adj 45 st '95 90 89 89 Do Rock Mt 4s 86 86 86 A 5s 44 A Line 1st 4S 903 89 89 4s '52 70 70 70 A Line '64 78 78 78 Atl I 53 62 Atl Refin 5s '37 1037 1 Austin 5s 833 1 Bald Loco 5s '40 ....100 100 100 19 rig 6s 791 19 Do 1st 5s 48 18 Do rig 5s 72 Do 5s 2000 703.

50 Do cvt '60 6134 Do 48 '48 Do 4s '41 86 86 86 Do 4s '59 72 72 72 Bell Pa 5s' 48 109 109 109 Bene Ind 6s 12 Beth Steel rfg 5s 102 102 Do 5s '36 100 100 Boston JJ'61 77 77 77 10 5s '56 81 8116 1 A 45 '55. 6512 654 651. 612s '34 etf. 17 17 17 3 Bklyn Ed 5s '49 107 107 11 Do 5s '52 106 106 14 Bklvn Tr 6s '68 951 951 954 10 Bklyn El 1st 5s 8419 84 841 16 Do 5s '50 103 1031 10 Buf 5s '37 ...100 100 1 Do '57 62 62 62 12 Bur No 5 34 57 Bush Bldg 5s '60 3978 4 By-Prd co*ke '45 Cal Pack 5s '40 Can Sou 5s '62 -4. Can Nat Ry 58 '70 Do '51 961 Do '51 955 955 953 Do '56 951 9534 Do 4125 '57 951 933 La '68 957 Do '55 Do 5s 69 July Da 5s '69 Oct 10 Can Nor 7s '40 1051 105 1051 12 Do deb '46 107 107 Do '35 1003 Can Pac 5s 96 957 96 Do 5s '54 853 843 853 24 Do '46 795 79 23 Do '60 76 Do 457 perp Caro Oh 65 '52 95 95 95 Do 5s '38 9912 Cen Br Pac 4S '48 50 4812 Cen of Ga 5s '59 C.

187 Cen Ill 5s '51 541 10 Cen Pac 5s 60 741 12 Do 1st gtd 4s '49 861 861 8618 Cen Steel 8s '41 10212 2 Certain-teed '48 523 5234 299 Chesap Corp 5s '47 105 Ohio con 5s '39 1071 1 gen 4125 '92 ..103 103 103 Do rig '93 951 15 Do rig 415 '95 B. 95 Do 1st 45 '89 99 99 99 11 rig 5s 99 100 '77 92 10 Do gen 45 '58 9412 941 Do 45 Ill '49 Do 31s Ill 90 90 90 11 Chi Ill 5s 25 Chi Ck 5s 1033. 23 Chic Gt West 4s 47 45 463. Chi I 6s '66 40 40 40 3 Chi 4125 12 SP gen4s '89A 711 71 136 5s '75 50 296 Do adj 5s 2000 241, 241. 6 Chi '36.

911 911 10 Do rfg 5s 2037 48 471 48 13 Do gen 5s '87 79 79 79 93 Chi cv '49 371 36 11 Do 2037 4212 4115 4214 17 Do 2037 421, 421. 421 Chi 4S Ry 5s '27 61 61 61 21 4115 28 19 19 2834 Do cvt 4125 '60 19 Do gen 4s 6515 651 16 Do rig 45 '34 2912 29 29 10 CT SE in 55 60 54 541, Chi Un Sta 5s 106 106 10 Do 5s 1944 10212 102 10218 Chi Un Sta '63 A.101 101 101 Chi Ind '62 89 893 Do 45 '52 8012 80 80 94 Childs Co 5s '43 483 4834 Chile Cop 5s '47 65 Cin Un Ter 5s 2020B.105½ Do 5s '57 .106 106 106 CCC St '77E 7312 7312 00 Do 4s '90 St 76 76 76 Clev Lor Wh 5s '33 95 95 95 Clev Un Term '72 881 8812 Do '77 741 74 Colon Oil 6s '38 661 Col I gen 5s 43. Col Indus 5s '34 27 Col So 1st '35 903 90 9038 29 Colum 55'52 May 841 25 Do 5s '61 82 823 Colum Ry 1033 1033. Comi Credit 24 Comi Inv Tr 19 103 19 103 19 Con Coal 5s '50 Con Gas NY 106 106 8 Do 55 '57 103 1031 10 Do '51 99 9815 981. 2 Consum Pow 5s '52 105 105 105 69 Container Corp 65 '46 71 69 11 Do 55 '43 5615 561 Corn Prod 5s '34 1023 13 Crown 6s 100 1001.

Crown Will 65 '51 86 853 86 2 Crown Zell 6s '40 ww. 713 711 7176 Cuba Nor P.V5 5125 '42 3512 35 he '52 321 321, 4 Cuba Cane Pr 6s '50. 73 3 Cumbld 58 -D- 9 Del Hud 95 95 95 Do 5s '35 99 991 Do rig 45 861 861 Del 1021 15 1st rfg 5s '51 931 931 Do 5s stp '51 94 9312 931 5 621 Do 48. '36 59 5814 581 61 RG West 5s '55. 39 381 Do 58 '78 4815 48 48 Det Ed 55 '49 A 1031 Do 413s '61 973 96 9634 Do 5s '62 1021 102 1021 Det Tunnel 90 90 90 35 Dodge Bros deb 6s '40 96 9634 1 Duques Lt 4155 '67 A.104⅝ -E- 3 East Ry Minn 4s 14 Erie zen lien 48 671.

51 Do ri 5s 63 63 59 Erie rf 5s '67 63 63 1 Do cyt 48 '53 A 617a 617 Do pr In 45 '96 8216 233228 8214 -F- 01-4 Fla Do 4'25 Cst 5s '74 ctis 60 57 60 1215 -G- 6 Gen Bak, 1037 Cable 6512 10 Gen Petrol 5s 40...104 104 104 Gen 51s 86 86 86 Gen Stl Cast 5 25 7312 7313 zGen Thea Ea 6s '40 63 63 Do 65 '40 51 5 51 13 Goodrich '47 951 951 9514 Do 6s 7158 13 Gooder 5s '57 90 10 Gr Tk Ry Can 1s 10512 6 Do 65 103 103 47 Gt Nor Ry 7s '36 86 861. Do '52 81 801 81 00 Gt Nor 58 721 721 Pot 681 3 1st '77 70 86 68 86 86 70 888 -H- 10 Hocke 100 100 3 Hou Oil Tex 8 64 64 64 17 Hudson Coal 5s '62 51 50 51 10 Hu rig 5s '57 85 841, 2 Do adj inc 5s 50 -I- Illinois Cen 933 93 931 Do '66 67 66 67 Do rig 45 '35 77 Do col tr 4s 76 76 76 Do col tr 45 65 64 65 00 5s '63A Do '63 69 68 69 Ill Steel deb 105 Inland St '78 8514 853 8518 13 Do '81 85 84 84 30 Interb Tr rig 5s '66. 67 6616 67 3 Int Cement 5s 8214 82 25 Int Gt Nor adj 6s '52. 153 41 Do 1st 63 '52 43 3 42 433 Do 5s '56 40 40 31 Int Hydro Elec 6s 49 48 13 Int Paper rig 65 '55 A 411 401 Do cvt 58 65 65 65 Int Cen A 63 601 601 20 Int crt 58 591 Do 50 4814 50 15 Do deb 55 Heart Disease Fatal To E. J.

Dolfinger, 80 Head of China and Glass- ware Firm Expires At His Home. Edward J. Dolfinger, 80 years old, for more than sixty-five years manager and owner of J. Dolfinger importers of china and glassware, died of heart trouble at 12:20 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home at the Puritan Apartments, 1244 South Street. Born in Louisville August 4.

1853. Mr. Dolfinger was educated in local schools. He became associated with the concern founded by his father. Jacob Dolfinger, in 1847, at the age of 14.

In 1879 he married Miss Sophia Heinig, and in 1881 was given an interest in the firm. After a fire in 1893, Mr. Dolfinger took over the ownership and management of the establishment. He retired from actual business less than a year ago. He was a member of the Audubon Country Club, the Rotary club and Christ Church Cathedral, He is survived by a daughter, Mrs.

Charles J. Stillwell, Cleveland, Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Pearson's Chapel, 1310 South Third Street. Burial will be in Cave Hill Cemetery. Joseph Septimus Cartwright. Joseph Septimus Cartwright, 53 years old.

died at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home, 4119 South Third Street. He is survived by four brothers, William Cartwright, Henry Cartwright. Arthur Cartwright and James Cartwright. and two sisters. Mrs.

Louise Izey, Danville, and Miss Mary E. Cartwright. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning at the residence. and at 1:30 o'clock at Danville. Burial will be at the Bellview Cemetery there.

William T. Graham, Sr. William T. Graham, 77 years old. died at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home.

3003 South Third Street. He is survived by two sons. Paul Graham, and William T. Graham. a daughter, Mrs.

Alex Longacre. and a sister. Mrs. Addie Thomas. Bellevue.

Ky. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Cave Hill Cemetery. William Henry Miller. William Henry Miller, 78 years old.

died at 3:55 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home. 2707 West Kentucky Street. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lucy E. Miller: a daughter, Mrs.

Harry Beck; a brother, George Miller: two sisters. Mrs. Eliza Payton. Paducah, and Mrs. Josephine Summers, and five grandsons.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in South Jefferson Cemetery. Mrs. Julia Mulloy, Mrs. Julia Mulloy.

64 vears old. died at 2:15 o'clock Tuesday morning at her home. 1721 Maple Street. She is survived by a son. Richard Mulloy: two daughters.

Miss Eliza Mulloy. and Mrs. J. M. Edmonson.

and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning at the residence. and at 9 o'clock at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial will be in St. Louis Cemetery.

Thomas Tobin Tyler. Thomas Tobin Tyler. 68 years old. died 3:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his at 1381 South Third Street. He is home, survived by his wife.

Mrs. Jessie Rubel Tyler, and four cousins, Mrs. Charles W. Daniel. Richmond.

Mrs. Denver. Edward C. Farmer. William R.

Patton. and Tyler Calham. Destin. Fla. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday morning at Lee E.

Cralle's Funeral Home. Burial will be in Cave Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Rose Irwin. Rose Irwin, 63 vears old.

died at Mrs. o'clock Tuesday night at her home. 8:30 657 South Twenty-seventh Street. She is survived by four sons. Charles E.

Ohio: Hill and Leo H. Hill, both of Toledo. Raymond Hill and Louis Hill; a daughter. Mrs. Frank Fender.

Toledo; a step-daughMiss Genevieve Hill: two brothers. ter. Frank A. Vogel and Lee Vogel. and sevengrandchildren.

Funeral services will teen be held at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning at the residence. and at 9 o'clock at St. Charles Borromeo's Catholic Church. Mrs. Lena Hofelich.

Mrs. Lena Hofelich. 71 years old. 1529 South Seventh Street. widow of John Hofelich.

died at 9:55 o'clock Tuesday at the SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital. She is survived by a son. daughters. Mrs.

W. P. Hofelich: two Mever and Mrs. T. J.

Carroll. a brother and sister. both living in Gerand ten grandchildren. Funeral manv. services will be held at the residence.

THE WEATHER of maximum and minimum temReports peratures and precipitation for twentyfour hours ending August 22. at 8 p.m.: Stations. High. Low. Pre.

Amarillo. Texas 92 68 1.82 76 62 .00 88 46 .00 Calgary. Alberta Cairo. Ill. 76 68 .00 84 64 .00 Chicago.

Ill. 80 66 .00 Cincinnati. Ohio Detroit. Mich. 90 66 .00 Kan.

72 60 .00 Duluth, Minn. Galveston. Texas 92 80 .00 S. D. 70 68 .20 Huron.

City. 86 70 .00 Kansas Ark. 90 74 .00 Little Rock. Louisville, Kr. 86 .00 R8 .00 Memphis.

Tenn. Ala. 88 72 .00 Nashville. Tenn. 90 68 .00 Montgomery.

Orleans. La. 92 80 .00 New Platte. Neb 82 62 .38 North Oklahoma City. Okla.

92 74 .00 Neb. 78 68 .08 Omaha. Pittsburgh. Penn. 90 78 60 68 .00 .00 St.

Louis. Mo. Antonio. Texas 94 74 .00 Sheridan. Wyo.

66 46 .00 San Ste. Shreveport. Marie. La. Mich.

84 92 76 50 .00 .00 S. Current. Sask. 58 54 1.82 Miss. 90 72 .60 Swift Vicksburg.

N. D. 73 56 .01 Williston. Man. 82 -66 .00 Winnipeg.

METEOROLOGICAL DATA. (Official) Louisville. Aug. 22. 1933.

7 a.m. Noon 7 p.m. Barometer 30.08 29.96 Temperature (dry 69 83 80 Temperature (wet bulb) 65 66 65 point 62 57 53 Dew humidity 78 43 44 Relative velocity 10 9 Wind State of weather Pt. Clear Clear TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION. temperature 86 Minimum temperature 68 Maximum Mean temperature 77 76 Normal temperature Departure for day for month -36 Departure Departure since March 41 Mean Prevailing barometer winds 30.32 Northwest Mean relative humidity 55 Character of dav Clear Total precipitation Normal precipitation .14 Departure dav 14 Departure for month .88 Departure since March 7 Un '74 54 53 54 13 Do 6s '75 47 11 Do '59 80 80 35 Un Ry '52 51 52 Do 6s '52 A 813 813 Oh Do 6s '73 A 45 45 45 Rub 65 '36 Utah P.

6s 2022 A 62 62. 62 Do '44 Waldorf As 7s '54 ctis 8 8 8 pad Wash Gas Lt 5s 8712 8712 871 Wash Wat 55 1 Pa 5s 2030 62 62 62 10 West Pa Pw 4s '61 H. 997 8 West Tex Ut 5s '57 A. 52 5212 3 Un '33 A 82 82 82 FOREIGN BONDS. Agri Mtg Bk 7s 33 33 1.0 Do 7s '47 34 34 34 6 Baden Mun 7s 32 32 3 Bogota Mg Bk 7s '47.

24 24 Do '47 nw 25 25 25 2 Buen Air Pr 7s '52 st.p 35. 35 33 15 Cent Bk Ger 6s '51 B. 9 Com Prvt Bk 51s '37. 50 49 50 Danish Con 5s '53 69 67 67 Ercole El '53 A 73 73 73 Europ Mg 7s '67 381 11 Ind Bk 78 '44 86 86 86 25 Fin Bk 6s '61. 69 1 First Boh Gl 7s '57 62 62 62 20 Ger Mun 7s 371 15 Do 6s '47.

39 3 Gesfuerel 6s 53. 4432 443 Hanover St 3812 27 It Sup Pw 65 '63 70 Medellin Col 7s 173 173 1 Parana Braz 7s '58. 12 12 12 2 Pomerania El 6s '53 37 37 37 6 Ruhr Gas '53 A 471 47 35 Russ ctf '19 4 5 Do 41 Stinnes 75. 37 37 37 1 Do 7s 35 33 35 8 Terni Elec 7434 Un El Svc 73 763 end Un Ind 65 50 50 50 Vam Wat 5135 8512 8512 8512 Stock sales. 273.000 shares.

against 860 year ago. Bond sales. $3.000.000. against $9.715.000 YeAr 220. Officially listed on application by the corporation.

Other securities are admitted to dealing as "unlisted." on application of a regular member and approval by the listing committee. xFirst sale since ex-divi. dend date or dates. (a) Plus extra or extras. (b) Including extra or extras, (di Payable in scrip.

(e) Paid last year. (f Payable in stock, (g) Paid so far this year. (h) Cash or stock. (mi Also extra cash or stock dividend paid since January 1. (ur) Under rule.

(W)With warrants. (zw) Without warrants. City Statistics REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Carl and Claire M. Witt to Estelle Vogt, lot in Lauderdale No.

$1. Morris W. Jones, Trustees in Bankruptcy of the estate of C. C. Hieatt.

bankrupt, Louisville Trust Company, trustee, tract Lime Kiln Road, $1. Greater City Realty Corporation te C. R. and R. H.

Tichy, two lots in Riverside Gardens. $1. William Beck to Phil S. Churchman. 32 feet, a point 100 feet east of the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Magazine, and 42 feet north side of Rowan, west of Seventeenth, $1.

Lightfoot Land Company to Will Lee Dorothy B. Lee, 30 feet west side of Thirty-fourth, south of the first alley north of Avenue. $1. Rebecca Schuster to Louisville Trust Company, Jake Schuster, Louis N. Schuster and Louis Schuster.

trustees. 24 feet east side of Preston, south of Walnut, $1. C. J. Bornwasser and Martha Bornwasser to Eugene Perkins.

Q. E. Scholtz and Obermeier, trustee. lot in Kingsley Extension of Strathmoor and lot in Cherokee Village and lot in Broadmeade and lot in Cherokee Gardens and lot in Fairfield Unit of Cherokee Gardens, $1, H. C.

and Alma Eads to J. P. VanWinkle. lot in T. H.

Herbert Subdivision, $1. Kentucky Title Trust Company to Fidelity Columbia Trust Company, two lots in Seneca Village, $1. M. R. and Clara Oliver to T.

I. Sprenger. who reconveys to M. R. and Clara Oliver, 40 feet west side of Shelby, south of Brook.

$1. T. B. Duncan. trustee.

to G. H. and of Settie Deer B. Park Ford, Avenue, 331-3 feet feet southeast line 300 southeast the tract of the street railway right-ofway. $1..

Avery Building Association to Carolyn Martinie, wife of E. T. Martinie. in Progress Land Company Subdivision. $1.

Ben Brumleve. commissioner, and others to Laura B. Lewis. lot in Kenwood Park Addition, $1. garet Walter Myers, and wife Elizabeth of Brower to MarHarry Myers, Parkview.

31. M. H. and Catherine Everin to Fannie Wright. 50 feet east side of Grand Boulevard, north of Lansing.

$1. The Louisville Trust Company, trustee. to Louisville Cooperage Company, a corporation. 70 feet north side of Elliott. east of Thirtieth.

$1. John and Nellie Borders to Arnold Meeks, western 36 feet of lot 9 Kustes Subdivision, $1. Federal Fidelity Company, trustees, and Leona Sanders to G. Mamie R. Lillie I.

Schuman. feet north side of Main, between Hanco*ck and Clay. $1. Velma and J. F.

Ricketts and others to J. F. Combs. two lots a in Consolidated and revised subdivision Vance Land Company Subdivision. $1.

W. R. and Margaret R. Heick to Anna E. Heick, Walter F.

Heick. G. H. Newman. Julia H.

Reed and Frank M. Heick. five in Kilgus Subdivision and feet north" line of Clinton, east of Wayne, $1. BUILDING PERMIT. William Thielman.

build frame resi- NEWS OF THE COURTS. Suits Filed. 232437-Ben J. Johnson, guardian of Kelsall Baeton. vS.

Nehi Bottling Comand Joseph a M. Hayse, attorneys. pany; for damages. William W. Evans 232438- Wanda Krebs vS.

Emil Krebs; limited divorce. Dudley Clarke. attorney. 232439-Louisville Trust Company vS. E.

Hyman et on lien. James B. Young, attorney. 232440 -Zelma Dobson vs. Alfred R.

Dobson: divorce. Arthur Hile. attorney. 232441-Noble Vint: on petition. 232442-John J.

Murrow ct al. vs. George S. Suddarth et for damages. Beckham Overstreet and James A.

Hall, attorneys. 232443-Transcript. 232444-Sylvia Horrell Vs. Max Munsey for damages. George J.

Mayer and Charles G. Kipp, attorneys. 232445-447-Kentucky Title Trust Company vS. Rupert D. Cause et on Oscar O.

Bader, attorney. 232448-General Acceptance Corporation Harley: on contract. Thomas J. Gardner, attorney. 232449-Fannie Johnson VS.

William L. Johnson; divorce. Hagan Hagan, attorneys. 232450-Naomi S. Musser et al.

vs. Henry Knight Son; on contract. Mark Beauchamp, attorney. COUNTY COURT. COUNTY COURT.

Will 1 of Anna Mary Knott probated. Lewis Knott. executor. Bond $12,000. Raymond C.

Arny appointed administrator of estate of Mary Mellett. Bond $3.000. Guardianship of Peter L. Barker referred to Public Guardian. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Chester A. Galloway. 31, furnace man, 2411 Montgomery Street. and Miss Lillian M. Vollmer, 26, 331 North Twenty-fifth Street.

James B. Walters. 24. bookkeeper. 4441 South Fifth Street.

and Miss Camilla Threlkel. 21. 138 Brook Street. M. David Wallace.

21. barber, 1815 Owen Street. and Miss Virginia Adams, 18, 1615 West Main Street. Harry A. Hanshue.

23. 333 Kenilworth Road, and Miss Gertrude E. Welsheimer, 24. Springfield Drive. Hackley Muir.

28, 810 South Fortysecond Street. and Miss Thelma C. Kroeckel. 23. 828 Eastern Parkway.

John D. King. 22, mechanic, and Miss Mabel Wright, 24, both of 2507 Montgomery Street. BIRTHS. Joseph and Lillian G.

Bingham. 1815 Bank. boy; August 19. Robert and Mary B. Casey.

1017 South Thirty-sixth. girl: August Howard and Lola A. Pevler, 1940 West Jefferson, boy; August James and Mary F. Nally, 1123 Dumesnil. girl; August 18.

Lonard and Dona W. Tilford. 3109 Hale. boy: August 18. Edward and Georgia Mae M.

Aebersold, 2719 Madison. boy; August 15. Archibald and Virginia E. Fahringer, 1315 Hull, girl: August 14. Earl and Lilian T.

Rogers, 656 South Second. girl: August 16. T. M. and Evelyn K.

Elder. 3773 Craig, girl: August 16. Harold and Mabel B. Villesvik, 685 South Thirty-eighth, girl: Aug. 13.

Joe S. and Mary G. Faulconer. 2619 Grand, Boy; August 8. James and Hazel M.

Compton, 643 Cecil, boy: August 16. Clyde and Johanna H. Mosley, boy; August 9. Clarence and Thelma D. Wolf.

Indianalo, girl: August 16. Leonard and Evelyn W. Buckner. 2223 West Market. girl: August 15.

George and Marie S. Miller, 141 North Cabel. boy; Auc. 16. Roscoe and Margaret T.

Knight, 110 North Tenth. boy: August 15. Richard and Wilie Mac O. Leffler. 2527 West Jefferson.

boy; August 11. Philip and Vivian H. Miller, 671 South Thirty-eighth. boy: August 2. James E.

and Marcella A. Brangers. 2735 Fleming. girl; August 14. Howard and Louise P.

Harrod. 151 Holmes, Frankfort. boy: August 6. Charles and Catherine L. Waits.

La Grange. Boy: August 3. Bernard and Laura S. Carey, 1426 Hemlock, girl: August 17. Verne L.

and Katherine W. Murray, 2208 Lauderdale Road, girl; August 5. Thomas and Marie K. Bowling, 1361 S. Floyd.

girl: August 11. Joe Willis and Mabel F. Sturdivant, Baptist Seminary, girl: July 13. Edwin and Alberta H. Chester, 1518 rear Tenth, girl: August 15.

Clyde and Hattie G. Moore, 3022 Rudd. boy; August 17. Fred and Audrey S. Douglas, 969 Baxter.

boy: August 16. Robert and Mary S. Hartlage. Rural Route 4. Shively, boy; August 12.

Jake and Amelia B. Dillman, Rural Route 4. box 164. girl; July Frank and Rose V. Bicuel, boy; July 29.

DEATHS. Ruth Ann Cleaver. 82 years. Deaconess Hospital. Auzust 21; fracture left femur.

Jacob Friedman, 67 years. 1460 Dixie Highway. August 20: carcinoma. Thomas A. Hannan.

91 years. 1320 Bardstown Road, August fracture neck left femur. Julius Schmidt. 68 years. 1520 Story.

August 2: fracture neck of femur. Louise E. Kanzinger. 85 years. 3110 Virginia.

August 20: myocarditis. Jennie L. Cornell, 68 years. 933 East Jetferson, August 20: enteritis. Mrs.

Ethel L. Fischer, 38 years. 113 Evelyn. August 20; myocarditis. Mrs.

Philomena Kasper. 77 years. 2816 Hoock Avenue. August 16: carcinoma. BLUE EAGLE NO TRADE NAME.

Oklahoma City, Aug. 22 (AP) -The Blue Eagle, symbol of the National Recovery Campaign, may not be by a private firm as A trade name, the Attorney General's office ruled today. SMITH ASKS AID FOR N.R.A. PLAN Sales (in 1.000s). High.

Low. Close. 1 Invest Eq 5s '47 90 90 90 1 4s '36 ctf. 52 52 52 2 '57 B.104 104 104 16 Do '61 31 3 South 3s 18 8 Term 4s 2 Kans '80. 10 Keith 6s 51.

3 Kendall '48 A. 76 76 1 Elev 45 '49 75 75 75 3 Kings Co Lt 5s -L 5 Lack Steel 5s 97 Lac Gas 64 64 64 HI0 Do 5s '34 West 1st 5s '37. 91 91 91 LehiValoNY 40 86 86 86 Do con 2003.. Do con 45 2003 54 54 54 2 Liggett 5s 108 108 Loew's Inc 6s Long Isl deb 5s Do gen 4s '38 99 99 99 Do rig 48 '49 9315 Do unified 4s 49. 943 Lorillard Co 75 5 Do 55 '51 .105 105.

105 22 Louis Ark 58 '69. 50 Lou Gas El 5s 104 104 2 01 Louis 5s 2003 90 90 90 00 Do unified 45 Do 3s '80 St -M- 2 Man Cal 53 '34 90 90 Marion St Sh 6s '47 533 McCrory St 41fil 58 58. 58 12 McKess '50 59 Mead Corp 6s '45 A. Met Ed 5s '53 93 93 93 Do '63 83 82 Met Side ElChi4s'38 Midv Stl cvt 5s '36. 993 991 2 61B 1st rig 4s '49 33 3 3 Do con Es '34 ctis.

8 8 8 5s '38 con 48 '38. 44 44. 44. M-K-Tex 58 '62 A 80 Do pl '78 74 74 74 140 Mo Pac cvt '49 6 Do rig '65 A 34 34 34 38 5s '77 F. 34 33 Do gen 45 '75 14 Do 1st 5s '81 34 333 34 Mob 4125 '77 15 15 Da 5s '38 1712 171 Mont Pw 55 '62 '731 731 731 31 Morris Essex4 791 1 Do 2000......

80 80 80 -N- Nassau El con 4s '51 58 58 58 44 Nat Dairy '48 3 Nt 234 23 23 17 Natl Steel 5s '56 931 Newberry '40 871 Eng 5 Pb Sv 58 '52 A. 56 56 56 Do 5s '55 B. 54 54 54 New Orl Term 4s '53. NYC deb 6s '35 26 5g 2013 75 741 75 Do con 4S '98 15 A 901 Do deb 48 '34 9012 Do 2013 681 681. Do 31s '97 58 NY 6s '35 58 18 Do '74 57 59 Do '78 50 50 1st.

4s '37 91 91 91 NY Con RR '53 97 97 97 NY Dock Co 5s '38 4034 NY Edis rig 113 Do 5s '51 106 1053. 106 Do 5s '44 10612 1061 cytdeb6s'48 93 9315 col tr 65. 937 9212 92 Do 67 73 73 73 13 Do deb 45 '57 60 591 60 NY Ry inc 6s '65 478 Gas rig6s'51A. 1043. 00 NYState '62ctf 33 33 Steam 6s '47 ..10718 107 107 Do 53 '56 101 101 Do 5s '51 ..10212 1021, NY rig 5s '37 603a 603 60 NY Tel gen 1041 10434 -4 Bost '46 55 55 55 3 Pow 5s '55 A.103¼ 10324 3 Niagara Shrs '50 67 67 67 Nori con 4s '96 995 Do div 4s 101 1 4s Poc 100 100 10 Nor Am Co 77 763 8 Nor Am Ed 5125 '63.

79 7812 79 13 Do 5s '57 803 6 Do 5s '69 72 72. Oh 65 '47 A.101 101 101 15 Nor Pac pr (lien 45 '97 887 883 8873 1 Nor Pac 6s '2047 8912 -O- 11 Ohio Pub Svc '46 98 98 Ohio Ry 5s '37 91. 91 91 Old Ben Coal 6s '44 213 3 Ore con 45. '46 Ore Sh con 55 106 106 Do gtd 5s 10714 14 Ore- 45 '61 89. 8812 89.

Otis Steel 6s -P- Pac Gas El 5s 1053 10534 HA Pac RR Mo 1st 48 '38 9216 921. 9212 1 Pac rig Para Bway 5145 '51 3712 3712 3712 62 Para -F-Lasky 65 '47. 34 323 33 6 Par Lasky 6s'47 ctf 34 32 34 79 Para Publix 51s '50 34 32 55 Do 51s '50 ctis 34 32 34 Penn Dix 6s '41 A 7215 7246 7211 Penn 41, 9212 921 9214 13 Pea '81 92 911 911 19 Pen Co '63 9118 91 91 10 Pen '36 1043x 104 10415 26 Do gen 5s '68 100 100 5 5s '64 96 961 15 Do gen '65 94 935 10 Do gen 4145 '81 881 25 Do 412S '70 83 823 827 Do 4s '48 10012 1001 3 of 5s'47 1013 7 Pere Marq 55 '56 721 721. Do 380 6412 641 641 Phil Balt 4s 43 Do 96 96 96 Phila Co 5s '67 85 85 Phil Elec '67 .105 10412 10415 20 Do 4s 71 2812 981 981 14 Phil Read I 6s'49 58 57 58 Ph I 5s'73 62. 62 62 Philippine Ry 4s '37 2614 Phillips Pet '39 871 874 8718 gen 99 99 99 Do 4155 '12 ..1021 1021 00 Do 45 '45 98 98 98 Pitt Va 60C 68 68 6R Pitt A 68 68 68 10 Portl El 4125 '60 61 59 59 67 Postal Tel 55 '53 5313 7 Pressed Sti 5s.

'33. 48 48 48 Pub 4125 '67. 1043 10438 2 '70 1041 16 Do 4s '71 993 a 13 Pure Oil '37 90 90 90 12 Do '40 85 841 8413 6 Purity Bak 5s '48 821 8212 -R- Radio Keith '41 22 22 22 Read gen 41s '97 A. Do '97 94 94 94 2 Rdg Jer Cen col 4s '51 3 Rem Arms st 6s '37 A 10 Rem Rand 77. 76 77.

5 Revere Cop 6s '48 3 Rich Oil 6s 44 A ctf. 243 245 R. I A 1 Rutland Can 48 54 54 54 -S- 10 St Jos Lead 1113 16 7 '33 56 56 13 Do 181 181 16 Do 41 '78 cti stp 17 17 5 5s '50 Ladies 221 St 5s 85 85 St 55.0 '20 531 Do 1st 48 '89 71 71 71 St 41 '41 4212 4216 St City Cab 5s '37 50 50 50 St 4s Mont'37 9312 031 031 St Pail Un Den 101 101 Pass 1st 4s '43 72 72. 72 San Ant 6s 871 8714 Seab A con 6s '45. 101 10 10 zDo rig 45 10 10 10 Sea -All Fla Ry 6s 35 A ctf.

45 1 Sharon St 5125 48 471 471 12 Shell Pipe Line 55 '52 91 9012 901 Shell Un 5s 90 893 893, 27 Do 5s '49 90 895 Sierra 5s 981 981 Sinc Oil col 7s 00 Do 1003. 10034 Sinc Pipe Line 5s 6 Skelly Oil Solvay Am 5s 981 13 So Bell 5s 41.105½ 5 So Col Power 6s '47. 11 Sou Pac 65 65 32 Do 41s 64 63 5 Do 4125 '69 Do rig 45 81 81 Do col 1r 45 65 65 65 12 Do Ore Ln '77 751. Do Fr Ter 4s '50. 921 So Pac of Cal 5s 102 102 61: 136.

781 791 30 South Ry gen 6s '56 7412 73 5 Do con 5s '94 93 93 21 Do gen Is '56 59 571 59 5 Sou Ry 45 '38 61 61 61 12 So Ry 45 St 703 5 Bell Tel 5s '54 10612 1061 28 St deb 5s '46 .105 105 21 ON 4125 51. 101 101 7Stevens Hotel '45 23 23 23 Studebaker 6s '42 373 371 371 Studebaker 6s '42 ctis 38 38 38 17 EP rig 6s '47 79 79 3 Tenn Cen 6s '47 56 56 Ten 6s '44 8rg: 7012 7012 TRRASIL 1st 4125 39.10212 10212 10214 39 Do rig 48 '53 9014 8 Tex Corp 5s crt 97 9711 10 Third Ave ad; 5s '60. 31. 31 17 Do rig 45 '60 51 501 12 Tob Pr NJ 2022.101¾ am 58 '35 93 93 93 1 Truax Coal '43 391 -U- Un 5s 00 Un Cal 6s 10712 Un Cal 5s '45 ww 963 963 13 Un 1st 55 2008 ..106 106 106 10 Do 4125 93 93 93 15 Do 1st 4s 11 Do rig 45 2008 93 93 Unit Drug 5s '53 67. 67.

67. 4s '44 10112 Un Rys of St 4s '34 20 20 20 23 Rub 5s '47 68 68 15 Utah Pow 663 Util 5125 '47 353 353 3533 Do 5s '59 ww 323 Vanadium 71 70 71 Va Virginia Ir Coal Ry 55 55 '62 '49 65 64 1001 65 -W 16 Wabash rig 5125 '75 23 22 221 Do 1st 5s '39 79 78 78 Do 5s 80 23 23 23 Do 5s '76 22 22 22 1 Do Walworth 4165 65 '78 '45 22 3212 22 22 39 Warner Bros 6s '39 423 43 Warner Co 65 '44 XW 25 25. 25. 16 Warren Bros cv 6s '41 65 621 621 2 West Pen 5s '46 A 106 106 106 30 Western El 55 '44 ...100 100 100 West Md 5125 '57 821 821 Do 43 '52 711 701 71 1st 5s '37 103 103 103 89 West Pac 1st 55 35 333, Western Un 29 6 West Un col tr '38 92 92 92 Ex- Governor of New York Urges Co-operation By Public In Movement. operation.

DAHLIA SHOW PLANNED. Plans for a State-wide dahlia show to be held at The Kentucky September 22 under auspices of the Dahlia Society of Kentucky were discussed Tuesday night meeting of the society in The Kentucky. The show, the second held annually, is open to all dahlia growers, including amateurs. C. H.

Durnil, president, predicted that 6,000 blooms will be entered. Twenty-five members were present at the meeting. New York, Aug. 22 (P)-Alfred E. Smith in a plea tonight "universal co-operation in a fair trial" of the National Recovery movement asserted its failure would mean digging in for "long siege" with "slow and painful" rehabilitation.

"The plan must not fail." the former Governor of New York added, "through lack of individual co tion. "Support of the President's plan is the only course for good citizens in a democracy when there is sickness in the body politic. "The President has frankly stated that this is an experiment and that he will be the first to acknowledge its failure if it does not work. He asks out plan which reasonable only for, loyal operation in trying promise of success. This co-operation he certainly should receive." In his address tonight, the former Governor declared: "There are many who honestly believe in other remedies.

That is not the point. There can be only one cure at a time and the President must, like Luke in the Bible, be the great physician." of the recovery programme, Smith said. "commits no one to blanket approval of objectionable methods employed here and there in this campaign." "Do take too seriously the exLises, Patriotic Appeal. cessive enthusiasm of some of those supporting the National Industrial Recovery Act," warned the man whom Roosevelt once called "the Happy Warrior." "Threats, intimidation, compulsion, boycetts, blacklists and suppression of opinion," he declared, "were never contemplated by the N.I.R.A. and therefore have no rightful place in this picture." The American people can be persuaded by a patriotic appeal, Smith said: "they can be led so long as it is clear that those who lead them are in the last analysis public servants and not dictators; but they cannot be driven." For those "who fear the experiment." the 1928 Presidential candidate of the Democrats had this to say: "Do not forget that the President has only a limited Congressional mandate, that machinery of the National Recoverse Act has less than two years under the law, that the licensing power has less than a year of life before it, and, as a matter of fact, up to this time has not been used at all, and that the blanket code which is known as the Prestdent's re-employment agreement has no statutory authority but only the sanction of an executive appeal to the generous instincts of a free people, an appeal which no decent, fair person has a right to ignore." Results Are Sighted.

Smith said the "slightest reflection" on these facts should dispose of the claim that the N.R.A. "shakes the firm foundations of our Constitution or marks a revolution in our Government and in the conduct of our everyday life." It is "infinitely better to pay the bill" by proposed in the recovery programme, Smith declared, "than to pay it in the of public or private charitable relief." "Let us see whether by a combination of public works vigorously pushed and voluntary private initiative, stimulated and led by the President, we can get out of this business depression." Smith said. "The plan must not fail through lack of individual cooperation but if it should fail, then we must dig in for a long siege and make up our minds that recovery will be slow and painful." The former Governor said that 1f the N.R.A. has not accomplished and cannot, in the nature of things, accomplish the millennium, "it has questionably resulted to date in the increasing of wages in many callings and in the employment of A large number of those who had become, or were about to become through no fault of their own, public charges. This accomplishment alone entitles the plan to further trial and full co- PAID- UP STOCK $102 PER SHARE INSTALMENT STOCK 10c to $25.00 Pcr Week JEFFERSON SAVINGS BUILDING ASS'N 121 S.

Fifth St. Member Federal Home Loan Bank Svstem W. L. Lyons Co. Established 1878 Members New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stack Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Louisville Stock Exchange Associate Member.

New York Curb Association Securities Bought for Cash Or Carried On Conservative Margin Grains and Provisions First Floor, Kenyon Bldg. Third and Walnut Streets Branch Offices: LEXINGTON, KY. Lafayette Hotel DANVILLE. KY. Kentucky State Road Warrants BOUGHT -SOLD -QUOTED Almstedt Brothers 425 West Market Street, Louisville, Ky.

Phone WA 3264 L. D. Main 196 STEEL Ner York. Aug. 22 (AP) -Steel prices, unchanged..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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