The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)

Employment (Women) 24 Employment (Women) 24 1 Business Opportunities 41 1 Employment (Men) 23 Employment (Men) 23 Employment (Men) 23 COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, for family with 3 school aged children, experience and references required, good pay plus nice cottage offered. Please call evenings bet. and 8, Peapack 8-0715. CLERK-TYPIST Modern plant in Mur ray Hill needs bright Intelligent wom an tor permanent position, in the production dept. Must be accurate rapid typist.

All fringe benefits, salary open, beginners considered. Apply in person, 8:30 to 5 P.m. Miss Miskew, Mitronics 132 Floral Murray Hill, N. J. PHYSICIAN'S office EKG X-ray basic lab training or experience.

Approx. 18 hrs. new position. Write Z-101, Courier-News. CLEANING woman and laundress, 2 days a week, for couple in 4'i room apt.

References. LI 9-1000 between 6 p.m. and p.m. GENERAL clerk-typist, 1-girl office, hrs. 8:30 a.m.

-4. 30 p.m. Vicinity of Middle sex. State experience and salary expected to Box Z-156, Courier-News. MEAT WRAPPER, experienced only.

All benefits. Union scale. Apply Communi ty Shop-Rite, 424 So. Washington New Market. MOTHER'S HELPER.

11 a.m.-7 p.m. 5 days a wk. Must be reliable. Inquire 409 E. 6th St.

until 2 p.m. MOTHER urgently needs responsible per son to drive girl to and from Cedarbrook School. Leave 8:15 a.m. and pick up 3:05 p.m. PL 7-7025.

BOOKKEEPER, some experience, respon sible person to tram In New York for girl office In So. Plainfield. Call CH 9-7400 for interview. COUNTER GIRL, for luncheonette. Apply in person, Ro Ro's Restaurant, 430 Wat chung Plainfield.

BEAUTICIAN, part time, experienced only. Call AD 2-9745. ADDITIONAL time on your hands with children back in school, mother? Quali fy for our home-school co-ordination work of 10-30 hrs. per week and receive excellent salary. School, church and scout work helpful.

Write to Mr. E. Cavill, 325 E. Front Plainfield. BABY SITTER, for or live in, 5 889-4735.

working mother, 8-5 days. Call after 5 p.m. p. FORELADY, experienced on section work for better dresses and able to instruct girls. Fair Maid Church Bo.

Brook. Mfg. 6 EXPERIENCED legal stenographer. I.B.M. Executive, 5-day wk.

Salary commensurate with ability. PL 4-9200. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, dependa ble, willing, 5 mornings, call after 7 p.m., eve's. PL 6-1525. CLERK-TYPIST Alert, voung woman for general office work.

Must be neat and accurate typist. D-M-E CORP. 1217 Central Ave. Hillside WAITRESS, over 21. Apply in person.

days. Star Bowling Snack Bar. Blue Star Shopping Center, Rt. 22, Watchung. WAITRESSES, nights.

Tower of Pizza Restaurant, Rt. 22, Green Brook. SALESLADIES 5 day $50 to start. Apply in person on Lily Kav Hat Shop, 206 E. Front St.

(opp. Strand Theatre). WAITRESS, days or nights, good pay. apply Excellent Diner. 222 North Westfield.

DO AVON YOU USE COSMETICS? Well liked by women everywhere. There is an excellent opportunity for vou to be an AVON Representative In vour area For immediate Christmas openings call Mrs. Drexel, Ml 2-5146. ATTENTION, Party Plan Directors. Toys, toys.

toys, etc. Commission. Free Full or part time. Call RA sample case. 2-0390.

COUNTER GIRLS, nights and weekends. Part and full time. Inquire restaurant manager. Apply 9 a.m. to 5 p.m..

Echo Lanes Bowling Alleys, Route 22, Moun tainside. OPERATORS Experienced only. Apply DaMllle 945 South Plainfield. Bag CLEANING WOMAN, Fri. Call 755-3804.

1 day wk. on SEVERAL OPENINGS, typing essential Apply in person 8-3 p.m., Westfield Federal savings, 30 E. Broad West field. PERSONABLE YOUNG GIRL for work In physician's office. Bound Brook area, typing essential.

Write Z-154, Courier-News. BABY SITTER, light housework. De pendable. Business couple, 5 month baby. Sleep In or out.

RA 5-3909 after 7:30 p.m. WAITRESS Experienced, for table service. Steady iob, good Income. Located at business section of Plainfield. PL 5- 9775.

EXPERIENCED counter girl nights, apply in person Knotty Pine Drive-In, 2002 Park So. Plainfield. STENOGRAPHER Excellent Opportunity Experienced In Accounting or Payroll to Perform a Variety of Payroll Function LIBERAL COMPANY BENEFITS 37V2-HOUR WEEK GOOD SALARY, ADVANCEMENT Call for Appointment ORTHO Pharmaceutical Corp. Route 202 Raritan, N.J. RAndolPh 5-1400, Ext.

279 An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY EXPERIENCED Excellent opportunity for intelligent woman with secretarial experience to act as secretary to training manager In personnel dept. EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING GROUPS DEALING WITH PUBLIC HELPFUL LIBERAL COMPANY BENEFITS 37'i HOUR WEEK GOOD SALARY, ADVANCEMENT CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ORTHO Pharmaceutical Corp. Route 202 Raritan, N.J. RAndolPh 5-1400, Ext. 279 An Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL ASSISTANT Part-time, including one or two evenings per week and Saturday.

Local woman preferred. Bask ing Ridge dentist. Write Z-174, Courier-News. DRILL PRESS OPERATOR Some experience required. Permanent position.

E. L. BRITTEN CO. 22 South W. Cranford PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE For general ized visiting nursing program In subur oan area, uegree and public health nurs ing experience.

Salary $5,000. Liberal per sonnel policies. Reimbursem*nt for use ofl car. Apply to Somerset Valley Visiting Nurse association, rn t. Main som erville, RA 5-9355.

MIDDLEAGED HOUSEKEEPER Must be able to cook. Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. Call PL 5-3453.

EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER Preferably with hospital or institutional experience, to take complete charge of housekeeping dept. of 400-bed general hospital. Salary open. Personnel St. Peter's General Hospital, New Brunswick, Kl -5 8000, Ext.

255. EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? 1 17 Clothing Jewelry 57 TUXEDOS, suits, overcoats, riding boots, breeches. Wolff's. 118 Madison. LADY'S FUR COAT, size 12-14.

man's winter coat, size 40-42, $35. PL 5-7954. COAT, fur fabric, $60, warm end beautiful, size 14-16, PL 4-4091. RACCOON sheared beaver coat, size 12 to 14, $100; co*cktail designer afternoon dresses and suits, hats, PL 5-3495. DYED SQUIRREL WRAP Let oof, flood condition.

Reasonable. AD 2-4863 after 6:30. BIG CLEARANCE SALE Everything To Go At Half Price Starts Tuesday, Oct. THE THRIFT SHOP 415 Westfield Ave. Westflelrf 58 Musical Instruments ACCORDION, 120 bass, 3 shift, full size, reasonable offer.

PL 6-3518. 24" RCA TV Table model with matching stand. Excellent condition, pew picture tube. Call 963-3565. RADIO hi-fi AM-FM 11 tubes, amplifier Altec 15" speaker, 3-speed Webster record changer, radio cabinet as unit or separately.

PL 5-69C5, afternoons. SALE PIANOS ORGANS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS STADELE'S 471 UNION RT. 28 MIDDLESEX "3S Years of Dependability" BALDWIN pianos and organs. Drastic reductions. DUDKIN PIANO North Ave.

at railroad station, Westfield. AD 2-8811. CONSOLE PIANO; snare drum; trombone; violin; trumpet; TV; zifheri small accordion. Wolff's, 116 Madison Ave. Altenburpr's Elizabeth, N.

J. Open Daily Til Sat. Til New Jersey's Oldest and Largest Hammond Organ Dealer Clearance Sale of Used Organs Hammond Solovox 95 Leslie Organ Speaker 235 Wurlitzer Electric Piano 295 Estev Concert Chord Organ 345 Wurlitzer iin 1 Organ 395 Estey 2 Manual Electronic Organ 35 Hammond Extra voice (Used) 450 Lowrey Starlight Spinet Organ 495 Hammond Chord Organ (Used) 495 Conn Spinet Organ (Blonde) 595 Wurlitzer Spinet Organ Lowrey Holiday Spinet Organ 9J Baldwin De Luxe Spinet Organ tS Hammond Spinet Organ (Used) 995 Lowrey Lincolnwood F.P. Organ Hammond Church Organ and Speaker (Used) 1700 FLanders 1-2000 Altenburjr Piano House, Inc. 50 E.

Jersey Street Elizabeth, N. J. RENT A TV: vacation. Illness, repairs! delivered, daily, mthly rates, latest portables. PL 6-07np.

Open 24 hrs. HAMMOND spinet organ with percussion, colonial cherry finish, older tone cabinet included. $1,000 firm. Please call after 6 p.m. GE 9-2504.

Delivery can be arranged. AMPLIFIER. Danelectro. two 12" speak ers, $50; excellent condition. Call AD 2-6430.

PIANO, upright, just tuned, excellent tone, quick sale, $85, free bench. Cooe-er's, 115 Madison Ave. SMALL apt. size piano, full keyboard; electric Suoro guitar with amplifier. Both excellent condition.

PL 4-5598. SALE PORT. CHORD ORGANS AUDION $99 $129 S139 S149 $159 HOHNER PIANORGAN ESTEY SILVERTONE TERMS AVAILABLE Griffith Piano Co. G27 Park Plainfield Open Mon. to Fri.

'til p.m. Sat. to 5:30 m. Tel. PL 7-3800 PIANO Somet, limed oak, 3 years almost brand new, $395.

PL 6-0935. VIOLIN Gutterman, nearly 100 years od. Perfect condition. Miust see to appreciate. AD 2-4863, after 6:30.

TAPE RECORDER Transistor, portable, Phonotrix, $30. Other items. PL 6-367. Cameras Supplies 65 DOWNSTAIRS MOVIE SHOP Film library for rent, sale, exchange. New end used equipment.

Call or write 136 Stout Middlesex. EL 6-01 98. Stamps Coins 67 COINS, stamps, and supplies. Full line Indian and Lincoln coins, etc. Will buy at highest prices.

Daily 9-8, Sat. 9-6. John T. Coppola Sons, 1118 South Ave. Pets and Supplies 68 WILD BIRD, Feeders, Seeds, Suet Cakes.

Beagle Puppies Tropical Fish Plainfield Pet Shop 204 Watchung Ave. (ooo. P.O.), PL -4fit5 GOOD home for iO vr. old collie, needed ill. No charge.

immediately, owner AD 2-5617. TRAINED BEAGLES sold on trial Call AX 7-2665 after 8 p.m. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, AKC reg. Bred for type and temperament. FO 9-4189.

PUPPIES. German males free. Males, $5. 9-2298. Shepherd.

Martinsville, Fe-HO PUPPIES given to good homes. 6 wi. old, male or female. Medium size, long hair. 755-2517.

BOUNCY pure affectionate, 8 0. m. PL 7-1413. bred Siamese kittens, weeks. Call after 6:30 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC, 6 weeks old, males and females.

Inoculated. RA 5-1293. DACHSHUNDS, 2 black and tan females. AKC registered. Wormed.

Available Oct. 27. PL 4-3919, 7-9 p.m. WILL GIVE to flood homes free, 4 kittens. 70 Berkeley PL 7-5640.

BEAGLE PUPS and started dogs, AKC reg. PL 2-8430. DACHSHUNDS, males, females, beautiful black coats, AKC 6 weeks old, have shots. RA 5-3454. POODLES, beautiful toys, AKC, blacks.

champagnes, and parti-colors, champion sired, 7 weeks. PL 7-9144, or 753- 2C85. EXQUISITE MINIATURE POODLE, iet black female, show winner, ail shots, very friendly. 968-0694. TOY POODLES.

ALL COLORS. Tiny little beauties. International breeding, A.K.C., stud service to white toy, 2' tiny little chihuahua, mos. PL 5-6849. POO DLES, $75, black, 8 wks.

old, home raised. (Lebanon) 236-2542. BEAGLE HOUND 3'i vrsTold. good hunt, ing dog for rabbits and Pheasants. Also retrieving English Setter, 15 mos.

old, lust started hunting. PL 7-7720. AIREDALE Puppies, AKC, 9 weeks, inoc ulated, wormed. 411 Samoton South Plainfield. Evenings 5 to 7 p.m.

and weekends. GOLDEN retriever, female puppy, IB AKC, champion sire, $150. PL 5-8896. SIAMESE Seaipomt kittens, 9 af- leciioneie arisiocraTS, iraineo, six After 5, PL 6-7865. BEAGLES, bassets, collies, Dalmatians, setters, crosses.

Various other kinds, $5 UP. PL 2-6197. KITTEN Male, 2' months old, gray and white, housebroken. Hes great love of dogs. Free.

Call PL 7-4511. Plants Seeds Bulbs 72 NOW IS THE TIME to plant hardy flar-den mums. "Autumn's warmest breath." Make vour selection from over 40,000 choice field grown plants including deco- ratives. Pompons, cushions, spoons, out-tons, and recent Ail-American award winners, at tne F. D.

Hensler Nursery, Woodland Green Village, N.J. Soil, Stone, Sand, Fertilizer 73 EXTRA FINE too soil, stone free. Pick up or deliver. CR 3-6078. TOP SOIL FOR PL 4-4487 SALE TOP SOIL.

INEST QUALITY, PL 6-5727. EXCELLENT TOP SOIL; river gravel tor sub base, fin dirt, unlimited supply; delivered, reasonable. S'SCO Excavating, FO 9-5391 or FO 9-7971. FINE TOP SOIL PL 5 1432 Call 968 2117 THE COURIER-NEWS Ploinfi.ld, N. J.

Soturday, October 6, 196 55 MOVING, MUST SELL NOW: Frigidaire, large, with freezer, perfect condition; 5 pc. dinette set, $29; lamps; bedspreads; odd tables; antique bric-brac Double bed; single bed; vouth bed; baby crib; high chair; playpen; stroller. PL 5-0105. DISHES, set of 6, $20; skis, $10; fan, $25, good condition. PL 5-7954.

REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, very good condition. $25. PL 6-6079. MOVING Must sell. 11 cu.

ft. Frigidaire. $50, 8 cu. ft. freezer, S75.

Both good condition. AD 3-2584. CHAIN SAW, Remington, 5 18" blade. Used la cost $265, sacrifice $230. PL 7-7776.

CHINA, Lenox, Princess pattern, (3) 5-pc. Place settings, $40. PL 6-7051. SPACE HEATERS; refrigerator; washer; drop leaf table; typewriter; TV, dining room; chests; kitchen cabinet; china cabinet. Wolff's, 116 Madison Ave.

WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSON TO take over 3 rooms of furniture released from storage by lending Institution for balance due, $239. (Account Original price $549 includes 3-pc. living room set, tables, lamp, bedroom set, budoir lamps, dinette set and 9x12 rug. Terms 53 week. Choice of reconditioned REFRIGERATOR or TV.

MATTHEWS FURNITURE 316 W. Front St. PL e-0054 TV TESTING EQUIPMENT. Scope, tube tester, multi-tester, fly back and condenser tester. $180.

RA 2-3543 after 5 P.m. HEBREW LANGUAGE lesson on 12 records with Instruction; 2 pc. maple china closet. PL 6-0653. WASHER, Norge, wringer, auto, timer, pump; 3 way floor lamp; mahogany Drexel co*cktail table.

PL 2-3663. MUST SELL at sacrifice, lovely 2 vr. old Drexel mahogany buffet, at Vl cost. PL 5-0787. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS at a fraction of the cost.

Modern TV-radio-phono (perfect), 2 more 21" TV sets, $50 and $60 (one remote control); dining room sets from $25; new rugs, 5'x5', 6x9', 9x12', $5, $8, $12; lamos; secretary; glassware; new swivel TV chairs; beds, from $18, complete; refrigerators, $25. $30; old hand wrought torch type wall fixtures (must be seen), $15; modern light fixtures. 50c; sofas; chairs; knick-knacks; pictures, frames; fans, mirrors; heaters; antique furniture; hall tables; kitchen wall cabinets; andirons; thousands of other items bought and sold, N.J. licensed dealer, Coopers, 115 Madison 753-7495. DRAPES like brand new.

For picture windows. Grey with green leaves. Lamps, also. PL 6-6881. STEAM BOILER, 1950, 40 h.p.

Superior, 2 pass, complete oil burner and valves, $950. Greenbrook Bottling 25 Green Brook No. Plainfield, PL 6-0945. TABLE SAW, 4 n.p., extension, dadoes and table, $80. PL 6-4161.

GAS DRYER, Kenmore de luxe, 3 4 drying time settings; sofa, modern semi-circular, Naughahide, seats 8 adults, both like new, priced for fluick sale. After 4, Ml 7-2928. AQUARIUMS, 5, 10, 20, 30, 100 flats, at less than la retail price. PL 6-2945 after 6 p.m. STORAGE REFRIGERATOR, 9x3Vjx9, 160 cu.

suitable for restaurant, tavern or florist, complete with compressor. Cheap. PL 6-2285- PIZZA OVEN, gas fired, used 3 cost $2,250 sacrifice $600. Call PL 5-9158 after 5:30 P.m. QUICK SALE.

4-pc. modern sectional living room set. 755-0507 or PL 5-4685. GAS STOVE, 4 burner; wnlte kitchen cabinet; apt. size refrigerator; 120 cup electric coffee maker; hamburger grill for restaurant.

147 Garfield Ave. eve's. BREAKFRONT near new. Imperial walnut, gloss doors, serpentine drawer base. See to appreciate.

PL 7-6524. BEDROOM SET, twin, limed oak, $150; 2 matching desks, $30 each. 464-0747. LIVING room and dining room suites, good condition, reasonable. CR 7-1952.

STORM WINDOWS, comb, aluminum, 35Ux67'i; crib, mattress, spring. Call PL 7-7910. KITCHEN SET, gray formica, table and 4 chairs, almost new, cost $110, tell $50. Call 752-6303. DINING ROOM suite, 7 maple, excellent condition.

Call PL 2-6363. 'j PRICE ON ALUMINUM SIDING Sub-contractor has aluminum siding left over from development. Three colors only: oreen, grey, white. HALF PRICE. Guaranteed Installation and terms.

Call collect VA 6-7800. Day or evening. Satur days and Sundays included. BED ROOM SUITE, solid walnut; double bed; dresser, chest, dressing table, $55. PL 6-9519.

HOT WATER FURNACE, American, with complete circulating controls and stoker, may be se" working, reasonable if removed. AD 3-2922. BANKRUPT STOCK Unit Heaters; typewriters; adding machines; calculators; desks; chairs; filing cabinets. Lewistan, 1010 W. Elizabeth Linden, HU 6-3493.

TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES, new, used and rebuilt, all makes, all prices. Also, will rent or buy. Graphic, 245 W. Front PL 4-8797. WASHERS, useo and rebuilt, larcg selection, $25 and up.

Electric Cu AppI1-ance Shoo. 114 North Ave. Call PL 6-2997. BUY a Frigldarre automatic washer, rebuilt, guaranteed, $5 down, $1.25 wk. T.

H. FULTON, 415 Park Ave. PL 6-7900 MATTRESSES Factory rejects, from $4.95. Alben Bedding Manufacturers, 257 W. Front Plainfield.

RUGS Oriental (all kinds); stair carpets; pad, 9x12, throw rui, $1 up, 132 North Ave PL 5-5467, Iran Rug. Co. CASH REGISTERS), one electric, one spring mechanism. Excellent working condition. Call Mr.

Schargel AD 3-1111. FURNITURE, hand made Italian. Dining room table and 2 chests. Call after 2 m. PL 7-3019.

REFRIGERATOR G.E. Hotpoint electric range. Good working condition. HO 9-1093. SEWING machine.

Singer, round bobbin, portable, $19.95. Fine Sewing Center, 93 Somerset o. Plainfield. PL 6-3235. REFRIGERATOR, Admiral Dual-temp, freezer top, flood condition.

Call 753-4418. SOFT WATER it's cheaper than dirt. Buy or rent a Portasoft for as little as $3 per month. AD 3-4300. Nights PL 5-1278, LI 8-4605, RA 5-1238.

WATER SOFTENERS. Repairs and sales. ELECTRIC AND GAS APPLIANCES, 114 NORTH Plfd. PL 6-2997. REFRIGERATORS, reconditioned.

excellent buys; guaranteed. T. H. FULTON, 415 Park Ave. PL 6-7900 RUGS, CARPETS NEW USED.

New Room Size REMNANTS PART ROLLS. Savings to 65. New 9x12, $25 up; Unclaimed used, 9x12, $19.95 up. Plainfield Rug 124 Watchung bet. E.

Front E. 2nd Sts. PL 7-3748. BEDROOM SET, 6 with double bed dark wood, $50. Call AD 2-6107 morn ings.

BREAKFRONT, mahogany, $125; sold mirror; sofa; 4 cherry dining chairs; coffee table; foam mattress; vouth desk; (6 30x59 copper screens air conditioner; swords; misc. 889-8074. DINING ROOM table, Duncan Phyfe, mahogany, oval, pedestal base, extension leaves and pads, crystal 5 candle chande-lier. 846-0222. DINING ROOM suite, 6 modern limed oak, in perfect condition, $150.

Ml 7-1863. HOSPITAL BED, complete with foam rubber mattress and side rails. Adjustable head and foot. Used only 6 weeks. PL 4-7440.

GAS HEAT furnace, with all parts. 2 yrs. old, heats 8 rooms. $65. PL 6-8916.

GAS RANGE, Bengal, combination heating unit and cooking, $60. PL 2-4998. ELECTRIC turkey Plucker, $65; large cherry drop leaf table, $85; storm windows, school desks, $2 and $5. ARCHIE'S RESALE SHOP, Meversville, open 10-8 except Tues. Ml 7-1149.

DRAPES, lined, fine quality, for living and dining room; chandeliers; bedspreads; chairs. Call PL 5-3621. GAS STOVE Approx. 48'' wide, glass door, clock, electric outlet, lighting. EL 6-3420.

REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Coldspot, frostless. Separate controls. 13.5 cu. 151 lb. freezer.

Manual and parts list. New condition. EL 6-4543. STORM WINDOWS 2, 30x43; 2, 31x 43H; 1, 30x59' 1. 36Vx59' 9, 30x55'; 2, 15x54' $2.50 each.

Sash for storm door, 24' $3.00. Tool cabinet, 4 Shelves, 42sx45'i, $4.50. EL 6-6276. RUG Olson, reversible, maroon, 12x18 with a 3x12" hall runner, with padding 2 years old, $110. PL 4-4489.

PIANOS Baby grand and upright; ma pie chest of drawers; student desk; other miscellaneous items. RA 2-1780. GAS RANGE, 40" kenmore, $30 Sue Cory hair dryer, beauty shop type, $35. RA 5-6135 or 359-6375. STOVE, large table top, electric, large oven and warming oven.

Excellent condition. $75. PL 2-5221. CRAFTSMAN 18" iig saw with stand and motor, $20. Craftsman 30" wood lathe, stand and motor, $20.

PL 7-1433. LAWN MOWERS, 21" power driven, reel, A-l condition. $50. AD 2-8329. DINING ROOM SET, 9 pc.

blond mahogany; green upholstered armchair; Bar-calounger armchair; table portable clothes washer; 30' wood extension ladder; 12' wood ladder; 8' step ladder. PL 5-6905 afternoons. Miscellaneous WE NEED 6 top-flight dress salesladies, to sell medium to better priced ready to wear. Salary commensurate with your experience Only experienced dress sales ladies need apply. Write Post Office Box 869, Plainfield.

HOUSEKEEPER-COOK, sleep in, quarters. References. Call PL private 5-5187. PART TIME, clerical worker, knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. Apply Mi-rons, 134 E.

Front St. MANUFACTURE ICING DECORATIONS, no experience necessary, part or full time. Write Z-155, Courier-News. NURSE, RN, for nursing home, 11 p.m.-7 a.m., $19 per diem, 5 nights per week. 464-9260.

SALESGIRL, experience preferred. Apply in person. Buy Rite Curtain and Drapery Sales, 220 North Dunellen. Help (Male-Female) 27 FULL AND PART TIME school bus drivers. Apply Plymouth Bus Gross Fords.

REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Full line, with or without experience. Good opportunity for anyone who qualifies. Must be at least 21 yrs. old, have car, and be Interested in real estate as a career. Call for app't, PL 6-3157.

MECHANICAL INSPECTOR Modern plant in Murray Hill has need for mechanical inspector. All fringe benefits, salary open. Apply in person, Miss Miskew, Mitronics 132 Floral Murray Hill, N.J. PART TIME cashiers and baggers. Apply In person.

Shop-Rite of Watchung, Rt. 22, Watchung. ORGANIST-CHOIR DIRECTOR. New Dover Methodist Church, Edison. Call FU 8-8179 or 889-4125.

MAIL CLERK AND DUPLICATING MACHINE Some experience operating office duplicating equipment. Cafeteria. Liberal employe benefits. Modern lab. Phone for Appointment AIR REDDUCTION RESEARCH LABS Murray Hill Dial 464-2400 An Equal Opportunity Employer MIDDLEAGED couple to take care of apt.

house, rooms and all utilities furnished. Call in person 439 W. 8th Plainfield. WAITRESSES and waiters, part time and full time, co*cktail and dinner trade. must be experienced with tray service.

Call Mr. Jacobus, 766-0217. BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, experienced, hr. start $100. RA 2-6600.

40- Work Wanted (Women) 28 WOMAN, 40 yrs. old, with 1 yr. old child desires housekeeping position. Mrs. Frances Walker, Hoffman Crossing, RD 1, Califon, N.

J. DRESSMAKING and alterations, first class work, reasonable rates. PL 6- 7267. IRONING done at home. Experienced, neat, prompt and reasonable.

Specializing in children's dresses. Call PL 7-9886 PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN care in my home. Insured, licensed, day, wk. or hr. Spacious fenced in yard, toy and vard equipment for all ages, short walking distance to Front Plainfield, hot lunches, excellent references.

PL 7-4129. WOMAN wishes 5 days week, 4 hrs. day, in 1 house, $1.50 hr. References. PL 7-9049.

LOVING CARE for your child. Temporary or permanent. Fine country home, large play area, hot meals. PL 7-2318. Margaret Schmechel's Nursery School 836 Sherman PL 6-9667 Accredited by N.J.

State Dept. Children 3 to 5. EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes ironing, my home, pick up and deliver. PL 7-7535 morning or after 7 p.m. CHILD CARE for working mothers, Scotch Plains vicinity.

Excellent supervision. Call 322-8055. WILL CARE for children of working mothers in private home, hot lunches, big yard. PL 2-9517. CHILD CARE supervised play, planned activities by experienced teacher.

Spacious outdoor recreation. RA 2-9368. DRESSMAKING alterations on women's clothing. Call PL 6-3215 for app't. Work Wanted (Men) 29 SOFA BOTTOMS rebuilt in vour home.

$14; chairs. rewebbing, springs retied. Work guaranteed. Eve's, PL 6-2703. CARTMAN: Clean attics, cellars, yards.

garages, cut wood, cart things away, wax floors, repair sidewalks. PL 4-1575. HOUSE painting. roofm. leaders, flut ters, repairing, flutters cleaned and tarred seams, $10.

PL 6-3780. Danyus. HAVE 1 TON TRUCK, clean attics, yards, cellars, etc. Prompt, reasonable service. Call "Old Reliable," PL 2-8236.

VERY REASONABLE Anytr.fng movable I will cart away. Light hauling. Cellars, attics, etc. PL 6-7220. YOUNG MAN wants any kind work, foun dry experience, doesn't mind hard work, married, dependable.

PL 5-1050. LET us HELP make vour home more enlovable. Add a new room, remodel the old ones, finish off your attic or basem*nt. Clinton Newton, PL 2-4411. J.

S. PAINTING Interior, exterior Sepcial fall rates. Insured. Free esti mates. PL 4-0252, after 6.

CARPENTER, remodeling, dormers, roof ing, stairs, rec. room. Save by calling Frank Delia Ventura, PL 5-4496. ALL AROUND EXPERIENCED MAN FOR DOMESTIC WORK. PLAINFIELD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 126 North Ave.

Helga Bru PL 6-3534 MAN with small truck and large truck clean cellars, attics. Available anytime. also weekends. Haul all lunk. PL 7-6454 CARPENTRY Alterations ano repairs No iob too small.

Doors and windows a specialty. RA 2-4783 after 6 p.m. LAN DSC APING-LAWN maintenance, cel lars, attics cleaned, odd iobs. Rotary blades sharpened. Insured.

PL 7-4129. MAN, small truck, cleans yards, cellars. attics, garages, moves any lunk, rea sonable. Call PL 7-2434. EXPRESS.

Delivery service, local hauling, moving. Quantity is no prob lem. Very reasonable. Call PL 6-7220. Closed between 2 and 4 p.m.

Money to Loan 32 HOMEOWNERS AND BUYERS Are those monthly payments getting ahead of you? We will consolidate them and give you one low monthly payment. For peace of mind call EX 4-8138. Insurance 33 SAVE 30 HOMEOWNERS POLICY Fire, liability, furniture, burglary, all In xie policy. J. HERBERT STEVENSON INC.

160 E. Second St. PL 6-8392 Mortgages, Bonds, Stocks 38 MORTGAGE FUND: AVAILABLE for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages CARKO REALTY CO. 512 W. Front St.

PL 7-1525 Mortgages Available Constance D. Kerwin, Broker ,266 Somerset St. PL 3-9311 Business Opportunities 41 DESIRABLE USED CAR LOT for rent in Plainfield area. EL 6-2557. BAR 8.

PACKAGE LIQUOR WBLDG. nyway snore valuable Property, 240 450. $70,000 yr. Ideal motel spot. Jos.

Schenkel Inc. Jersey's Largest Business Brokers 1025 Broad Newark, Ml 3-5400 By Blake E3L II II I Am iZl A I r- PORTER dishwasher. Apply in person bet. 3 and 5 Tues. thru Sat.

Pike Brook Country Club, Line and Willow Belle Mead. USHERS wanted, full and part time. Apply Strand Theatre, between 7 and 9 p. m. CARPENTERS helpers.

Apply construction trailer. Triangle nnisDorougn. Custom Builders. MEN with cars. A.M.

newspaper delivery, no collection. PL 7-0333; eve's, PL 7-6920. WANTED: Newspaper route man, early morning delivery. Phone RA 5-6017. PART TIME driver for night delivery, must know Plainfield and vicinity, 11:30 p.m., Mon.

thru Fri. Scott Drugs, 701 Park Ave. TURRET LATHE HANDS Must be able to setup and work to close inpranrn. too waaes. modern pianr many benefits.

Wadell Equipment 159 Terminal Clark. MACHINIST Due to our continued growth, we need an additional experienced all-round man in our Equipment Division. Work will involve making of components for our industrial cleaning machines, successrui canaiomc must be capable of setting up and operating standard machines on his own. startina sa arv wi De pasea on cne- rience and qualifications, we oner siapie emDlovment. excellent fringe benefits and regular merit reviews, t-or inierview, ton tact Mr.

William Kallman. AJIArtWIIC rHFMICAl CO. SOUTH AVE. GARWOOD, N.J. SU 9-0200 MAN for landscaping.

Apply after 5:30, 1765 Front Scotch Plains. LAB. TECHS. Work days and continue college at night. Tuition benefits available.

Salary $45, riOWLING PERSONNEL 165 Smith Perth Amboy VA 6-5691 COUNTERMAN eves, fringe benefits, good opportunity for right man. Apply in oerson only. Grunings, 203 E. 5th St. SIDING MEN, full or part time, experi enced or will train sober, reliable men.

All vear-round work. Good pay, vaca tion. PL 5-3970. BUTCHER, full time or weekends. Must have experience at quality counter.

5 days. Somerville RA 2-4260 eve's. area. RA 2-6393 days. Laboratory Assistants For permanent positions in our Research Development Laboratories.

1 year of college chemistry or experience In chemical laboratory work required. Excellent working conditions and liberal employee benefits. Apply Personnel Department Weekdays, 8 A.M.-4 P.M. Union Carbide Plastics Co. River Road Bound Brook An equal opportunity employer PORTER Full time.

Days. Permanent. All benefits. Join rapidly expanding Shop-Rite chain AppIv Store Manager, Shop-Rite, 1220 South Plainfield, N.J. AMBITIOUS MEN Men, 21-39, to call on established cus tomers for orders.

No experience neces sary. Top men can earn 0,000 per vr. $100 wk. to start. Must have car, phone and pleasing personality.

Call 757-7045. PRODUCE CLERKS Full time. Experience not necessary, will train. Permanent. All benefits.

Join rapid ly expanding Shop-Rite chain. Apply store manager, Shop-Rite, 1220 South Ave. Plainfield, N.J. DAIRY CLERK Full time. Supermarket experience pre ferred.

Permanent. All benefits. Join rapidly expanding Shop-Rite chain. Apply store manager, Shop-Rite, 1220 South Plainfield. SERVICE ADVISOR with road testing qualifications depend able, experienced man with Buick Auto mobile Agency incentive program ex cellent salary to right man.

Apply in per son only. Mr. Arthur Fiermonti, CREST BUICK, 304 Park Ave. FOREMAN, 3-5 yrs. experience, super vising manufacture of organic chemi cals.

Write Z-180, Courier-News. "BUSTING TO GET RICH" Seeking a group of ambitious men, start part time. Sell MUTUAL FUNDS. Get your foot in the door of this fast growing field. Call Mr.

Basham, 464-2293 or FA 2- 1800. DRIVERS and helpers, no experience necessary, 6 day week. Call between 6 and 7 p.m. Highway Disposal, 569 Downer Westfield, AD 2-0354. MAN to work in foundry as shipping clerk, $90 wk.

to start. Apply Union Foundry 750 South Middlesex. SERVICE STATION attendant, experience preferred, full time days. Call for app't, PL 5-9636. CHEMIST, with BS degree; recent gradu ate or 1 yr.

experience; for analytical instrumentation work in Quality Control laboratory. Write Z-199, Courier-News. APPRENTICE mold maker with some machine experience. Opportunity for a good trade. Progressive Die Mold 52 Plainfield Scotch Plains, AD 3-5389.

LAB ASSISTANT, must be 18, high school graduate, have own transportation and an interest in chemistry. Must be available immediately. Reheis Co. Berkeley Heights, 464-1500. CHEMISTS Mathematicians physicists engineers.

Fee paid, to $22,000 DEV. ENGR. B.S., Ch. E. or M.E., Tech.

dev. R8.D polymer field. SALES ENGR. B.S. Ch, E.

2-5 yrs. exp. tech. sales. Fee paid to $10,000 PROGRAMMERS 1-5 yrs.

exp. 1401 to $10,000 DEVELOPMENT ENGR. M.E. pre ferred, 1-3 yrs. exp.

plastics, metals, etc. $8,000 LAB. TECH. Chem. eng.

preferred, some ind. lab. exp. for lab. $5,700 Mid-Town Emp.

Agcy. 328 PARK AVE. PL 4-4000 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS CREATIVE ELECTRONICS DESIGNTEST ENGINEERS 2 to 5-yrs. experience In transistor, video, and sweep circuiting with aptitude and desire for a position In systems or product development. Engineering positions also available in analytical test and evaluation of previously designed communications equipment employing solid state switching circuits.

Excellent company benefits: Profit sharing, educational and free life Insurance plans. Relocation Assistance Positions for Long Branch, N.J. and Annapolis, laboratories. For Immediate confidential Interview, phone Long Branch, N.J. Office, 222-0569.

ELECTRO INTERNATIONAL, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF ELECTRO INSTRUMENT Annapolis, Md. An Equal Opportunity Employer MEN (3), full time lo take orders and make deliveries, average $2.50 per hr Apply 62 Ferry South River 5 to 7 P. m. only.

AGGRESSIVE MAN of managerial calibre to neip manager toy and sporting goods for expanding discounter. Apply wrtaoian aroens I oy Menlo Park Shopping Center. Interviews Oct. 11, 11 a.m. to 6 P.m.

GAS ATTENDANT, full time. Call 766-0880. good wages, 6 day week. LINOTYPE OPERATOR, experienced, iob and publication work. Apply Recorder Press, 510 Watchung Plain-field.

PL 6-2860. A-l Bus. Employment Scrv. Clerk-Typist $75 4- bonus Watchman $1.75 hr. Tab.

Operator Open Factory Workers various Office Bov, H.S. grad start $60 1827B E. Second Sc. Plains 322-8300 Clarke Emp. Agcys.

PLANT MANAGER Must be thoroughly experienced In production planning and scheduling. This is in the Electronic and Systems Division of a large company, and involves the manufacture of high precision devices such as electronic amplifiers and power supplies. Salary in the $10,000 range, up or down depending on experience and ability. 15 W. Main Somerville Metuchen Morristown RA 2-3123 406 Main LI 9-2020 159 South St.

JE 8-5400 Clerk Part time stock and sales, and Sun. Call PL 6-2930, or see Mr Fillenz, 2 Guys Auto Rt. 22, Watchung, N.J. INSPECTOR for machine shop, 2 to 3 years experience in raw materials and first piece inspection. Permanent position.

E. F. BRITTEN CO. 22 South W. Cranford YOUNG MAN, reliable and responsible.

to drive small delivery truck, full time. Boise 144 E. Front St. DRILL PRESS OPERATOR Some expe rience, permanent position. E.

F. BRITTEN CO. 22 South W. Cranford personnel service employment agency strand theater bldg. PL 7-0600 205 E.

Front St INTERESTING LAB WORK H.S. grads with 1more simple testing, rapid adv. yers. chem. good pay TIME STUDY Man with 12 yrs.

starting spot with exp. local In time motion good pay MACHINE OPERATOR 2 to 3 years ex perience on milling and grinding ma chine and lathe. Permanent position. E. F.

BRITTEN CO. 22 South W. Cranford MECHANICS (3), with at least 5 yrs Lincoln-Mercury experience. Apply in person or call Mr. Gould, service Mgr.

for app't. Fletcher Ltncoln-Mercury, 82 Franklin Summit, CR 7-0940. Employment (Women) 24 SALESGIRL or cosmetician experienced, full time. Loree's Drug Store, 209 Main Bo. Brook, Elliot 6-0234.

WAITRESS experienced. Apply in per son. Highway Diner, Rt. 22, No. Plain- field.

SALESLADIES Part Time Ready to wear experience preferred. APPLY: ROBERT HALL CLOTHES ROUTE 22 NORTH PLAINFIELD IMMEDIATE TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS We need experienced stenographers, typ ists, comptometer operators, key punch operators, PBX operators and general office workers. Good hourly rates. Inter esting and varied iobs. No fee charged to you for this service.

MANPOWER, INC. 7 Elm St. Westfield AD 3-1646 Hours: 9 a.m. -2 p.m. Wed Elizabeth, N.J.

EL 4-3415 Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Frl. Sat. 7 a.m.-12 noon INSURANCE GIRL, typing, steno, claims work, all types. Pleasant office, good salary.

Call PL 4-8700. SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST, dental of fice, knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. State experience and write Z-181, Courier-News. WAITRESSES Experienced semi-French service re quired. Part or full time.

Good pav, good tips. Call Mr. Brown Pedeflous Restau rant, PL 5-0111. Watchung, N.J. NURSE INSTRUCTOK PEDIATRIC NURSING.

N.L.N, accredited diploma program affiliated with a community college. 1 class vrly. Experience in teach ing and B.S. degree required, master's preferred. Salary open, liberal personnel policies.

Immediate opening. Apply Di rector of Nursing, Perth Amboy Genera Hospital, Perth Amboy, N. J. or call HI 2-3700, Ext. 227.

WAITRESSES wanted, part time nights experience only. Apply Frontier Diner 218 E. Front St. SECRETARY for corporate patent attorney. Technical or legal experience required.

Liberal employee benefits. Modern cafeteria Phone for Appointment AIR REDUCTION RESEARCH LABS Murray Hill 464-2400 An Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED counter girl, 5 days Beldere Variety Shop. 1041 South PL 5-5886. GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for retail dry cleaning store. Apply at Blue Ribbon Cleaners, 100 North Garwood.

BOOKKEEPER full charge, experienced on posting and adding machines. Apply Padco Manufacturing, 440 Lincoln Boule vard, Middlesex. HO 9-2100. BAMBERGER'S MENLO PARK Now interviewing for: WAITRESSES FULL TIME 8 A.M. -5 P.M.

Liberal employe benefits. Apply employment office. BAMBERGER'S MENLO PARK BANK TELLER EXPERIENCED. OVER 30. APPLY IN PERSON.

PEOPLE'S TRUST COM- PANY, 324 NORTH DUNELLEN. FEMALE store detectives, no experience necessary. Apply Mr. Steve Hollman, Two Guys From Harrison, Rt. 22, Wat chung.

PURCHASING Mature Individual with purchasing dept. experience, must be personable, able to cope with responsibility and have a strong telephone personality. Steno preferred, typing essential. This position is both challenging and rewarding. Located in New Brunswick.

Address replies to Box z-173, Courier-News, stating experi ence and qualifications. ARE YOU tired of sitting home? Would you like to meet and make new friends Would you like to learn 12 secrets to nature loveliness? You can do all of this and make money too. LUZIER PURE QUALITY COSMETICS offers you the opportunity to earn high commissions while selling their prestige cosmetic line. Call LI 8-1200 for an immediate interview. COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, sleep in, one family.

PL 6-6111, after 12 noon. In MAJOR laboratory supplier has openings for TELEPHONE SALESMEN and PRICERS Send resume to Box Z-158, Courier-News. NURSING instructor, medical-surgical, for nursing school of 400 bed general hospital. B.S. required.

Salary open. Call or write Personnel St. Peter's General Hospital, New Brunswick, N. Kl 5-8000, Ext. 256.

MANAGER PARTY PLAN Or leading sales people In party plan selling who wish top position. We have a managerial opportunity that can't be beat. Records to prove it. Parent company old and well-established. Write giving us your background.

Will contact VGJ for a personal Interview. Your reolv confidential. Box PC 981. 125 W. 41st N.

Y. GENERAL houseworker, 2 in family, small 5 days a week. Write Z-186, Courier-News. MATURE motherly woman who raised own children to care for 2 children, 2 and 7, and light housekeeping. 4V2 days.

PL 5-1573 after 5 p.m. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE bookkeeper, experience not necessary, must have some knowledge of bookkeeping and like figures, 40 5 day pleasant working conditions. Apply Hexacon Electric 161 W. Clay Roselle Park. WOMAN for light housekeeping, sleep in, 2 in family.

Very light work. PL 6-4599. GIRL or woman wanted for laundry flat work dept. Apply in person Blue Ribbon Cleaners, 100 North Garwood. RELIABLE woman for housework and child care, 5Vi days a wk.

Steady position. Please call PL 7-9537. PART TIME DAY EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS $2.96 HOURLY Peak freight periods require use of experienced I.C.C. qualified straight truck and semi-trailer drivers. Work generally on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

If you have minimum of 2 years commercial driving experience, are over 23 and have a safe driving record, then contact; EASTERN EXPRESS INC. U.S. ROUTE 1, METUCHEN, N.J. DRAFTSMAN, experienced, land surveying and civil engineering office. PL 6- 5877.

WE NEED MEN FULL PART TIME due to Increased factory production, need 4 full time and 6 part time men. Part time men earn S45 per full time men earn $90 per wk. For app't call FA 2-8500 berore 6:30 p.m. BOYS, some experience necessary in shipping and cutting depts. Apply In person Dura-Wear Products 6Ci North Ave.

East, Westfield. CARPENTERS, experience necessary, work on new homes. Mendham area. Call after 6:30 p.m. CA 6-6080.

YOUNG MAN, typist, to assist on counter sales. Call PL 6-4000 for interview. HAVE opening for young man who is interested in floral culture, will train. Clean work, permanent position. Apply Thomas Young Orchids, Harris Bound Brook.

MAJOR laboratory supplier has openings for TELEPHONE SALESMEN and PRICERS Send resume to Box Z-151, Courier-News. MACHINIST or LATHE HAND First class. Steady employment. Mechan-itron 421 W. 2nd Plainfield.

TRUCK DRIVER home frozen food de livery. Man familiar with l-Tj-2 ton trucks. We will train you in our type of delivery service. Call RA 5-8200. Mr.

Kersting or Mr. Valentine. 10 MEN wanted for immediate employment In our recently opened FACTORY BRANCH Permanent iobs without layoff or Job openings in 3 departments. strikes No ex- perience necessary. (Age 19-38).

ALL INTERVIEWS AND DESIRED SALARY KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL CALL 755-5330 CABINET APPRENTICE. Apply Plain-field Cabinet Center, 307 Madison Plainfield. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, full time, all benefits, union scale. Apply Com munity Shop-Rite, 424 So. Washington New Market.

OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN, experienced, apply Elmer Brewer, 77 Second Somerville. GAS ATTENDANT. Call PL 5-9704 after 5 p.m. EXPERIENCED DIE MAKER for small manufacturer. Pleasant working conditions, interesting electronic work.

Top pay for right man. Be Cu Mfg. Inc. Beryllium Scotch Plains. AD 3-3342.

PAINT SPRAYER with experience cn soraying metal cabinets. ME 4-0300. Men for General Factory Work Thermionic Products 76 Interhaven Ave. No. Plainfield AUTO POLISHER, for new and used car department, prefer some experience.

Paid vacations, sick pay, and insurance, full benefits. Call Bill at 765-4500. CAFETERIA worker, age no barrier. Apply Lockheed Engineering, Rt. 22, Plain-field.

LIGHTING fixtures, inventory and stock man for wholesale distributor. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Apply United Wholesale Building Suppply 219 Central Plainfield. EXPERIENCED tool and die maker; also, maintenance man. Apply in person Permaseal Factory Lane, Middlesex.

SALES ENGINEER Experienced In selling mechanical equip ment to industry. Age 30-40, married. Libera" base salary plus generous commissions and expenses. Give full resume, education, experience and photograph. Write Z-192, Courier-News.

FIRST CLASS BAKER, day work, good steady iob, benefits, excellent pay for right person. Stirling Shop-Rite, 7153 Valley Stirling, 3 mi. from Berkeley Hgts. HEY CULLIGAN MAN! Yes, the call is out. People want to know about CULLIGAN water conditioning products and services and we need two qualified men to complete our staff.

Complete training in water conditioning techniques and sales procedure will be given. Call Mr. Stano for an appointment. PL 5-4000. MILLWRIGHT Due to our continued growth, we need an additional experienced all-round man in our Equipment Division.

Work Involves assembly and equipping of a variety of large industrial cleaning machines. Some experience in hydraulics, electrical wiring and similar assemblies desirable but not essential. Starting salary will be based on expe rience and qualifications. We offer stable employment, excellent fringe benefits and regular merit reviews. For interview, Con ner vr.

wiinam Kallman. MAGNUS CHEMICAL CO. SOUTH AVE. GARWOOD, SU 9-0200 N.J STOCK ROOM SUPERVISOR Experienced in the handling and dispatch ing of sales orders. Arlen Trophy Co.

68 Brook No. Plainfield. i-iuki UKUtK LOOK, apply in person. swingle's Diner, Rt. 22, Springfield.

I in 3 i all Kb. t-ull or part time, to install overhead garage doors, shower doors and patio doors. Experienced men preferred but will train if necessary. Must nave truck or station wagon. Vol ume work can be lucrative to ambitious man.

lh 1-1141, Ext. 5, for app't. Call collect. CARPENTERS, first P.m., PL 4-0743. class, call after 6 JUNIOR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN.

oood future. Gavin Instruments, Inc Depot Square, Somerville. AUTO PARTS store helper and truck driver. Norwood Distributors, 215 south Ave. Westfield.

AD 3-5700. BLACK SEAL FIREMAN. Apply Thomas Young Orchids, Harris Bound Brook. MAN, young, energetic, full time stock work, good salary, all benefits. Apply in person, sav-On Drugs, 215 E.

Front St. PART TIME MAN for wood working 6-9 p.m., must have experience. Write Z-15, Courier-News. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Asphalt rooting pianr. Recent college graduate with supervisory experience for recently acquired plant.

Excellent opportunity to grow with expansion and modernization program. Actual experience considered in lieu of degree. Mail written resume and salary requirements to J. P. Slis, Bird 8, Son, P.O.

Box 510, Perth Amboy, N.J. LATHE OPERATOR, to work in modern machine shop. Salary open, fringe benefits. Apply in person, p.m. to Miss Miskew, Mitronics 132 Floral Murray Mill, N.J.

uil bUKNtK abKVlCc MAN, experi enced only apply. Expanding aggres sive company lust relocated. Apply in person, 563 Bo. Brook Middlesex, N.J. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN.

Modern manufacturing plant has need for me chanical draftsman, with some expert ence, mature and Imagination. Salary ooen, fringe benefits. Rapid advancement for right man. Apply in person, p.m., to Miss Miskew, Mitronics Inc 132 Floral Murray Hill, N.J. GUARDS, full or part time.

Must have phone and car, to work in Plainfield area, can UN 9-6198 tor app't. muiu bout imuk, combination man or, will train experienced helper. 5-day all benefits Call Havens Ford, EL 6- ou2, ask for Mr. Nemo. COUNTER MAN, part person only Gruning's, time.

Apply 205 E. 5th PORTER, full time, good pay, benefits Apply Dunellen Shop-Rite, 20 No. Wash- ipron Dunellen. PACKAGING MACHINE MECHANIC Modern candy company needs mechanics, experienced on all types of packaging equipment. Permanent full time work Day and night shift availability essential.

Pleasant working conditions, good start ing rate and fringe benefits. Interviews 9 a.m. to 12 noon or by app't. rnone mt-iAUU, fcxr. 254.

HENRY HEIDE INC. 14 Terminal New Brunswick, N. J. (Industrial Park) CHEMISTS ORGANIC POLYMER rosmons avanaoie development and ap plications in the following fields: Emul sion polymers, adhesives, paints, textiles and paper. B.S.

or M.S. with 0-3 years experience, contact w. D. Jones, Reich-hold Chemicals 726 Rockefeller Elizabeth, N. J.

EL 3-6600. I 'VENDING MACHINES Earn extra mon ey cottee-not cnocoiate macmne, 500 cup; soda machine, 3-flavor, 600 cup; candy machine, 7olumn plus 4 gum; cigarette machine, 12 column. After 6 p.m., all day EL 6-3635. DELI WATCHUNG MT. AREA HIGH NET, LOW OVERHEAD, ONE MAN I OPERATION, $1,200 WEEKLY.

$11,5001 PLUS STOCK, TERMS AVAILABLE. TOKARZ REAL ESTATE, WATCHUNG. PL 7-9770. EAST BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP, the Inn between property and tavern, 400' on busy Hwy. 18.

Approximately 3''j acres. Zone business. Ideal for shopping center-drive in. mile from Exit 9, New Jersey Turnpike. Call VI 6-9824 for appointment.

3-BAY GARAGE TYPE service station for lease in Bedminster. Financial assistance available. Paid while In training. Call HE 6-6666, 9-5; after 7 P.m. HO 9- 1005.

SERVICE STATION 2 bay. $25,000. Com-plete financing. Inqueries contact Mr. Conover, 708 3rd New York 17, N.Y., 8th fl.

TAVERN, Tally-Ho Cafe, business and building. Also living quarters, 9 furnished rooms. Asking $30,000. 801 So. Main Phillipsburg, N.

J. Ph. GL 4-9187. TEXACO service station for lease. South and Woodland Plainfield.

Call Mr. Kaye, WA 5-0400. DELICATESSEN store. Arbor catering area, 3 room rent $90. Making pierogi, will teach.

No competition. Equipment $3,600 plus Stock. PL 2-5458. LUNCHEONETTE FOUNTAIN for Sale Part of variety shop. Doing $1,100 weekly, capable of flood Increase with experienced man: See Mr.

Trine Beldere Variety Shop, 1041 South Plainfield. NEWSPAPER ROUTE, nets $125 wk. for 3 hrs. work daily. Morning delivery only.

Growing franchise, $6,500 FULL PRSCHAFFER CO. BETTER BUSINESS BROKERS 233 W. Front St. PLainfield 7-3550 Eve's, PL 6-6781 TRACTORS, owner-operators, diesel, sleeper cab preferred, 1957 model or later, excellent rates, fast growing company. Contact Ed.

Downey, Vineland, N.J. OX 1-7C00. Ext. 56. RESTAURANT AND BAR, gracious atmosphere.

Colonial dining room seats 200, 2 conference or dining rooms seats 30 each, fully equipped modern kitchen. Private living and servant's quarters. Acreage fronting on main highway in Somerset County. Total selling price $145,000. Cash $40,000 down, balance easy terms.

K. H. Wankow, realtor, 424 Vos-seller Bound Brook, EL 6-8121. CONF. LUNCHEONETTE -GROC ERIES, low rent, meat concession, $2,900 $20,000 down.

Call after 10 P.m. PL 5-5726. The Atlantic Refining Co. has service station for lease In No. Plain-field.

Excellent potential on Rt. 22. Paid training, financial assistance, minimum investment for stock and equipment only. Call Ml 3-0100 or BR 6-0388 after 7:30 P.m. GROCERY WITH MEAT property included.

$15,000 down. Owner retiring. LAUNDERETTE, 27 washers, 12 dryers; trial period $400 full price $22,000, down. ALL details mailed upon request. SAM SIEGEL BUSINESS BROKER REAL ESTATE 150 Park Ave.

PL 6-5050 (24 hrs.) LAY OUT $2,000 and collect $50 each month. No work or worry involved. Write Z-190, Courier-News. PRIVATE disposal route, Dunellen, New Market, Edison, New Brunswick Heights. Owner moving to new area.

Call AD 2-2694 after 5 p.m. EXPERIENCED operator for large truck terminal situated on Rt. 22. Reasonable rent maior brand gasoline all facilities. Suggest applicant have necessary capital and following.

Call RA 2-3333 or write Post Office Box 152, Somerville, N. J. FOR SALE Luncheonette: Well equipped, closed nights and Suns. Good business. air conditioned.

Parking. Reasonably priced. Write S-100. Courier-News. Business Wanted 42 I AM interested in purchasing a small mutual fund dealership in North Jersey.

Write Z-185, Courier-News. New Merchandise 43 3-Room Outfit $199 CARSON FURNITURE 2C2 W. Front St. PL 5-0033 ORANGE FURNITURE CO. 311 W.

Front St. Plainfield PL 7-0033 3 ROOMS of jipw furniture with G.E. Rcfrigtrator 9-PC. BEDROOM Including double dresser, chest, bed, soring and comfortab'e mat tress. Also 2 pillows and vanity lamps.

9-PC. LIVING ROOM Includes sofa, sleeper, swivel chair, tables, lamps and throw pillows. 5-PC. FORMICA TOP DINETTE Includes expandable table with leal. G.E.

REFRIGERATOR Reconditioned, guaranteed apt. refrigerator. COMPLETE ONLY $349 Only $3.78 Weekly Watchung Furniture 327 W. Front St. Plainfield Cor.

Central Ave. Parking in Rear Open Thurs. til 9 p.m. Antiques 47 SOLID MAHOGANY wash stand, cherry finish, inset with pine tile, Holland Import. 968-1432.

Building Materials 49 R.R. TIES for walls, parking lots and driveways. Approx. 8' long. Delivered price in Plainfield area $2.25 each.

PL 4- 3872. Guns, Sports Supplies 50 GUNS bought, sold, traded and repaired. Open 7 days, 9 a.m. -10 p.m. Ray's Sport Shop Rt.

22, Sc. Plains, 889-8323. HUNTING BOW, Bear Kodiak II, 59 lb. pull; quiver, arrows. New condition, $25.

FL 9-6657. Boats Marine Motors 51 LEFTOVER 17' Fiberglas cruiser. Sleeps 2. Flying bridge. Easy terms, trade ac cepted.

Rowe Marine. 968-4343. BOATS Aluminum, 14'. 2 motors, 3 and 12 h.p., trailer, accessories. $225 and $325.

EL 6-3416. 14' STARLINER, 1959, like new, equipped with windshield, remote control, eas tank, canvas cover, life preservers, 25 h.p. Scott engine and trailer. All for $595. Kelsev's Auto Sales, 417 w.

Union Bound Brook, EL 6-3737. 1957 27' Owens cabin cruiser, twin screw, sleeps 4, excellent condition. No trades. 464-2487 after 5:30 weekdays or early morning Sat. or Sun.

VANSEN BOATS Route 22 North Plainfield li-mile west of overpass PL 7-1700 Weekdays 9-9 Sat. 9-5 What We Sell" "We Service 14' MAHOGANY speed boat, 35 h.p. "(OB) 12 volt electric start, gas tank, padded seats, 6 life preservers, trailer with spare tire, many extras, $750. PL 4-4115. 22' OWENS, cabin cruiser, standup head and galley, sleeps 4, in water, reason able.

PL 4-8421, weekdays 7-9 p.m. 1960 16' Cruisers 45 h.p. Mercury outboard motor; 1,000 lb. Tee Nee trail er; excellent condition. PL 2-7551 bet.

7 and 10 p.m. SACRIFICE for quick sale 28' Pederson trunkcabin cruiser, standard equipment, A-1 condition, $2,800. 889-1628. Machinery Rebuilt Motors 54 USED and rebuilt etectnc motors, VS h.p., guaranteed, $5 up. Electric Gas Appliance Shop, 114 North PL 6-2997 4 CYL.

DIESEL powered 15 K.W. gener ator, cost $4,500, sell for S550, excellent running condition; 1951 Chev. l'j ton truck, good running condition, $250; one ton Army trailer, completely rebuilt, new 700x20 tires and tubes, $150. Phone 968- 2299, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. ELECTRIC MOTOR, h.p.

1750 rpm, 12 fluorescent lights, cool white single Pin, instant start, PL 5-6905 afternoons. Miscellaneous 55 USED and reconditioned vacuum cleaners, $5 up Electrolux $15 to $29.95. Casler's Vacuum Service, PL 6-6629. MIRROR, beveled plate glass, 30x60, perfect condition, $20. PL 6-7891 CARPETS, unused.

9'xl2' and 9'xl5', $30 and $35. Some other sizes. General Electric vacuum, $20. Private. PL 7-4823.

OIL HEATER, for kitchen set; good 4 or 5 rooms; 5-PC condition. PL 5-7778. REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, freezer top, 1 door, good condition. PL 7-2493. WHITE ELEPHANT SALE All reasonable.

4-pc. living room set; blond mahogany credenza; matching end table; brass lamps (2); floor lamp. Many small odd pieces. RA 2-0371. AIR CONDITIONER G.E., 1 ton, $110; G.E.

mangle, new condition. 359-3592 after 4:30 p.m. WASHING machine, Frigidaire, complete-ly rebuilt. $50. Call PL 4-8598.

REFRIGERATOR I960 Frigidaire, 13 cu. 2 door, too freezer. Perfect condition. Call PL 7-0352. BV7H NEWAfcfWALS AS THE TABLE MOST LIKELY 10 BB VACATE? NEXT rr 1 STndir.te.

Tor, ton?.

The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.