The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Ri '5 slu vAiizx xtg'J uduxvii nrii WEST SPPJNGHEI iBRfflSH DISTURBED News of the Theaters HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 an A CHICOPEE rf Ruth As AGAWAM 4 a THOMPSONVILLE Quality ur nitur i inter uw our Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite LUDLOW I Miss Howard STEEL BEDS probation for six months 4 1 Groat of her the en came to fe Upholstered in Velour or $1975 Leather 100 Piece 'English DINNER SETS Three Piece 0 verstuff ed Living Room Suite SAY MAYOR HYLAN DUE TO IMPROVE Complete Line of Wood inished MEMBERS SEEK GREATER SAETY DRYS COMMEND VIEW Metropolitan urniture Co Cash or Credit PURITAN PHONOGRAPHS Prof Monahan of Massachu setts Agricultural College to Be Speaker Parents and friends of the public school children of West Springfield will have an opportunity tonight at 7 at the high school gymnasium to see what the boys and girls have been doing in their leisure hours under the supervision of the Hampden County Improvement league Numerous ex hibits of canning basketry sewing and garden work have already been entered for the show which will be called the first annual West Spring field School and Club exposition A program of entertainment has been arranged Prizes will be awarded rom 730 to 8 a reception will be held and the exhibits Inspected Mrs George Dawson is "chairman of the re ception committee and will preside Principal William A Cowing of the Senior High school has provided for a program of headings from 815 until 9 with music by the West Springfield High School orchestra Prof William Monahan of Massachusetts Agricul tural college will then be introduced by Otis Hall of the Hampden County Improvement league for a talk on Tickets can be ob tained at the West Springfield Trust company the tewn hall the Railroad A and at the offices of the school principals at Merrick' Mitti neague and Tatham SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL EXHIBIT WORK TONIGHT Livestock at the Eastern States ex position this year is offering some freak pranks irst two Shropshire rams engaged in a combat and one died Neit some snakes were hatched by "Uncle Hyde otherwise known as Dr Hyde curator of natural history at the American Museum of Science in New York who Is arranging the natural history ex hibit in the Mohawk Indian village Yesterday brought some more ani mal stuff to light irst an Ayrshire bull calf was added to the numerical strength of the purebred herd of Wendover farms of Bernardsville Attitude on Pro hibition Praised by Execu tive Committee of Anti saloon League Westerville Sept 13 Commen dation of the attitude of Presi dent Coolidge on prohibition was ex pressed in a meeting here today of the executive committee of the Anti saloon league of America Atty Gen Daugherty was given praise for the report which he made to Presi dent Coolidge and for what the exe cutive committee denominated a de termination to make drastic enforce ment of the Volstead act The work of ederal Prohibition Commissioner Haynes was highly com mended in the committee's statement and reports of friction between Com missioner Hayn3 and the administra tion and between the prohibition de partment and the other departments of the government were declared by the League men to be simply "wet prop i Condition Better Pneu monia Will Not Grow Worse Doctors Declare Saratoga Springs A' Sept Mayor John Hj lan of New York city ill with pleuro pneumonia in his summer home here was reported this afternoon as having a quiet day and feeling very In the regular bulletin this after noon the three attending physi cians declared that although their previous findings of a small area of bronchial pneumonia were confirmed the condition had not become worse There will be no crisis in the mayor's illness said Dr George Comstock it being the belief of the physicians that their patient is pro gressing satisfactorily In the night bulletin the doctors gave an interpretation of an ray examination which the mayor under went in the afternoon and declared his condition was improved A small area of broncho pneumonia in the left lung was announced in addition to the "evidence of a ppeumonic process in the right Passing Show of Paradies Popular Plays Passing Show 1923 which comes to the Court Square theater next week follows the prac tice of its predecessors in parodying Next a nest of wasps collected by a New York Boy Scout turned out some live wasps The boy had gar nered the nest as a part of a case ex hibit showing the life of a wasp It was older than he thought As a result of being transported under glass it produced some live ones But the prize stunt came last night when a Dorset ram belonging to Stan ley Downs club member from Connecticut escaped and defied all efforts at capture by leaping into and swimming the Agawam river He was recaptured in Agawam after a merry chase and returned to his pen on the exposition ground DRUNKEN DRIVING COSTS MAJOCHA $100 Lawrence Majocha charged with operating an automobile while un der the influence of liquor was fined $100 in the district court yesterday morning The charge of placed against him was filed rancis Zybura charged with as sault upon his wife was placed on probation for six months His wife told the court she would give him another chance Joseph Kozikowska of Pleasantdale avenue Willlmansett charged with ns iult on his wife was' placed on pro bation when she agreed to forgive him He was arrested on complaint of his wife and defaulted bn 11 when taken to federal court in Boston to answer to the charge of violation of the federal liquor laws He was fined $100 in that court the judge taking into consid eration his large family popular plays of the'eurrent season but there are nutnerpus Jiovelties both ballet ami spectacle in addition The present piece is divided into two acts and 28 scenes with 26 musical numbers It was staged by Huff man the dialog and lyrics are lay Harold Atteridge and the music by Sigmund Romberg and Jean Schwartz Allan oster is in charge of the danc ing Seats are now on sale at the theater for Passing Old King Cole Holds Court at Palace Large Mahogany High Back ROCKER SPONSORS LOWER SHOW APPRECIATIVE Miss Beatrice Bagg of Riverdale road who with Miss Agnes ox di rected West first annual flower show which closed Wednesday night at hte public library yesterday made public the full list of exhibitors Both expressed gratitude for the cour tesy co operation of the trustees and staff of the public library the care with which the exhibitors chose their most beautiful flowers ana thusiasm of the visitors who the show I The list follows: Pnllnttn Arhpnharh IVTiss chenbach Atwater Son Mrs Aaron Bagg Jr Miss Beatrice Bagg Miss Martina Bagg Miss Mary Bagg Miss Miriam Downey Mrs Winthrop Bagg Mrs Martha Ring Bale Chief of Police Belmer Miss Dorothy Bond Miss Adeline Bourn Miss Marlon Bowler Ethan Brooks Mrs Herbert Burnham Mrs Burton Miss Ruth Buxton Mrs Chapin Mr and Mrs Clarence Day Mr and Mrs Eldred Miss Agnes ox Miss Hannah Ashlev ox Miss Hazel ox Mrs Parker John son Mrs Leach Miss Lillian Longtln Joseph Loomis Miss Roslyn Michaud Mrs Miller Mrs Henry Moore John Morin Hen ry A Pratt Miss Elizabeth Rhodes Mr and Mrs Clifford Rice Miss Ruth Robertson Mr and Mrs rank Rodimon Edgar Rose Miss Hazel Royce Edward Ryan ss Gertrude Smith Miss Marion Smith Miss Rachel Charlotta Smith Mrs red Steele DANCES TILL EARLY HOUR Quebec Que Sept The prince of Wales heir to the throne of Great Britain traveling incognito as Lord Renfrew made the opening party of his vacation trip a real one When the orchestra finished It's three o'clock in the the prince at that hour this morning deserted fair dancing partners and male friends and made for his room In his own words he had one of the jolliest times he ever had in his life The prince's opening party was a ball last night at the Chateau ron tenac organized by Louis the head waiter whose functions have won him the respect of Quebec society Invita tions to the the affair came direct from Louis and included the cream of rench Candlan society The prince danced much choosing his own partners and evinced a pref erence for fox trots He tabooed waltzes Boat on Path inding Trip or Round the World Air light Held at Los Angeles or Booze on Board London Sept 13 Any intention to contravene the American prohibition law in connection with the seizure on board the yacht rontiersman at Los Angeles of 65 gallons of whisky and the attaching of the boat by the fed eral officers was denied tonight by Capt Geoffrey Malins of the British air force one of those interested in the airplane path finding voyage in which the rontiersman is engaged by hav ing liquor on board the yacht Capt Malins said the liquor found was put on board with the intention of complying with the British Board of Trade regulations for a long voy age and also to provide small quanti ties for each supply dump along the route mapped out between Hongkong and Prince Land He did not think that the American authorities would consider 65 gallons an abnormal quantity for the needs of a crew of 40 men in sub Arctic regions over a peri od of six months Capt Malins declared it would be unfortunate if through a misunder standing the rontiersman was held up necessitating a postponement of the flight around the world in 1925 538 Main St GLENWOOD RANGES district trustee to officially represent the local club at the convention Bridge Traffic Is Heavy In order to cope with the heavy traffic resulting from the burning of the North end bridge in Springfield i Marshal rank O'Callahan has sta tioned traffic men at the end of the Chicopee West Springfield bridge and at West and Center streets A detour sign directing traffic over the Chlc opee West Springfield bridge has been placed at the junction of West and Center streets Trumbull Gets Berth William Trumbull Jr of East Street avenue the ails has been ap pointed second assistant to City En gineer rank Cobb The young man is the son of William Trumbull chairman of the board of assessors Marriage Intentions Marriage intentions have been filed at the office of the city clerk by Julien A Maciolek 23 of 137 Springfield street and Veronica Kozik 19 of 46 Harvard street 19 both being em ployed ns clerks and John Makinak 27 of Hamtrauck Mich a drop for ger and rqncisea Pechalora 19' of 65 West street Dwight Manufactur ing company employe Protesting Display Many complaints are being heard against the objectionable appearance of the temporary board fence sur rounding the Granstein block on Center street which is being re modeled There are 73 posters on the barrier and city officials are discussing steps to force their removal Mr Granstein has said that he gave no permission to put up the posters and nc opposition to their removal is ex pected fromxhim Mrs Tarka Chicopee's police woman and son Albert nre spending a week with her parents at Lowell The license committee of the board of aidermen held a meeting last night to make recommendations on garage permits Tonight the ordinance com mittee meet and several ordinances re lating to pay increases for city em ployes may receive attention Miss Margaret Looney state his torian of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Hibernians addressed the Ladies Auxiliary of Hibernians last night at the' regular meeting in the Knights of Columbus hall on Perkins street All members are requested to attend Mr and Mrs Ryan of 223 Broadway have had as their guests Mr and Mrs arley and daughter Air and Mrs Thomas arley and daughter Alice and Mr and Mrs Peter arley and son Peter Jr of New Bedford Eugene Sullivan of ront street has resumed his studies at St Anselm's college Manchester Joseph McCarthy of Brooklyn for merly of Chicopee is spending a week' here Miss Alice Warburton of Hampden street has returned to itchburg nor mal school to continue her studies Palace for the last three days' TRADp aiiciHuuii return will reside on Whiton street a All A i Knights ot Columbus has elected these officers: Grand knight inton Wallace deputy grand knight James Nugent recorder William Con naughton financial secretary George Wallace treasurer Bernard Keevers advocate Thomas Dowd chancellor Timothy Dowd warden James Kane inside guard John Connor outside guard Henry Kane trustee for three years James Murphy: organist Robert O'Brien The council is holding a carnival on the grounds at St Mary school on Grove street for three eve nings opening tonight The grounds nre set with booths stands etc and a dancing platform has been erected 6 ft 6 in Davenport Large ireside Chair and Club Chair with loose spring cushions spring seat and edge upholstered in Velour $14975 Sept 13 A radio club isi being formed at the high school and plans are on foot for the InstalaiPP OfMrsG Bodman entertained 20 members of St James church of Springfield Tuesday at a com roast in grove In the evening Mr and Mrs Elbert Campbell gave their annual corn roast to the Royal Arcanum and Odd ellows of Spring 1 field Ludlow Sept The Aid society of the Methodist church at their annual meeting last night elect ed the following officers: President Mrs rank Townson vice president dith Crowningshield: (treasurer Mrs Irwin Maxwell secretary Mrs George Elphinstone Jr flower com mittee Mrs Otto Merkel: purchasing Mrs Otto Merkel and Mrs Charles Bean Their next regular meeting will be held Tuesday at the home of Mrs rank Townson on Howard street Old home Sunday will be observed Sunday morning The pulpit will be occupied by Rev Causey who was pastor here in 1913 Refresh ments will be served in the vestry after the service and the Sunday school session will be omitted Al LlyUUK EiZiUKE honors go tine ini RfflV 1 1 (J LI 1 1 Lt IVlliJu ALf1 luA 1 Diminutive Lead Dances Cin derella Comedy Over oot lights Tessie Aline McGill vfrrinia ilrene Dunne mJ? Mas Adoj a Andrew Don Carlos KdU dAd2 Mav BhYGeohagen' 7 Nelson CarVlfv la via Arcaro PetunTa Barry Welford Omar K' Garrity Dancer3011 Leonard St Leo Ada May proves that press reports do tell the truth occasionally from her first entrance with Rufus in at the Court Square theater to the silhoueted clinch on which We final curtain 'falls she sells her "dy namic personality" to the audience One would be too captious to expect a voice thrown in with her other gifts but she has that too though as yet an immature and urftrained one As for the play if the term "Cinderella play become as much as formula with reviewers as it is with play wrights one might sum it up with that phrase As it is say that Left so much a comedy as a set ting for Ada May and call it a day with time and a half for overtime Just one prolonged very much pro longed between acts in fact dancing spree is what Henry Inc mio ntv latest proaucuuii a Irirxrl TCplfiOn Sturt liine high kicking Nick acrobatics and the more formal performances of owler and Tamara keep up the action when Ada May is off the stage And when on she sees to it that everybody has a chance to see tne Kina oi uauaug nc from toe to eccentric As for the music Vincent Youmans seem able to repeat his "Bam success the same semimuted semistaccato rhythms run through the songs but they never quite come probably because there aren't any voices to put them across "Going manages to achieve some thing like applause but most of tkat as before mentioned was saved for Ada May The sets are conventionally gor geous and really pleasing and the costuming is a la mode The third act affords the producer an opening to work in some pretty masquerade ef gets "The Left will be repeated to morrow night and Saturday afternoon and evening 5 Improvement Asso rishnn Plan: to Inllst a ers and Aidermen in Or ganized Campaign 1 The Ward 5 Improvement associa tion will begin a membership drive Tuesday night at the George Taylorschool This organization is non political and is organized solely for the purpose of civic betterment Aien of all political parties living in ward 5 will be asked to jjoin A petition to the board of aldermen will bo drawn up asking that a patrol man bo stationed at the corner of Main street and Broadway at Chico pee alls during the day to direct traffic According to members tins corner is daily becoming more dan gerous for motor traffic and pedes trians It is felt by the members that the present hours of 12 to 1 at noon and 5 to 7 at night are insufficient A second petition to the board ot aidermen will usk that the city buy a strip ot land now owned by the Johnson Johnson Manufacturing companv on the Southwest corner of ront and Grove streets known as Blaisdell's corner for the purpose of widening the street at this point and decreasing the danger to motorists Several small accidents hve occurred at this and it is felt Unit 1 this corner is cut away the Janoer Will be lessened REGISTRATION OR NIGHT SCHOOL THE 26TH in all sizes will improve the appearance of your bed room 75 to Old King Cole famous for his fid dlers piue and bowl holds court at of this week And it's a most elabo rate court he holds The has no end of means for entertainment and Ins day is just one grand vaudeville show Chief among the royal enter 1 tainers is Bernicia a charming little dancer skilled in all the knoyn steps and graceful to a degree Then there are the fiddlers two the thlra playing a to vary the monot kr caaiors also double uo in his majesty's" jazz band an outfit of i syncopation of unusual merit A jes ter and the court harpist also i ot skill completes the royal aggrega tion Mr Cole has his place of busi ness furnished in colorful splendor a movable stage for his musicians being one of the innovations The Jlippodrome our are a sing ing quartet with good voices are pleasing both in solo and ensemble numbers James Kennedy and com pany offer a comedy sketch having something to do with marital squab bles Carl Shaw jmd company amg and dance and Howard Nichols dos things with hoops Sinclair story "ree Air in the film version is an entertain ing motorized romance of a garage man and an heiress out In the great cpkn spaces Ibanez eature ilm Held Over or Sunday Owing to the success by the Blasco Ibanez photoplay "En emies of at the Broadway theater this week the attraction will be held over for Sunday Monday the regular vaudeville photoplay season will begin with two five act vaude 1 ville bills and the Rex Beach photo play Classes to Start October 1 School Committee Ap proves Whitney Plans The school committee at its meeting last night selected Wednesday the 26th as the date for registration for evening schoqls Applicants may register at the high school in Chico pee Center for practical arts and eve ning industrial classes between i and Registrations will be received at the Montcalm street school airview for evening practical arts closses at the Chapin school Willimansetts for evening practical arts classes and ele mentary school for minors and at the Valentine and Taylor schools In Chicopee alls and Chicopee Center for Americanization and evening ele mentary classes These classes Btart on Mopday October 1 and will continue through the winter months The landscape plans which were received yesterday from Prof Joseph Whitney of the extension service of the landscape department of Massa chusetts Agricultural college were ap proved The sketches will be re turned and further steps taken to make the pleasing picture a reality it wns voted to request the depart ment ot civil service and registration to hold an examination for an eligible list for the appointment of an addi tional attendance officer It will be requested that this examination be held within two or three William Garrity was appointed Instructor in machine work for the Continuation school The needs of ad ditional school accommodation at Chicopee alls where the congestion is acute were considered and an ad dition to the Belcher school on East atreet Chicopee alls is under con sideration WHITNEY PLANS OR INE ATHLETIC IELD Tians which if carried out will im prove vthe grounds around the new high school have been received by Su perintendent John Desmond from Joseph Whitney ot the extension service ot the landscape depart ment ot the Massachusetts Agri cultural college In fact the city would probably gain the distinc tion ot having the finest school and grounds in the vicinity The plans were made for the school department without charge A terrace would be laid out directly in front of the building which would slope down into a mown lawn Con crete walks would radiate around thebuilding from the walk leading up the avenue of maples now di 1 rectly in trout of the building On the north sido of the building 'three tennis courts are arranged for I to be screened in by a wire fencewhich would be covered with rambler roses In the back of the building the Jplans call for a splendid athletic fieldwith a 590 yard cinder' track allow ing three laps to the mile and 100 yard straightway Bleachers and grand stand are allowed for The cost of fixing up the athletic field would not be great it is believed as the cinders can be secured from the fires at the High school The cost ot erecting the bleachers and the grand stand would be the heaviest cost The school committee and Mr Des mond find the plans splendid and hope that it will be possible to put the grounds in condition in the early fall NAVY LYER MAKES NEW SPEED RECORD Mitchel ield Sept Lieut Brow United States navy piloting a Curtiss navy biplane tn preparation for the airplane races at St Louis today established a new speed record of 245 miles an hour The previous speed record was held by Lieut Sanderson of United States Marine corps with J8 miles an hour The test was made over a kilometer course and was electrically clocked to the tenth of a second Lieut Brow flew at the rate of 300 feet a second A OICIAL HELPS OPPOSE OSTER By the Associated Press Decatur Hl Sept 13 Support from the international office of the American ederation of Labor ar rived at the state federation conven tion this afternoon to join in the at tack on William oster and the undefeated part of his program in cluding and recogni tion of Soviet Russia A vote on both proposals will probably come tomor row Speaking as the personal represen tative of President Samuel Gompers of the American ederation of Labor Vice President Matt Well of Chicago who is also international president yf the Photogravers' union denounced the radical leader as "Mr whose "whole purpose is to destroy the leadership of the American ed eration of Very fine pattern the best quality these will not last $4975 ull Size Bow End Bed Large Dresser Roomy Cliiffo rette and ull Vanity very finely finished $219 at EDITOR ADDRESSES THE K1WANIS CLUB Maurice Sherman editor ot the Springfield Union was the principal speaker at the meeting of the Kiwanis club last night Mr Sherman gave a very interesting and instructive talk I on the duties and responsibilities of lilting a daily paper dwelling mainly on the philosophy of this part of the Mbout 50 members were nt' the meet ing which was the first since June lans' were discussed for sending a legation to the Kiwanis conation at Swampscott next week Charles A Ludden was appointed chairman of a mmmmlttee to arrange this feature Jr was appointed BLANDORD Blandford Sept The funeral of Mrs Pierpont was held Tuesday at 130 at the home of her sister in law Mrs Dexter Loring of North street She would have been 80 years did if she had lived until November She was born in Blandford the daughter of Simeon Loring One son Claude Pierpont of Tasadaga survives her with whom she had lived She was twice married Her first huspand was Charles Conwell brother of Dr Russell Conwell who assisted Rev Mr Robertson at the funeral The burial wns in the family lot at the Center The bearers were her son Claude Pierpont of Tasadaga John Coney of Chester and Healey and Gibbs of Bland ford Mrs Severy and Mrs Charles Davis of Savona are visitingtheir sister Mrs Julia Lloyd Mr and Mrs Stanton of Torrington Ct are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Healey Mr and Mrs rank Clark left for Washington Tuesday after spending the summer with Mary Blair EAST LONGMEADOW Like Cut 54 inch Buffet 45x54 Extension Table 38 mch China Cabinet 5 Side and 1 Arm Chair QO AA upholstered in genuine leather at 1 JUa VV This Beautiful Nine Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite I Mrs Susan Tripp Trowbridge Miss Shirley Wells Mrs Robert Day White Mrs Woodln and the Adams Nursery com pany i TOOMEY WILL HEAD 1 KNIGHTS COLUMBUS Robert Turney was elected grand knight Wf Unity council Knights of Columbus at the annual meeting and election of officers at the lodge rooms Wednesday night Mr Toomey will succeed rank Hughes Other officers elected are: Deputy grand knight Edward Mfelion chan cellor Henry redette financial sec retary Herbert Wing recording sec retary William Noonan inside guard Michael Walsh advocate Walter Mc Carthy trustee for three years Hen ry Eagan At the instalation which will take place next month at the town hall District Deputy James of Chicopee and suite will preside CHIE COMMENDS SCOUTS VETERANS AND CITIZENS Chief of Police Marshall A Belmer yesterday issued a public statement in which he thanked the Boy Scouts the members of Charles Magnoni post Veterans of oreign Wars and all other citizens who assisted the police department during and after the North end bridge fire Saturday Chief Belmer especially commended the Boy Scouts for their conscientious co oper ation in patroling the district near ybe bridge and the Veterans of Wars who guarded the public build ings Saturday night when the own was without lights Enrolments Alike The total registration of the Junior High school was announced yesterday as 307 exactly the same as the Senior High school Principal Norval Spinney sajd yesterday that competi tion in attendance will probably be keen this yer with the same num ber of pupils registered in each school West Springfield chapter order of the Eastern Star will hold a £Orn roast at the Masonic temple White church hill tonight from 6 until 9 Rehearse for Pageant William Simpson of New York who will coach the cast for the pa geant the River of Holy Mem ories which will commemorate the 225th anniversary of the irst gational church October 10 and 11 di rected the first rehearsal last night at the parish house It is planned to have a rehearsal of two episodes each night from now on until the presen tation The names of the members of the cast will be next week Rev Allan Chalmers Salire onnthe roof of the plant of the New England Smelting company at the corner of Union and Day streets yesterday afternoon was easily ex tinguished The alarm was sent in from box 10 OUR from hamburg ARRIVE IN YAWL New York Sept 13 The 14 meter racing yawl Sowitasgoth which left Hamburg July 4 arrived in Quaran tine today with its crew of four after a stormy passage The little vessel whose name in an old German dialect means far as it will came by way of South ampton and unchal leaving the lat ter port August 4 The men Capt Ei'nsle Mate Plunder who built the yawl Jochum and Ledergerber said they made the trip on a bet They refused to come ashore because they said they had no money The voyage was the first of its kind ever attempt ed from a German port East Longmeadow Sept The Epwbrth league of the Methodist church will hold a social at 74a to morrow night in the church vestry The Knights of King Arthur will meet Saturday night at 7 clock at the Methodist church Mrs Hunn entertained the'past noble grand club of the Lucy Webb Hayes Rebekah lodge at supper on the lawn at her home "airview last night at 6 o'clock Mrs Nellie Doane Dunning of East Boston was a guest last night of Rev and Mrs Martin of Westwood avenue Mrs Dunning is the record ing secretary for the Doane amily association of America of which Mrs Martin is corresponding secre tary Bull Calf and Snakes See Light of Day At airgrounds Ram Swims Agawam River JOHN A RYAN TO BE DISTRICT DEPUTY Thompsonville Sept 13 William Mulligan of this village state deputy of the order of the Knights of Co lumbus in Connecticut has selected John A Ryan of this village as dis trict deputy for the 3d district which comprises Hartford Wifidsor Locks Ilockville South Manchester and this town While it had been generally known by the members of Washington Irving council the past tew weeks that Mr Ryan was to be accorded the honor it was not until this afternoon that official announcement was made of the appointment He will succeed Lawrence Kennedy of Hartford who had held the office during the administration of State Deputy John Callahan of Hartford who was succeeded in that office by Mr Mulligan Mr Ryan has long been a most ac xi ii a rir i live wurntl U1 iwaiAwa est to the local council The funeral of Mrs uhA Tupsrinv at the home aunt Mrs Brainard on air view avenue was held at the house this afternoon at 2 o'clock and was largely attended Rev Alfred Barr pastor of the irst Presbyterian church conducted the service and the burial was in Thompsonville ceme tery The local agents of the Metropoli tan insurance company hve present ed their co worker Patrick Hennc berry a gold ring with a oresters emblem in recognition of his retire ment as collector for the company Miss Mary Browne daughter of rancis Browne a graduate of the Enfield High school class of 1923 left yesterday to enter Laurelton Hail academy in Milford Mrs William Cook and family ot Racine Wis have arrived to spend a two months visit at the home of Mrs Cook's mother Mrs John 1 Sullivan on ranklin street Interest is being taken by the citi zens in the meeting of the town finance board to be held in the town building tomorrow afternoon at which the budget of estimated expendituies for the vear will be considered The session will be from 2 to 4 clock daylight saving time The Do Angelus band entertained the citizens with an enjoyable open air concert on the bandstand on Cot tage green tonight YVINDSOR LOCKS Windsor Locks Sept 13 The mar riage of Charles A Darby son of Mr and Mrs Melvin Darby and Miss Elizabeth Dowd daughter of Den nis Dowd took place in St church yesterday morning at clock and was witnessed by a large congre 1 1 1 nnd friends of the couple The ceremony was performed by Rev John A Dowd of New Haven a cousin of tho bride and he after wards celebrated the nuptial mass The bride was attended by her sister Miss Agnes Dowd and the best man was John Darby a brother ot the croom The brides dress was of gray georgette trimmed with steel cut beads and Spanish lace wnro hat to match and carried a bouquet of while Killarney roses The brideinald wore a dress ot peach bloom crepe with azure tr im tnings and a hat to match and she carried pink asters The wedding fes tivities and breakfast were at the home of the oriae a wmei uu kjvhvv street The couple left during the afternoon for a briei trip unu uu uivu of Riverside council WORONOCO SCHOOL GARDEN EXHIBIT ine Diiplay of Vegetables and 1 Canned Goods Woronoco Sept 13 The Russell school garden and canning clubs held their annual exhibit in the town hall Russell last night The exhibition was open from 630 to 830 All the canning club members were repre sented and there was a fine display of vegetables" Otis Hall the judge in commenting on thej exhibit spoke par ticularly in regard to the corn exhibit which he declared perfect and com plimented the boys and girls of Rus sell on tho efforts they have The following is the prize list: To matoes first Norman Bar ger on sec ond Harold Moreau third Alice Mickelis corn first Harold Moreau second John Gusek third Norman Bargeron carrots first John Gusek second Katie Cioch third Bertha Mozzia beets first John Gusek sec ond Louis Crawford third Alfaretta Metcalf lettuce first Bertha Moz zia second rancis Walsh third Stanley Mozzia cabbage 1st Stanley Jamallier second John Gusek third Harold Moreau potatoes first Louis Crawford second Herman Boyden third Harold Moreau pole beans first Stanley Mozzia second Norman Bargeron third Louis Crawford cu cumber first Herman Boyden second rancis Walsh 'third Norman Bar geron shell beans first Katie Cioch second Stanley Jamellier third Han nah Davis summer squash first Her man Boyden second Louis Crawford third Stanley Jamellier winter squash first Louis Crawford Prizes were awarded fop the several clubs as follows: Woronoco first Geraldine Burns second Elise Cleary third Katherine Burns Russell first Cel emna Tower second Emily Gafzea third Elaine Sevef One hundred jars were on exhibit and the judging was undertaken by Miss Wanda Zend zeau of the Hampden County Im provement league The school bins are being filled with anthracite a car of 40 tons ar riving the other day which will give an ample supply for both the Worono co and Mountain schools Miss Helen Kinsella has taken the iiosition as clerk in the post office recently vacated by Miss erne Ter williger who has gone to take a two course in domestic science at Nasson institute imine Mrs red Ellis left yesterday for Marshfield Vt called there by reason of the serious illness of her mother LONGMEADOW Ezra Burgess goes to Hartford 1 Monday to attend the reunion of the 16th Connecticut volunteers of which he was a member in the Civil war Mr Burgess finds that only three members besides himself survive in his com pany which originally had 101 mem bers Mr and Mrs William iv uavis auu her sister and husband from Boston are having vacations in New Hamp shire Paul Saybolt leaves Saturday for his second year in the Law school of Boston university Miss Mary Strong leaves today to enter another department in the same institution Mrs A Newman who has been with a daughter at Miami la for three years has returned north and is with another daughter Mrs Joseph Cooper of Greenacres avenue Mr and Mrs Herbert Cronk of Lin coln road entertained over the week end his sister Miss Bessie Cronk of Swanzey and Mrs Dorothy Derby of Marlboro who are both teaching in Palmer Mr and Mrs Graves of Bliss road have been entertaining for a week Mr and Mrs Taylor of Providence I Mrs Graves and Mrs Taft motored to Boston Swamp scott and Providence On their return bringing Mr and Mrs Taylor to Long meadow with them Mrs Charles AL ield has returned from a few visit in New York Mr and Mrs Harry Burt and par ty including Mrs A Phelps and Mrs rank Burt went to Blandford Wednesday to attend the fair The new golf grounds are now a center of attraction The fine weath er has brought a good number of players to the links every day a num ber of them being women A meeting of the governing board and advisory committee of the Com munity house was held Tuesday night Plans for the entertainments for the season were discussed There will not be a special course of lectures this year but an individual course A dramatic club and musical chorus of home talent will be organized and spe cial entertainments for the young peo ple The Longmeadow branch of the Red Cross has sent $500 to the Japanese relief fund The sum of $35390 was solicited and the balance taken from the reserve fund SUIELD Suffield Sept Margaret Bigger staff 16 daughter of Mrs Sarah Big gerstaff of South street was thrown from a truck belonging to the inney company yesterday morning sustaining severe injuries about the head and face She was taken to her home and attended by Dr Par tridge Announcements have been received of the marriage of Miss Alma Stiles daughter of Mr and Mrs Weston Stiles of Main street to Wilnam Laird of Waterbury at that place After a wedding trip they will live in Waterbury where the groom is en gaged in business During the fiscal year just ended there were reported at registrars office 102 births 59 marriages and 50 deaths Corodyne Hanford has sold his 60 acre arm on the Thompsonville road ot George Bidwell of West Hartford Julius Mitrus was arrested last night by Deputy Sheriff George Greer charged with drunkenhess and breach of the peace Before Judge Sikes this morning he was found guilty fined $2 and costs amounting to $1931 and given 15 days in jail The selectmen are having warning signs placed at bad curves and corner 4 ia 45m I I 0.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was the original name of the city of Springfield, MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who founded Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American31,87420.52%
Two or more races28,73218.5%
Other race18,04811.62%
3 more rows

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

Who owns Hot Table in Springfield, MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established as the Nation's First Federal Arsenal. The Armory was a leader in the development of interchangeability, technological innovations of firearms, mechanization and specialization in precision manufacturing, and the production of small arms.

Is Springfield, MO mayor a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

What sport was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Why is Springfield called Springfield? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

What was the capital of Massachusetts before Boston? ›

Boston, however, wasn't always the capital of all Massachusetts. For 70 years, Plymouth was the capital of Plymouth Colony, which included Cape Cod, Scituate, Marshfield and Duxbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, what is now New Bedford and Fall River, Dartmouth and Freetown.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

How many of the 50 states have a city named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

When did West Springfield, MA become a city? ›

West Springfield, Massachusetts
Incorporated (town)1774
Incorporated (city)2000
28 more rows

What year did Springfield become a city? ›

Inc. town, 1832; city, 1840. Pop. (2010) 116,250; Springfield Metro Area, 210,170; (2020) 114,394; Springfield Metro Area, 208,640.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.