Uasin Gishu | Kenya Inequalities (2024)

Uasin Gishu County |

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Uasin Gishu | Kenya Inequalities (1)

  • Population
  • Employment
  • Gini Coefficient
  • Education
  • Energy
    • Cooking fuel
    • Lighting
  • Housing
    • Flooring
    • Roofing
    • Walls
  • Water
  • Sanitation


Uasin Gishu County has a child rich population structure where 0-14 year olds constitute 42% of the total population. However, the county is at the onset of a fertility decline as 42% of households have 0-3 household members and 37.9% of households have 4-6 members.


The 2009 population and housing census covered in brief the labour status as tabulated below. The main variable of interest for inequality discussed in the text is work for pay by level of education. The other variables, notably family business, family agricultural holdings, intern/volunteer, retired/homemaker, fulltime student, incapacitated and no work are tabulated and presented in the annex table 44.3 up to ward level.

Table 44: Overall Employment by Education levels inUasin Gishu County

Education Level

Work for pay

Family Business

Family Agricultural Holding

Intern/ Volunteer

Retired/ Homemaker

Fulltime Student


No work

Number of Individuals









































In Uasin-Gishu County, 28% of the residents with no formal education, 23% of those with a primary education and 32% for those with a secondary level of education or above are working for pay. Work for pay is highest in Nairobi at 49% and this is 17 percentage points above the level in Uasin-Gishu for those with secondary or above level of education.

Gini Coefficient

In this report, the Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of consumption expenditure among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. A Gini index of '0' represents perfect equality, while an index of '1' implies perfect inequality. Uasin Gishu County’s Gini index is 0.370 compared with Turkana County, which has the least inequality nationally (0.283).


A total of 29% of Uasin Gishu County residents have a secondary level of education or above. Kapseret constituency has the highest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above at 33%. This is 12 percentage points above Soy constituency, which has the lowest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above. Kapseret constituency is 4 percentage points above the county average. Racecourse ward has the highest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above at 51%.This is three times Segero/Barsombe ward, which has the lowest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above. Racecourse ward is 22 percentage points above the county average.

A total of 54% of Uasin Gishu County residents have a primary level of education only. Soy constituency has the highest share of residents with a primary level of education only at 60%. This is 9 percentage points above Kapseret constituency, which has the lowest share of residents with primary only. Soy constituency is 6 percentage points above the county average. Ngenyilel ward has the highest share of residents with a primary level of education only at 63%. This is almost twice Racecourse ward, which has the lowest share of residents with a primary level of education only. Ngenyilel ward is 9 percentage points above the county average.

A total of 17% of Uasin Gishu County residents have no formal education. Soy constituency has the highest share of residents with no formal education at 19%. This is 4 percentage points above Moiben constituency, which has the lowest share of residents with no formal education. Soy constituency is 2 percentage points above the county average. Segero/Barsombe ward has the highest percentage of residents with no formal education at 21%. This is almost twice Racecourse ward, which has the lowest percentage of residents with no formal education. Segero/Barsombe ward is 4 percentage points above the county average.

Energy » Cooking Fuel

Only 5% of residents in Uasin Gishu County use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and 7% use paraffin. 55% use firewood and 32% use charcoal. Firewood is the most common cooking fuel by gender with 53% in male headed households and 58% in female headed households.

Soy constituency has the highest level of firewood use in Uasin Gishu County at 84%.This is twice Kapseret constituency, which has the lowest share at 36%. Soy constituency is about 29 percentage points above the county average. Segero/Barsombe ward has the highest level of firewood use in Uasin Gishu County at 97%.This is 32 times Huruma ward, which has the lowest share. Segero/Barsombe ward is 42 percentage points above the county average.

Kapseret constituency has the highest level of charcoal use in Uasin Gishu County at 47%.This is four times Soy constituency, which has the lowest share. Kapseret constituency is 15 percentage points above the county average. Langas ward has the highest level of charcoal use in Uasin Gishu County at 71%.This is 24 times Segero/Barsombe ward, which has the lowest share. Langas ward is 39 percentage points above the county average.

Energy » Lighting

A total of 28% of residents in Uasin Gishu County use electricity as their main source of lighting. A further 44% use lanterns, and 25% use tin lamps. Less than 1% use fuel wood. There is no gender differential in use of electricity with both male and female headed households at 28% in each.

Turbo constituency has the highest level of electricity use at 38%.That is almost four times Soy constituency, which has the lowest level of electricity use. Turbo constituency is 10 percentage points above the county average. Huruma ward has the highest level of electricity use at 63%.That is 62 percentage points above Segero/Barsombe ward, which has the lowest level of electricity use. Huruma ward is 35 percentage points above the county average.

Housing » Flooring

In Uasin Gishu County, 46% of residents have homes with cement floors, while 51% has earth floors. 1% has wood and 2% have tile floors. Kapseret constituency has the highest share of cement floors at 56%.That is twice Soy constituency, which has the lowest share of cement floors. Kapseret constituency is 10 percentage points above the county average. Two wards, Kipkenyo and Huruma, have the highest share of cement floors at 76% each. That is five times Ngenyilel ward, which has the lowest share of cement floors. Kipkenyo and Huruma ward is 30 percentage points above the county average.

Housing » Roofing

In Uasin Gishu County, 1% of residents have homes with concrete roofs, while 84% have corrugated iron sheet roofs. Grass and makuti roofs constitute 8% of homes, and less than 1% has mud/dung roofs.

Kapseret constituency has the highest share of corrugated iron sheet roofs at 92%.That is 19 percentage points above Ainabkoi constituency, which has the lowest share of corrugated iron sheet roofs. Kapseret constituency is 8 percentage points above the county average. Langas ward has the highest share of corrugated iron sheet roofs at 97%.That is 30 percentage points above Kapsoya ward, which has the lowest share of corrugated iron sheet roofs. Langas ward is 13 percentage points above the county average.

Soy constituency has the highest share of grass/makuti roofs at 12%.That is four times Kapseret constituency, which has the lowest share of grass/makuti roofs. Soy constituency is 4 percentage points above the county average. Karuna/Meibeki ward has the highest share of grass/makuti roofs at 23%. This is 23 percentage points above Langas ward, which has no share. Karuna/Meibeki ward is 15 percentage points above the county average.

Housing » Walls

In Uasin Gishu County, 31% of homes have either brick or stone walls. 58% of homes have mud/wood or mud/cement walls. 7% have wood walls. 3% have corrugated iron walls. Less than 1% has grass/thatched walls. 2% have tin or other walls.

Turbo constituency has the highest share of brick/stone walls at 40%.That is twice Soy constituency, which has the lowest share of brick/stone walls. Turbo constituency is 9 percentage points above the county average. Kipkenyo ward has the highest share of brick/stone walls at 61%.That is 12 times Tarakwa ward has the lowest share of brick/stone walls. Kipkenyo ward is 30 percentage points above the county average.

Soy constituency has the highest share of mud with wood/cement walls at 81%.That is almost twice Ainabkoi constituency, which has the lowest share of mud with wood/cement. Soy constituency is 23 percentage points above the county average. Segero/Barsombe ward has the highest share of mud with wood/cement walls at 93%.That is almost four times Kipkenyo ward, which has the lowest share of mud with wood/cement walls. Segero/Barsombe ward is 35 percentage points above the county average.


Improved sources of water comprise protected springs, protected wells, boreholes, piped water into dwellings, collected piped and rain water; while unimproved sources include ponds, dams, lake, stream/river, unprotected springs, unprotected wells, jabia, water vendors and other.

In Uasin Gishu County, 74% of residents use improved sources of water, with the rest relying on unimproved sources. There is no gender differential in use of improved sources with both male and female headed households at 74% each.

Kapseret constituency has the highest share of residents using improved sources of water at 84%.That is 18 percentage points above Soy constituency, which has the lowest share using improved sources of water. Kapseret constituency is 10 percentage points above the county average. Two wards, Kapsaos and Huruma, have the highest share of residents using improved sources of water at 98% each. That is thrice Karuna/Meibeki ward, which has the lowest share using improved sources of water. Kapsaos and Huruma ward is 24 percentage points above the county average.


A total of 78% of residents in Uasin Gishu County use improved sanitation, while the rest use unimproved sanitation. Use of improved sanitation is equal by gender with 78% of male headed households and 77% of female headed households.

Soy constituency has the highest share of residents using improved sanitation at 86%.That is 26 percentage points above Kesses constituency, which has the lowest share using improved sanitation. Soy constituency is 8 percentage points above the county average. Langas ward has the highest share of residents using improved sanitation at 92%.That is twice Megun ward, which has the lowest share using improved sanitation. Langas ward is 14 percentage points above the county average.


  • Population
  • Employment
  • Gini Coefficient
  • Education
  • Cooking Fuel
  • Lighting
  • Flooring
  • Roofing
  • Walls
  • Water
  • Sanitation
Uasin Gishu | Kenya Inequalities (2024)


Uasin Gishu | Kenya Inequalities? ›

Uasin Gishu County's Gini index

Gini index
Definition. The Gini coefficient is an index for the degree of inequality in the distribution of income/wealth, used to estimate how far a country's wealth or income distribution deviates from an equal distribution.
is 0.370 compared with Turkana County, which has the least inequality nationally (0.283).

Which tribe dominates Uasin Gishu County? ›

The Kalenjin occupy the area around Uasin Gishu and according to certain narratives of origin, such as that recorded by Chesaina (1991) they were once attacked by the Uasin Gishu, causing the Kipsigis and Nandi to split.

What is the state of inequality in Kenya? ›

Income inequality in Kenya has been increasing, with the top 10 per cent richest people in the country earning about 43 per cent of total income and the bottom 10 per cent poor earning less than 1 per cent (Table 1.1). The most affected regions are North Eastern, Western and Coast Provinces.

What are the boundaries of Uasin Gishu County? ›

It borders Kericho county to the south, Nandi to the south west, Bungoma to the west, and Trans Nzoia to the north. Also shares borders with Elgeyo Marakwet to the east and Baringo to the South East.

How many divisions are in Uasin Gishu? ›

Moiben is one of the six. divisions of Uasin Gishu District in Rift Valley Province, Kenya. Like many other areas of the country, it is faced with many environmental and social problems such as soil erosion, declining land productivity, reduced tree-based products, and rising poverty levels.

What are the taboos in Kalenjin community? ›

Among the Kalenjin community, it is a taboo for pregnant women to eat the meat of an animal which died by strangling because it is believed that the spirits of this animal will follow the baby and kill it by coiling the umbilical cord around the baby's neck.

What is the ethnicity of Eldoret? ›

Eldoret is often referred to as a cosmopolitan city: A place where several Kenyan ethnic groups live and mingle. The most represented ethnic groups in Eldoret are the Kalenjin, the Kikuyu, the Luhya, the Luo and the Kisii.

What is the poorest tribe in Kenya? ›

The Turkana people are among the poorest in Kenya, and the region has the ten poorest counties in the country. The 2005The /2006 poverty rate in Turkana was estimated at 94.3% compared to an average of 50.8% nationally (see Figure 2). Unemployment levels, especially among the youth are high. ...

Is there gender equality in Kenya? ›

Kenya has nearly achieved gender parity in education at all levels, ensuring inclusive, quality education for all by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No.

Who is the richest person in Kenya? ›

Sameer Naushad Merali led the list of richest people in Kenya as of November 2021, with a fortune estimated at 89.6 billion Kenyan shillings (KSh), nearly 790 million U.S. dollars.

What is the fertility rate in Uasin Gishu County? ›

Uasin Gishu County has a fertility rate of 3.9 children per woman.

What is the cash crop in Uasin Gishu County? ›

Many Uasin Gishu farmers are diversifying from maize and wheat and are now also growing coffee, avocados, macadamia, passion fruit and tree tomatoes. They are practicing pluri-culture, meaning getting income from as many diverse high-value crops as possible.

How big is Uasin Gishu? ›

Uasin Gishu County is one of the counties established by the Constitution of Kenya (2010). It is situated in the Rift Valley region of Kenya and covers a total area of 3,345.2 Km2. It extends between longitudes 340 50' East and 350 37' East and latitudes 00 03' South and 00 55' North.

What is Uasin Gishu known for? ›

Uasin Gishu County is a region renowned for its rich diversity and rapid development. Eldoret City, one of the fastest-growing urban centers in Kenya. Known as the "City of Champions," Eldoret has produced world-class athletes celebrated globally for their achievements.

Which tribe lives in Uasin Gishu? ›

The Maasai arrived in early 1600 and displaced the Sirikwa people occupied the Plateau and named it as Uasin Gishu after the Illwuasin-Kishu Maasai clan which was a grazing area of the clan.

What is the slogan of Uasin Gishu County? ›

Elgeyo Marakwet is best known by the slogan 'Home of Champions', Uasin Gishu – 'City of Champions', while Nandi adopted 'Source of Champions' to market their potentials.

Uasin Gishu County - Wikiwand articlesWikiwand ›

Uasin Gishu County is one of the 47 counties of Kenya located in the former Rift Valley Province. Eldoret has the county's largest population centre as well...
According to the 2019 Population and Housing Census, the total population of Uasin Gishu County stood at 1,163,186. With a population growth rate of 3.8%. The p...
General Information. Eldoret is a town in western Kenya. It is the capital and largest town in Uasin Gishu County. Lying south of the Cherangani Hills, the loca...

What are the Kalenjin known for? ›

The Kalenjin have been called by some "the running tribe." Since the mid-1960s, Kenyan men have earned the largest share of major honours in international athletics at distances from 800 meters to the marathon; the vast majority of these Kenyan running stars have been Kalenjin.

What is the most employed tribe in Kenya? ›

Kalenjins, Kikuyus, Luhyas and Luos lead the 10 tribes that dominate employment opportunities in all the 47 counties with an 80% recruitment margin. 29 tribes make up for only 1% of job recruitment in the devolved units. Kalenjins lead by 15.83%, followed by Kikuyus at 15.77%.

Are Kalenjins from Egypt? ›

As we read in Wanguhu Ng'ang'a's newly published book Communities of Kenya, the Ogiek were the natives of that land. The Kalenjin were later conquerors. Like the Israelites, who travelled northwards, the Kalenjin came southwards from Egypt.

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